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    Default China Saves? LOL!

    After committing this Chernobyl act upon the world, why would anyone turn to China for help? They lie by omission and commission, they steal technology of all sorts, they project their wrongs on others:

    China Supplied Faulty Coronavirus Test Kits to Spain, Czech Republic
    National Review
    Mairead McArdle
    National Review•March 26, 2020

    The majority of rapid test coronavirus test kits supplied by China to Spain and the Czech Republic are faulty, local news outlets reported.

    Up to 80 percent of the 150,000 portable, quick coronavirus test kits China delivered to the Czech Republic earlier this month were faulty, according to local Czech news site The tests can produce a result in 10 or 15 minutes but are usually less accurate than other tests. Because of the high error rate, the country will continue to rely on conventional laboratory tests, of which they perform about 900 a day.

    The country’s Health Ministry paid $546,000 for 100,000 of the test kits, while the Interior Ministry paid for the other 50,000.

    Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Jan Hamacek downplayed the discovery that many of the tests were faulty, blaming it on a possible wrong methodology and saying the kits can still be used “when the disease has been around for some time,” or when “someone returns after quarantine after fourteen days.”

    “In my opinion, this is not about some scandalous revelation that it is not working,” Hamacek said.

    Meanwhile, Spain, which has more than 56,000 infected people and more than 4,000 coronavirus deaths, the second-highest number of fatalities in the world after Italy, found that the rapid coronavirus test kits it purchased from Chinese company Bioeasy only correctly identified 30 percent of virus cases, according to Spanish newspaper El Pais.

    The director Spain’s Center for Health Alerts and Emergencies, Fernando Simón, said Spain tested 9,000 of the test kits and will return them based on their high error rate.

    Studies performed on the tests which discovered the high error rate caused the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology to recommend officially that the tests not be used.

    The Chinese embassy in Spain claimed the Bioeasy products are not included in the products China has been supplying to countries where the virus has broken out.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    OMG... seriously... I think the entire WORLD needs to quickly REASSESS it's relationships with china.

    I think they're the most sneaky, underhanded, lying, conniving bunch of grifters on the planet.

    Every time I see a picture of that Xi with his smug little smirk on his face, I think to myself, what a POS. He knows full well how they've all been SCREWING the PLANET for decades.

    Anyone want to get a good idea of just how extreme china is, and how they CONTROL EVERYTHING about their people, brain washing them, killing them if they step out of line, watch the movie ONE CHILD NATION.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 03-27-2020 at 11:05 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    OMG... seriously... I think the entire WORLD needs to quickly REASSESS it's relationships with china.

    I think they're the most sneaky, underhanded, lying, conniving bunch of grifters on the planet.

    Every time I see a picture of that Xi with his smug little smirk on his face, I think to myself, what a POS. He knows full well how they've all been SCREWING the PLANET for decades.
    I always see, 'Winnie the Pooh.' That's how the Hong Kongers portray him on some rather nasty drawings on roads and buildings. Now that is the image that comes to mind. Evil Pooh!

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    I always see, 'Winnie the Pooh.' That's how the Hong Kongers portray him on some rather nasty drawings on roads and buildings. Now that is the image that comes to mind. Evil Pooh!
    Watch the movie, "ONE CHILD NATION" sometime. It's on Prime. It's about china and their one child policy, but it also illustrates how they control ALL aspects of EVERY person in china, through brain washing and intimidation, they're all scared there. But I think china thinks they can pull the same crap with the WORLD. Their arrogance is really starting to be blatant.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 03-27-2020 at 11:09 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    Watch the movie, "ONE CHILD NATION" sometime. It's on Prime. It's about china and their one child policy, but it also illustrates how they control ALL aspects of EVERY person in china, through brain washing and intimidation, they're all scared there. But I think china thinks they can pull the same crap with the WORLD. Their arrogance is really starting to be blatant.
    I read a lot of professional articles when China was doing that program. As I said earlier, one only has to look at Hong Kong to know how intrusive the CCP is.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    A better note on rapid test, Abbot has come up with one that is reliable:

    ‘Rapid’ coronavirus test from Abbott Labs approved by the FDA
    The test can be done at a doctor's office with results in 5 minutes'

    Abbott Laboratories which has developed a coronavirus test which the company says can provide results quickly -- in as little as five minutes for positive results and negative results in under 15 minutes -- was approved Friday by Food and Drug Administration.

    Given the green light under the agency's “emergency use authorization,” the approval comes less than 24 hours after Vice President Mike Pence announced its potential availability.

