Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
This is all I and many others wanted acknowledged from the beginning.
but mask, lockdowns and vaccines were promoted as THE only way to deal with covid Kath.
everyone was supposed to get on the same page ... OR ELSE.
Everything else, like ivermectin, was and still is not taken seriously.
worse the information has been censored, banned, websites shut down, and many drs lost their credentials etc..

Yes, many people are not open to consider anything but what they've long understood as "the right way" to approach some problems.
But frankly that problem is not one that leans in my direction.

So when the next coming gain of function virus that the govt funds comes along do you think the gov't will point your kids & grand kids in the right direction to make the best decisions?
So no one should really talk about what happened this time?
Or that the vaccines they've taken "maybe" be problem down the road is not worth discussing?

I mean As i said earlier, it's fine if people want to wait for more info on the vaccine dangers and assume there's not enough info either way... for them to think there's a "serious" problem.
ok, that's fine.
But personally I Just don't think it's honest to pretend that at this point there is not MORE information pointing in one direction than another.

People's feelings are important of course, but somehow, 3 years of HARD CORE lies & censorship of facts, and real govt coercion to the point of job & biz losses. Not to mention real medical injuries and death, any empathy left to send to those folks?

I get we all can only deal with so many issues but please, let's not act like we should all just be polite and move on.
Many people literally cannot move on because they have "mysterious" new cancers, heart damage, other injuries or are dead.
It's not the last war. It's a problem now, people are sick now. People are getting/dealing with cancers & heart problems now AND the drug companies and WHO are promoting MORE of the same vaccines and gov't or WHO controls to tell people what to take now.

It may not be your issue but it's not just a matter of the old war.
we all need to do our best when making decisions,
and have the freedom to do so,
to do that we all need access to enough information medically and the legal freedoms that allow us to do what we think is best.
Seems like something still worth talking about IMO.
It's 2024, not 2020. Time to move on.