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    Default Michael Irvin's speech

    One incredible speech and from what I understand, no notes....... Rush spoke about it on his program today.

    Transcript from Michael Irvin's speech
    By Star-Telegram

    Pro Football Hall of Fame, Saturday in Canton, Ohio.
    Former Cowboys wide receiver Michael Irvin was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame Saturday. The emotional Irvin began his acceptance speech with a prayer. Here’s what he had to say:

    Thank you. Father, I’d like to thank you for allowing us all to travel here safely, thank you in advance for the same in allowing us to travel home.

    Father, thank you for the man that you sent me to help me in Bishop T.D. Jakes, my spiritual father. I ask you now to put your arms around my Hall of Fame classmate Gene Hickerson and his family. Father, hold them tight and love them right. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

    Thank you.

    I want to send a special love to all the people in Dallas, Texas, special love to all the Dallas Cowboy fans all over the world. Special love goes to my hometown of South Florida and all the Miami Hurricane fans, St.Thomas Aquinas fans.

    I want to send love to every fan everywhere because you hear so often that people say, Oh, these are the guys that built the game. No. It’s your hunger and your love for the game, your love for what we do that make this game what it is. I thank you for loving the game like we love it.

    Jerry, those were kind words. Thank you. You know, when I first met Jerry he had just purchased the Dallas Cowboys. He had a bit of a concerned look on his face. I said to him, I said, We will have fun and we will win Super Bowls. You see, I knew Jerry had put all he had into purchasing the Cowboys. That’s the way I see Jerry. He’s a man that’s willing to give all he has and all he wants to bring the Cowboy family Super Bowls.

    Jerry, I appreciate your commitment to family, the Dallas Cowboy family and your own family. He has a beautiful wife, Jean. I tell her this. I just love her to death. Her spirit exudes beauty. Her mannerisms exude class. She’s one of a kind. Jean, I do love you.

    They have beautiful kids, daughter Charlotte, son Steven and Jerry, Jr. Each have played a role in my life and I thank all of them.

    A heartfelt thank you to the selection committee, especially Rick Gosselin and Charean Williams. Charean is the first woman to have a seat on the selection committee. Charean, congratulations to you.

    These gentlemen behind me, these men, they inspired me to become the player that I became. As I spent this week with these gentlemen that I’ve admired growing up, I kept thinking about how gifted they are. Man, they’re gifted to run and cut, gifted to throw and catch, gifted to run through blocks and make great tackles.

    And then I met their wives and their families and I realized that it’s not only about the gift God gave us, but equally important is the help that God gave us. It’s the people that God put in place to support us on our journey. So I will try to put the credit in the right place tonight and share with you my help and my journey.

    I thank God for the help of my father Walter Irvin, whom I lost at the age of 17. He was my hero and he loved, I’m telling you, he loved the Dallas Cowboys. I woke up this morning smiling knowing that my father had not be here in the flesh but that he is in heaven watching and celebrating with his alltime favorite coach, Coach Tom Landry.

    Also Tex Schamm, Derrick Shepard and Mark Tuinei. Those guys, we think about them here, we feel them here. They will always be with us.

    Before my father made his journey to heaven I sat with him. His final words to me were, Promise me you will take care of your mother. She’s a good woman. As you’ve heard, my mother raised 17 children, most of whom are here tonight. There were challenges. But she would never complain. She always walked around the house and said, God has promised me that my latter days will be better than my former days. My mom and my Aunt Fanny, her oldest sister, they are part of my travel squad now.

    As we travel, all they want is a nice room and an open tab on room service. When my workday is done I get to come by their room and we tell stories and we laugh and we have fun. We always end the night with them telling me, Baby, this is what God meant when he said, Our latter days will be better than our former days.

    I can’t tell you how it makes me feel to know that God uses me to deliver His promise. I love you, mom. I love you, Aunt Fanny.

    For better or for worse, those are the vows we take before God in marriage. It’s easy to live with the for better, but rarely can you find someone who sticks around and endures the for worse. Sandy, my beautiful wife, I have worked tirelessly, baby, to give you the for better. But I also gave you the for worse, and you didn’t deserve it. You didn’t deserve it.

    But through it all I experienced the depth of your love and I thank God for you. I love the mother that you are, the wife that you are, I love the way that you take care of our family, our daughters Myesha and Chelsea, and our sons Michael and Elijah. I thank you from a place that I can’t mention, I can’t even express, baby, for keeping our family together. I love you so much.

    My football family, as Jerry told you, began at St.Thomas Aquinas High School under the wise tutelage of a great coach named George Smith. George Smith dedicated 37 years to that great program. He’s a great man. I thank all the people at St.Thomas for believing in a young man like me.

