Hello, all.....hope you have been well!
I see a few of my old friends and acquaintances are here. I may offer a few nugats from time to time, but most likely LURK for a while....
Has anyone seen KEN (from the old Non-violence forum?)
Hello, all.....hope you have been well!
I see a few of my old friends and acquaintances are here. I may offer a few nugats from time to time, but most likely LURK for a while....
Has anyone seen KEN (from the old Non-violence forum?)
Last edited by Gadget (fmr Marine); 02-06-2007 at 05:26 PM.
Welcome! Thank you for your service to our country, you'll find a bunch of other great folks here to get along with![]()
I stuck the thread so people can introduce themselves.
I'm Jeff, 30/M from near Seattle, WA. I'm a former Army officer, I play bass, and I like reading about history and theology.
And I pwn dmp on a regular basis!![]()
Liberty is the greatest measure of equality.
Economic Left/Right: 9.38, Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.51
Sola Scriptura | Soli Deo Gloria | Solo Christo | Sola Gratia | Sola Fide
Above the Best
Why the Hell should I have to press “1” for ENGLISH?
Welcome aboard.
I am a former Army enlisted and am now one of the sweetest, charming, rational, intelligent, and liberal persons (when compared to Ghengis Khan) that you will ever meet.
Just curious, but what is a "fmr Marine?" I've heard of inactive Marines and retired Marines, but I've never heard of a Marine calling themselves "former."
And welcome!
“Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face” - Thomas Sowell
“What "multiculturalism" boils down to is that you can praise any culture in the world except Western culture - and you cannot blame any culture in the world except Western culture” - Thomas Sowell
Once a Marine always a Marine...there is no such thing as an EX Marine...we are all former Marines once we get out, retire or otherwise drift off into the night.....
I met Gadget and Mr. P on Nonviolence.org almost four years ago. It was my first real online bulletin board experience. I've been on plenty of others since then...some mostly righty like this one, some mostly lefty, quite a few combos, been a moderator on more than one, been banned from some too... all in a day's work...
I AM TheStripey1, peace tiger... now a peace tiger differs from a peace dove in that I will not hesitate to rip you a new one should I feel you deserve it... as a veteran that volunteered to serve in the war of my youth, I despise chickenhawks, but I love debating with hawks, as some of you have already found out...
As my avatar sez... I'm a recovering republican... whereas I may have voted for a democrat or two in the recent past, I AM NOT a democrat... and although I may lean left of y'all on most issues, I am NOT a liberal... I call my position... centrist...
Like most people alive today, I am a complex individual and I look forward to mixing it up with all of you...
obtw... who are the mods here?
Lost your job? Thank the republicans!
Lost your house? Thank the republicans!
Lost your life savings? Thank the republicans!
Lost your health care? Thank the republicans!
Lost all Hope? Thank the republicans!
Here ya go:
“… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.
When is your birthday? I'll buy you a thesaurus
OK so I'll introduce myself. I'm Powerman. I used to post on the "other forum"
Many of you love me and many of you hate me. Does that Kathy woman post here? She hated me. There is a debate that comes to mind between her and myself on the religious forum about the doctrine of double effect that still completely blows my mind.
Anyway, I'm the same ole loveable jerk that you all remember. I'm trying to recruit a few of my buddies from another forum to sign up here. Should be fun for the whole family.