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    Default Biden's Impending Immigration Blunder Will Cause a Border Stampede

    Remember all those caravans turned back? How many will be trying to return before long? With amnesty, open borders and talk of ripping the wall down, only a matter of time.


    Biden's Impending Immigration Blunder Will Cause a Border Stampede

    In late December of last year, President-elect Joe Biden sought to lower expectations about any swift changes in immigration and asylum policies once he took office. Though he had pledged to make a clear break with the tough stance against illegal immigrants implemented by the Trump administration, in comments made a few days before Christmas, Biden spoke as if he understood that events were already starting to overtake his desire for a "more compassionate" approach to the issue.

    Stating that he was worried about the possibility of having "two million people" attempting to cross the border, Biden opined that encouraging such a surge would be "the last thing we need." The only option was, he said, to wait for "probably the next six months" before changing any rules that would make it easier for the United States to process asylum seekers.

    Biden was reacting to reports published earlier in December that outlined what had been happening on the southern border, especially in the aftermath of his election victory. What The New York Times called "a new rush at the border" was unfolding with caravans of migrants forming in Central America and a huge increase in the number of people caught trying to illegally cross into the United States. A 15-year-long decline in detentions and illegal immigration, which had gone even lower after the pandemic-induced measures that had effectively closed the border throughout much of 2020, was ending.

    The number of dead bodies recovered of those who had fallen prey to the very real dangers of putting themselves in the hands of coyotes, or running out of water and provisions in the desert, was going up. But the understandable belief that the Trump administration's strict enforcement measures were soon to be replaced by Biden's compassion meant that the number of those willing to take their chances and illegally enter the country was rising.

    But that sensible caution is now being tossed into the wind. As reports in both Politico and The New York Times made clear, Biden is going big by unveiling a comprehensive immigration bill on Inauguration Day. The scale of his ambition is immense, with the legislation aiming at providing a path to citizenship for all illegal immigrants currently in the country.

    Nor will this be an effort to govern from the center, as the president-elect has often promised to do. Unlike previous efforts at overhauling America's broken immigration system, there will reportedly be nothing in the bill about strengthening security at the border so as to prevent the offer of whole-scale amnesty from acting to increase the flow of people without the legal right to enter the country.

    This is exactly what the Democratic base, which supports not just amnesty but also free health care for illegal immigrants, has been demanding for years. The only thing they appear to not like is that Biden's plan will reportedly call for an eight-year waiting period while those seeking citizenship would be legal residents. Advocates for the illegal immigrants and the so-called "DREAM-ers"—those who were brought to the United States illegally while they were children—prefer a waiting time of only four years, but they would still be happy with eight.

    While Biden's proposed changes in the asylum system will still likely be on hold for several months as more immigration judges and other personnel are put in place, the caution that he showed a few weeks ago is clearly gone. And any thought of trying to send a deterring message to those in Central America is equally forgotten, even if the new bill will increase aid to those countries.

    While the post-November surge should have been enough by itself to remind Americans that the possibility of amnesty has a major impact on the number of border crossings, this is hardly the first time such a trend has been made clear.

    Rest -
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Elections have consequences.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    Elections have consequences.
    Yup, a troll.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Biden's plan concentrates on immigrants already in the country. It does not invite others to cross the border. Biden's advance team has already been negotiating with the involved countries. Guatemala is currently evicting immigrants from Honduras and El Salvador that have crossed the border. Mexico has already sealed its southern border due to Covid-19 concerns. -------------> Translate this link to find details of Biden's plan and how it affects Central America (in this case, Guatemala). ------->

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    Default You failed again petey AOC...

    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    Elections have consequences.

    Your try at impersonating OBAMA just won't work, no matter how smart you think you are.
    I may be older than most. I may say things not everybody will like.
    But despite all of that. I will never lower myself to the level of Liars, Haters, Cheats, and Hypocrites.
    Philippians 4:13 I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me:

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    Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
    Biden's plan concentrates on immigrants already in the country. It does not invite others to cross the border. Biden's advance team has already been negotiating with the involved countries. Guatemala is currently evicting immigrants from Honduras and El Salvador that have crossed the border. Mexico has already sealed its southern border due to Covid-19 concerns. -------------> Translate this link to find details of Biden's plan and how it affects Central America (in this case, Guatemala). ------->
    He does plan on addressing those already in the country. And also, if you were honest and followed for real - he plans on opening the floodgates in several other ways as time goes forward. The bans will be lifted, Biden wants to rip down the wall but not sure how far that gets just yet... Increasing the amount of refugees per year and not turning folks away. That IS an invitation when you fight Trump's words about stopping folks at the border and he states he'll put an end to all of it. Of course Mexico will address it's own needs as they should, which does affect who ultimately makes it to the border. But without someone making threats and demands, we'll see how much they care then. Right now Mexico and others are more concerned at their borders due to the virus. But that will eventually change. And if/when things go back to normal, then the gates will be open and waiting for them.