    And then I went on to the University of Miami. I think most of y’all know how I feel about the U. Yeah, the U. You better believe it. After that I was drafted by the Dallas Cowboys where I played and worked with some of the best to ever be around this game. For example, Emmitt Smith. Emmitt Smith is the alltime leading rusher.

    The great thing about that, his rookie year he said to me he was going to become the alltime leading rusher. I doubted him like I think everybody would have. But what an inspiration to be in a room and see a man set a goal so high and then be persistent, be dedicated, and accomplish that which he set out to accomplish. Emmitt, you’re an inspiration to so many.

    The third part and the third member The Triplets is Troy Aikman. My quarterback, our leader. Troy Aikman led us to three Super Bowls. When I said "led," I mean led, to three Super Bowls. He’s the winningest quarterback in the decade of the ’90s. If you talk to him and you ask him what’s his most memorable game, he will tell you that ’94 NFC Championship game that everybody’s talking about.

    It’s a game we were down by 21 and we lost, but we never gave up. That’s the mark of a true leader. All he wants is for each player to give all he has all the time. That’s Troy Aikman.

    That game is one of my most memorable games for all those reasons, but it had a little something extra for me. We were down 21. Troy came to that huddle with those big blue eyes and he looked up and he said, Hey, I’m coming to you no matter what. Whew, let me tell you. As a wide receiver, that’s all I ever wanted to hear. Just come to me no matter what. And he did, he did. He came to me no matter what.

    But, Troy, you’ve always come to me no matter what, and I’m not just talking about on the football field. For that, you have a special place in my heart. You always will no matter what. I love you, Troy. I love you deeply.

    As The Triplets, we received most of the press, the credit. But we were surrounded with some great guys, great players, talented guys. Guys like Darren Woodson, Dallas Cowboys alltime leading tackle. My Cowboy counterpart Jay Novacek, what a great tight end he is. Daryl Johnston, the unsung hero, Moose. Larry Allen and Eric Williams are two of the better linemen, if not the best linemen, to ever play this game. The big fella, Nate Newton. Jim Jeffcoat. And one of the best cornerbacks and the finest athlete I’ve ever been around, that’s Deion Sanders, Prime Time.

    So, so many more.

    You can’t accomplish what we’ve accomplished with just great players. You also need great coaches. And we had that. We had guys like Norv Turner, Dave Wannstedt, Dave Campo. My position coach, coach Hubbard Alexander, who is my heart. Coach, you took me as a young man out of high school, and I know I gave you a lot of mess through the years. Thank you for being there, Coach. And our head coach, he had always be my head coach, that’s Jimmy Johnson.

    We worked hard. We had the best, and I’m telling you the very best, and I’m willing to take an argument with anybody on this, strength and conditioning coach in the world. His name is Mike Warsick. He has six Super Bowl rings. Six, people. Twice he has won three Super Bowls in four years, once with us and now with the New England Patriots. So if anybody wants to take an argument, I am a debater. I am here and ready.

    Mike Warsick, you are, man, the very best. You put me back together from that knee injury. As we always tell each other when we say goodbye, MissPaw (phonetic), which means may God hold you till we see each other again.

    I also walked on campus at the University of Miami the same day with our PR director, Rich Dalrymple. I know some of you are saying it’s fitting that you are tight with the PR director, Michael. But Rich has been a great friend. When I walk in his office now Rich has a picture of us. He has pictures of us at the University of Miami with this nice beautiful black hair, and then he has pictures of us now when he’s all gray.

    He says to me all the time, You see these gray hairs? I say, Yeah. He says, You gave them to me. I tell him, I say, Well, you see those four championship rings you have? I gave them to you, too.

    I have experienced all this game has to offer on the football field, the losing, going 3-13, even 1-15. In my second season the career-threatening knee injury, thinking I would never play this game that I love again. And even in 1999, the career-ending neck injury. That which football players fear the most.

    But I’ve also had some beautiful victories. We won three Super Bowls in four years. I can’t tell you what that feels like. And we did it with guys that we loved to play with and guys that we loved. Folks, I’m telling you, that’s the true essence of a football family, and that’s exactly what we are not was what we are. I love all of those guys that I played with.

    Since retiring I have developed a deeper awareness and understanding for this game. First as a fan and then as an analyst. That is why I’ve learned it’s so much more than merely a game. Thanks to ESPN. Thank you, ESPN, for giving me the opportunity to travel to NFL stadiums throughout this country, visiting with fans, and seeing this game from a completely different perspective.

    The movie, Remember the Titans, is my favorite movie, staring Denzel Washington. I love the way in this movie the game of football brings those boys together, it unites those boys on that football field. It unites a whole town, black, white, old, young, rich and poor. It happens every year around this time in NFL locker rooms and NFL stadiums. So don’t tell me it’s just a game.

