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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Full Round table, Senator Ron Johnson
    opening speech by RFK jr.

    ...for those who are interested.
    or who don't already know everything.

    participants include Jordan Peterson, Jillian Michaels, and Calley Means( Calley Means is the person interviewed in the fox news clip from the 1st post)

    "Sen. Johnson and a panel of experts provide a foundational and historical understanding of the changes that have occurred over the last century within public sanitation, agriculture, food processing, and healthcare industries which impact the current state of national health."
    There have been changes in every single facet of our lives just within the last 50 years, never mind an entire century. Penicillin is only 100 years old and people took the train.

    Speaking of old, Phillip Morris manipulating the strength or lack thereof in its tobacco products was news 20 or more years ago. Phillip Morris diversifying once the product that built this country went out of fashion is a wise business move.

    Aside from all the unhealthy junk they put in processed food to make it taste good while meeting all the self-indulgent crybabies' needs for instant gratification, I don't see what you are bitching about. If you want fresh, basic foods they are available. Just not convenient. The people who make up the market for all that junk food are every bit as guilty as the people supplying the market.

    If they took all that junk food off the market in the best interest of people's health, you'd be bitching your freedom of choice was being trampled by a Big Brother government.

    Sugar is addictive. People build their own dependency on it by choice. Those who still want it but not the guilt have created an entire market of fake sugar products so they can fool themselves some more. As stated in another thread, where there's a want/need, there're snake oil salesmen.

    I mostly don't eat processed anything but there are times when it's that or nothing and I don't need some conspiracy theorists or bureaucrats deciding what's best for me.

    It is not those of us who don't claim to know everything that are acting like we know something nobody else does
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    There have been changes in every single facet of our lives just within the last 50 years, never mind an entire century. Penicillin is only 100 years old and people took the train.

    Speaking of old, Phillip Morris manipulating the strength or lack thereof in its tobacco products was news 20 or more years ago. Phillip Morris diversifying once the product that built this country went out of fashion is a wise business move.

    Aside from all the unhealthy junk they put in processed food to make it taste good while meeting all the self-indulgent crybabies' needs for instant gratification, I don't see what you are bitching about. If you want fresh, basic foods they are available. Just not convenient. The people who make up the market for all that junk food are every bit as guilty as the people supplying the market.

    If they took all that junk food off the market in the best interest of people's health, you'd be bitching your freedom of choice was being trampled by a Big Brother government.
    I'm Ok with Maryjuwana' being legal, alchohol & cigerrttes too.
    Not sure why you'd think I'd have a problem with junk food.
    My problem is with the Junk food makers, big Ag & big pharma controlling the markets and the legislation & the regulatory agencies.
    Making it hard for people to even TALK about the benefits of good food. (websites literally have been taken down that promote good food while junk food can be promoted without ANY censor and threat of lawsuits) much less find it the stores for a decent price

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    It is not those of us who don't claim to know everything that are acting like we know something nobody else does
    Did someone comment that my earlier post was out of left field? as if they knew better or that they already knew all about the details & it was false. So they backhandedly dismissed it.

    I'm just posting what's news & seems interesting... at least to me.

    I didn't know about the Coca Cola execs story until you posted it.
    My post was more info from the same guy.
    Apologies if it comes across as if I know it all. I'd never heard the info myself.

    BTW, 1 thing you might take note of about me... If i don't know anything or little about a subject I typically don't make many comments... or pissy remarks... I'll usually ask questions.
    Last edited by revelarts; Today at 07:39 PM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    I'm Ok with Maryjuwana' being legal, alchohol & cigerrttes too.
    Not sure why you'd think I'd have a problem with junk food.
    My problem is with the Junk food makers, big Ag & big pharma controlling the markets and the legislation & the regulatory agencies.
    Making it hard for people to even TALK about the benefits of good food. (websites literally have been taken down that promote good food while junk food can be promoted without ANY censor and threat of lawsuits) much less find it the stores for a decent price

    Did someone comment that my earlier post was out of left field? as if they knew better or that they already knew all about the details & it was false. So they backhandedly dismissed it.

    I'm just posting what's news & seems interesting... at least to me.

    I didn't know about the cocca cola execs story until you posted it.
    My post was more info from the same guy.
    Apologies if it comes across as if I know it all. I'd never heard the info myself.

    BTW, 1 thing you might take note of about me... If i don't know anything or little about a subject I typically don't make many comments... or pissy remarks... I'll usually ask questions.
    Look, I'm all with you on whole food, it's pretty much all I've eaten most of my life. Oh I've tried mac and cheese from mix, yuk! Even 'organic' like Annie's, yuk! I did not fee my kids on processed foods, nor myself. My mom was a home cook, not into processed foods, with exception of Potato Buds, thanks to me and texture problem with lumps in potatoes. LOL! That I know about that level of processing tells how odd it was in our home.

    Yes, they had an occasional McD's, but other than the toy hype and peer factors, they really never developed a taste for such. Indeed, they pretty much are the same regarding feeding their families as I was/am.

    Never went the kool-aid or fruit 'beverage' route either. Pop was for parties, during the summer I might buy a 12 pack, usually still there when weather cooled. Water, coffee, teas, and juices are pretty much our drinks. I used to do wine, my boys will have either scotch or bourbon. Good stuff though, doubt there are additives. LOL!

    Here's the difference, I don't bother others about what they choose to eat. I think @Gunny spears meat and holds it over a flame for a few seconds-not my idea of a good meal, then again, he thinks I'm a nutty over doer. LOL! It's all ok, we can pick on each other. OTOH, if RFK wants to go for road kill? Not my business, but I don't think I'm asking for a recipe.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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