    For a nation that doesn't barely prosecute them, let's them back in anyway many a time, even with criminal records... and talk of amnesty, and licenses & potential voting rights & free monies for support & more, why wouldn't they try to come here when a leader changes from someone anti-illegal immigration to other leaders that fight those who crack down on them? Or is it possible they lied or are hypocritical in their many many statements condemning Trump's actions?
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Remember all those caravans turned back? How many will be trying to return before long? With amnesty, open borders and talk of ripping the wall down, only a matter of time.
    Don't worry, not patting myself on the shoulder, I think everyone saw this coming. What I didn't fully see coming was things getting bad so quickly.


    Correcting The Biden Administration’s Lies About The Border Crisis

    What is happening right now on the border and within the United States regarding illegal immigration is being misrepresented by the Biden administration and much of the media. Most nightly television broadcasts do not even mention the chaos on the border, what is causing it and what the government is doing in response. When they do, they merely copy the administration’s talking points that are inaccurate and misleading.

    There is currently a surge at the border. Border Patrol is apprehending more than 4,000 people a day. There was one day last week that they arrested over 4,700 people. They are calculating that there is an additional 500-1,000 escaping apprehension daily. Those that are getting away are estimated by sensor traffic and camera traffic that Border Patrol couldn’t quickly respond to.

    It is likely that we will see more than 120,000 a month cross illegally, or 1.4 million in a year at this rate. That is an unprecedented surge, especially from children and family groups. That is not a border under control.

    Thankfully, Title 42 (COVID restriction) is still in place for adults, so many of those that enter can be turned back around immediately, but that will end soon. It is already being ignored by the Biden administration as more than 108 positive cases have already entered the country illegally and were quickly released. When Title 42 goes away for good, the border is lost.

    So why is the border surging when just a few months ago illegal crossings were at an historic low? The answer is simple and you don’t have to be a border expert to understand. It is because the Biden administration is tearing down the progress that President Trump made piece by piece. They stopped building the wall. They ended the Remain in Mexico Program. They have stopped 90 percent of interior enforcement by taking U.S. Immigration and Customs (ICE) out of play. They are promising free health care for those that enter the country illegally. They are promising mass amnesty along with rewarding Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients with citizenship.

    The first point to clarify is that the wall works. The data is clear. The Biden administration says it doesn’t work. They are lying. The data clearly shows everywhere they have built the wall, illegal immigration has declined. It’s a fact, but they refuse to actually look at the data and the facts because it doesn’t play with their false narrative. Where is the surge happening right now? Where there isn’t a wall.

    The Remain in Mexico Program was designed to address the massive amount of fraudulent asylum claims. The policy that President Trump stopped was allowing asylum seekers to use the asylum loophole to get into the U.S. and disappear. The data is clear on this, too. The Department of Justice stats clearly show about 90 percent of all Central Americans that enter this country and claim asylum never get relief from the courts because they simply don’t qualify or they never show up in court. That is a fact.

    In response, the Biden administration is now allowing them to come back in knowing that most won’t qualify and will flee into America and hide. They will hide long enough for the next giveaway whether it is amnesty or DACA. Again, this administration ignores the data and the facts. Less than 3 percent of the nearly one million family units that entered this country illegally since FY12 have left after being ordered deported. And while they are here, many of them will qualify for work authorization and will compete with middle class Americans in a tough job market.

    Rest - https://www.theamericanconservative....border-crisis/
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Default There's an easy answer to see how Honest Gabby is...

    If everything is as WELL PLANNED and thought-out, and easily controlled by the Biden admin.
    Maybe Gabby and all of her TOLERANT LIBERAL FRIENDS won't mind giving all of their RICHES to those ILLEGALS who are poor...UNTIL JOE gives all of them $1400 dollar checks for COMING TO AMERICA?
    I may be older than most. I may say things not everybody will like.
    But despite all of that. I will never lower myself to the level of Liars, Haters, Cheats, and Hypocrites.
    Philippians 4:13 I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me:

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Remember all those caravans turned back? How many will be trying to return before long? With amnesty, open borders and talk of ripping the wall down, only a matter of time.
    Biden's Impending Immigration Blunder Will Cause a Border Stampede

    In late December of last year, President-elect Joe Biden sought to lower expectations about any swift changes in immigration and asylum policies once he took office. Though he had pledged to make a clear break with the tough stance against illegal immigrants implemented by the Trump administration, in comments made a few days before Christmas, Biden spoke as if he understood that events were already starting to overtake his desire for a "more compassionate" approach to the issue.

    Stating that he was worried about the possibility of having "two million people" attempting to cross the border, Biden opined that encouraging such a surge would be "the last thing we need." The only option was, he said, to wait for "probably the next six months" before changing any rules that would make it easier for the United States to process asylum seekers.