    My favorite day was Monday, September the 25th, 2006. New Orleans, Louisiana, site of the Superdome. I watched our people who had suffered so grievously through Hurricane Katrina fill a stadium hours before a game and stay hours after the game. I witnessed those fans as they looked for each other, hugged one another and just be thankful to be in that stadium.

    You see the game flexed its greatest muscle that day: the ability to heal. I experienced a football game that contributed to the healing of a city. So don’t tell me it’s just a game.

    You know the Bible speaks of a healing place. It’s called a threshing floor. The threshing floor is where you take your greatest fear and you pray for help from your great God. I want to share something with you today. I have two sons. Michael, he’s 10, and Elijah, he’s 8. Michael and Elijah, could you guys stand up for me.

    That’s my heart right there. That’s my heart. When I am on that threshing floor, I pray. I say, God, I have my struggles and I made some bad decisions, but whatever you do, whatever you do, don’t let me mess this up.

    I say, Please, help me raise them for some young lady so that they can be a better husband than I. Help me raise them for their kids so that they could be a better father than I. And I tell you guys to always do the right thing so you can be a better role model than dad. I sat right here where you are last year and I watched the Class of 2006: Troy Aikman, Warren Moon, Harry Carson, Rayfield Wright, John Madden, and the late great Reggie White represented by his wife Sara White. And I said, Wow, that’s what a Hall of Famer is.

    Certainly I am not that. I doubted I would ever have the chance to stand before you today. So when I returned home, I spoke with Michael and Elijah . I said, That’s how you do it, son. You do it like they did it. Michael asked, he said, Dad, do you ever think we will be there? And I didn’t know how to answer that. And it returned me to that threshing floor. This time I was voiceless, but my heart cried out. God, why must I go through so many peaks and valleys?

    I wanted to stand in front of my boys and say, Do it like your dad, like any proud dad would want to. Why must I go through so much?

    At that moment a voice came over me and said, Look up, get up, and don’t ever give up. You tell everyone or anyone that has ever doubted, thought they did not measure up or wanted to quit, you tell them to look up, get up and don’t ever give up.

    Thank you and may God bless you.

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    Irvin's a fucking crackhead.

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    Quote Originally Posted by OCA View Post
    Irvin's a fucking crackhead.
    He is easily the most well spoken crackhead on the planet then. I don't pretend to know anything about football, I would watch track before a football game but this speech is outstanding....... especially for a former crackhead football player.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sitarro View Post
    He is easily the most well spoken crackhead on the planet then. I don't pretend to know anything about football, I would watch track before a football game but this speech is outstanding....... especially for a former crackhead football player.

    Must've had a speechwriter at ESPN hook him up because well spoken and him haven't been used in the same sentence too often. Just can't get past the several times he's been caught with rocks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sitarro View Post
    He is easily the most well spoken crackhead on the planet then. I don't pretend to know anything about football, I would watch track before a football game but this speech is outstanding....... especially for a former crackhead football player.
    Really?? You ever watch him Sunday mornins?

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    Quote Originally Posted by jackass View Post
    Really?? You ever watch him Sunday mornins?
    Thats what i'm sayin! That and those tie knots that are 2 ft wide.

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    Quote Originally Posted by OCA View Post
    Thats what i'm sayin! That and those tie knots that are 2 ft wide.

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    Alright...... I'll take your word for it........ I did notice the tie. I didn't see the speech, I just read the transcripts and heard Rush say he gave it without notes. Seems like I have tuned into that show before and he didn't seem exactly "quick".

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    You guys are funny. But, believe it or not, I watched this speech with my Dad, and we were both stunned at how well-spoken he was, especially considering the way he talks on pregames.
    Free the West Memphis 3....

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    Quote Originally Posted by dan View Post
    You guys are funny. But, believe it or not, I watched this speech with my Dad, and we were both stunned at how well-spoken he was, especially considering the way he talks on pregames.
    I will admit I did not watch the speech. Only thing I would have watched if for was if he fell on his way to give it and he broke his leg.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jackass View Post
    I was watching the pregame 1 game last season and there is the part where they all take off their jackets and move over to this fake miniature field to dissect some play or another and Mike's end of his tie was barely past his nipples!

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    Quote Originally Posted by OCA View Post
    I was watching the pregame 1 game last season and there is the part where they all take off their jackets and move over to this fake miniature field to dissect some play or another and Mike's end of his tie was barely past his nipples!
    Someone needs to tell him the 70's arent coming back!!

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    I will admit I did not watch the speech. Only thing I would have watched if for was if he fell on his way to give it and he broke his leg.
    Have you ever seen that clip of Kelsey Grammer busting his ass falling off a stage? It's funny, for some reason this reminded me of that.
    Free the West Memphis 3....

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    Quote Originally Posted by dan View Post

    Have you ever seen that clip of Kelsey Grammer busting his ass falling off a stage? It's funny, for some reason this reminded me of that.

    Hahaha. I did. That was a good one.

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