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And the left is out there, not even shy about it, telling all their politicians to ignore this "caravan" and to concentrate on other things. I would also have ZERO doubt that someone is helping them to some extent. And will help further once they reach the border. The left couldn't care less about our country, or borders or immigration laws... They would rather help folks that try and sneak into our country - MUCH MORE so than they want to help our American homeless, our veterans in need of assistance & those in TRUE need around our country. But nope, the left will ignore them - and then welcome in votes.. I mean illegals, with open arms.
It literally sickens me to see such a huge percentage of our country that is willing to shit on our own Americans in need - and then brag about getting illegals here and helping them first.
If up to me? Put up 50,000 signs starting 2 miles away, and continue up til our border. Make it known, shots WILL be fired at anyone trying to enter our "home" illegally. Also if up to me, cover the border with any and all of our available soldiers, whether marines or the guard, don't care - just don't let people come here and make "demands" instantly. The Hondurans are on their way here - paint a swastika on the American flag and then burn it. They outright state they want jobs and freebies. I say fuck 'em, let them turn around and walk another 2,000 miles home.
Globalists, no nations, no borders- one world government-- that is who is helping them , that is who installed the obama, that is who is engineering the weakening of this great nation by division, chaos, violence, propaganda, bought out politicians = dem party and all with the aid of this nation's enemies both foreign and domestic.
Immigration is the primary weapon as they seed in elements that will weaken us, strive to support their ally the dem party and soak up our resources and tax our hospitals, law enforcement entities, our maintaining our culture, etc.....-Anybody interested in the truth google research globalists.
They do not even try to hide it anymore as they did decades ago. -Tyr
18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.