    Biden was reacting to reports published earlier in December that outlined what had been happening on the southern border, especially in the aftermath of his election victory. What The New York Times called "a new rush at the border" was unfolding with caravans of migrants forming in Central America and a huge increase in the number of people caught trying to illegally cross into the United States. A 15-year-long decline in detentions and illegal immigration, which had gone even lower after the pandemic-induced measures that had effectively closed the border throughout much of 2020, was ending.

    The number of dead bodies recovered of those who had fallen prey to the very real dangers of putting themselves in the hands of coyotes, or running out of water and provisions in the desert, was going up. But the understandable belief that the Trump administration's strict enforcement measures were soon to be replaced by Biden's compassion meant that the number of those willing to take their chances and illegally enter the country was rising.

    But that sensible caution is now being tossed into the wind. As reports in both Politico and The New York Times made clear, Biden is going big by unveiling a comprehensive immigration bill on Inauguration Day. The scale of his ambition is immense, with the legislation aiming at providing a path to citizenship for all illegal immigrants currently in the country.

    Nor will this be an effort to govern from the center, as the president-elect has often promised to do. Unlike previous efforts at overhauling America's broken immigration system, there will reportedly be nothing in the bill about strengthening security at the border so as to prevent the offer of whole-scale amnesty from acting to increase the flow of people without the legal right to enter the country.

    This is exactly what the Democratic base, which supports not just amnesty but also free health care for illegal immigrants, has been demanding for years. The only thing they appear to not like is that Biden's plan will reportedly call for an eight-year waiting period while those seeking citizenship would be legal residents. Advocates for the illegal immigrants and the so-called "DREAM-ers"—those who were brought to the United States illegally while they were children—prefer a waiting time of only four years, but they would still be happy with eight.

    While Biden's proposed changes in the asylum system will still likely be on hold for several months as more immigration judges and other personnel are put in place, the caution that he showed a few weeks ago is clearly gone. And any thought of trying to send a deterring message to those in Central America is equally forgotten, even if the new bill will increase aid to those countries.

    While the post-November surge should have been enough by itself to remind Americans that the possibility of amnesty has a major impact on the number of border crossings, this is hardly the first time such a trend has been made clear.

    Rest -[/QUOTE]

    Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
    Biden's plan concentrates on immigrants already in the country. It does not invite others to cross the border. Biden's advance team has already been negotiating with the involved countries. Guatemala is currently evicting immigrants from Honduras and El Salvador that have crossed the border. Mexico has already sealed its southern border due to Covid-19 concerns. -------------> Translate this link to find details of Biden's plan and how it affects Central America (in this case, Guatemala). ------->
    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    He does plan on addressing those already in the country. And also, if you were honest and followed for real - he plans on opening the floodgates in several other ways as time goes forward. The bans will be lifted, Biden wants to rip down the wall but not sure how far that gets just yet... Increasing the amount of refugees per year and not turning folks away. That IS an invitation when you fight Trump's words about stopping folks at the border and he states he'll put an end to all of it. Of course Mexico will address it's own needs as they should, which does affect who ultimately makes it to the border. But without someone making threats and demands, we'll see how much they care then. Right now Mexico and others are more concerned at their borders due to the virus. But that will eventually change. And if/when things go back to normal, then the gates will be open and waiting for them.

    For a nation that doesn't barely prosecute them, let's them back in anyway many a time, even with criminal records... and talk of amnesty, and licenses & potential voting rights & free monies for support & more, why wouldn't they try to come here when a leader changes from someone anti-illegal immigration to other leaders that fight those who crack down on them? Or is it possible they lied or are hypocritical in their many many statements condemning Trump's actions?
    So it's been about approximately 5 months in now. And I would say that a major blunder and a border stampede was correct by msn. Amnesty talk, free money, airfare & for many temporary housing. And the results thus far? Which of course they try to pin on Trump at times, which is laughable.

    Biden Border Crisis Sinks To Worst Level In DHS History, Explodes 674% Over Last Year

    Democrat President Joe Biden’s crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border sank to new lows last month as U.S. law enforcement officials apprehended more illegal aliens trying to enter the U.S. than in any other month on record at the Department of Homeland Security, which was founded in 2002.

    “In May 2021, CBP encountered 180,034 persons attempting entry along the Southwest Border,” U.S. Customs and Border Protection said in a statement. “Single adults continue to make up the majority of these encounters.”

    The disastrous border numbers for last month represented a staggering 674% increase vs. May of 2020 when 23,237 illegal aliens were apprehended. Last month’s numbers were the worst numbers in more than two decades.

    The Trump administration turned around the situation on the border starting late during Fiscal Year 2019 and kept them low throughout Fiscal Year 2020. Biden’s border crisis has worsened every month that he has been in office in terms of the number of illegal aliens apprehended at the southern border.

    Rest -
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Biden is a globalist traitor.
    And that is the truth of it- he is not alone-the entire dem party is as well....-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Only persons enforcing Federal immigration laws on the Southern border are individual states.

    Despite the idiot gallery's protests, denials and regurgitated, MSM/Dem myths.

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