    "This would be the kind of test where you could go to your doctor, you could get the test done there at your doctor, and have the results in no more than 15 minutes,” Pence said.

    These tests could take the burden off hospitals and some of the "drive-thru" testing centers as it is a “point-of-care” diagnostic tests which can be used in temporary screening locations, doctor’s office labs and nursing homes to detect the coronavirus strain COVID-19.

    Last week, Abbott Laboratories said it had already shipped 150,000 rapid tests for coronavirus and that it would be scaling up production at its U.S. manufacturing locations to reach capacity for 1 million tests per week by the end of March.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    and more:

    Report: Thousands Of Urns Shipped To Wuhan, Where The Virus Is Supposedly Under Control
    ALLAHPUNDITPosted at 4:01 pm on March 28, 2020

    If you can’t trust a totalitarian government waging a ruthless propaganda war to tell the truth about the extent of the epidemic within its borders, who can you trust?

    Add this to the growing pile of circumstantial evidence that China’s coronavirus problem isn’t as well in hand as they’d like the world to believe. They kicked out American reporters shortly before announcing that cases in Wuhan had dropped to zero, presumably to choke off the flow of accurate information about the true state of the spread. On the day that number was announced, reports to the contrary were already trickling out on social media:

    On the very days when the national health authority was announcing that there were no new local infections, social media accounts in China were circulating photographs of “urgent notices” put up in residential areas announcing new cases and warning people to stay home.

    EBC News, a Taiwan cable news network, broadcast two such photographs dated March 20, which is two days after China reported there were no new local Wuhan infections. One of the notices, after announcing the new cases, read: “Do not go out, or gather, wash your hands, be careful, hold on, hold on, and hold on some more.”

    EBC also broadcast video of a hospital in Wuhan that it says was taken on March 19 and provided by a local Wuhan journalist. The video shows a reception area crowded with people, some of them on gurneys with IV drips, and health care workers in full protective gear, white suits, face masks and goggles.

    Yesterday the Hollywood Reporter noted that more than 600 theaters across China were suddenly told to close after having recently reopened. Yesterday also brought news that some patients in Wuhan who had recovered from the disease and then tested negative later tested positive. Had they been re-infected by a different strain of COVID-19 or is China playing games with the numbers? NPR pointed out that Beijing doesn’t include those people in its official case count as “new” cases. Nor does it include asymptomatic carriers who test positive, potentially an enormous group. “Caixin, an independent Chinese news outlet, reported earlier this week that Wuhan hospitals were continuing to see new cases of asymptomatic virus carriers, citing a health official who said he had seen up to a dozen such cases a day,” per NPR.

    Have asymptomatic carriers seeded a second outbreak that the government is scrambling to hide? Bear in mind, according to officials in Europe, some Chinese diagnostic tests are garbage. Even if Beijing wanted to be forthcoming about the extent of the epidemic, their own tests may have left them partially blind as to who’s sick and who isn’t.

    Lotta urns flowing into Wuhan right now, says Shanghaiist:

    One photo published by Caixin shows a truck loaded with 2,500 urns arriving at the Hankou Mortuary. The driver said that he had delivered the same amount to the mortuary the day before.

    Another photo shows stacks of urns inside the mortuary. There were seven stacks with 500 urns in each stack, adding up to 3,500 urns.

    Taken together with the new shipment, the number of urns on hand at the mortuary looks to be more than double Wuhan’s death toll…

    Wuhan has seven other mortuaries. If they are all sticking to the same schedule, this adds up to more than 40,000 urns being distributed in the city over the next 10 days.

    There are photos at the link. Reportedly people had to wait in line for hours to receive one, so great was the number. There are innocent possibilities for the shipment: Maybe Chinese cities are supplied with enough urns to last several months, encompassing all causes of death, even in normal times. There are also less innocent possibilities, of course. Were so many urns needed because the actual death toll in Wuhan in the first wave was much higher than the regime let on?

    Or are so many urns needed because they’re afraid of how high the death toll might be in the second wave?
    An interesting number from Bloomberg:

    There were 56,007 cremations in Wuhan in the fourth quarter of 2019, according to data from the city’s civil affairs agency. The number of cremations was 1,583 higher than those in the fourth quarter of 2018 and 2,231 higher than the fourth quarter of 2017.

    The official death toll in Wuhan from COVID-19 is 2,535. China didn’t lock down the area until late January of this year. If the height of the epidemic there didn’t come until 2020, how do we explain that unusual bump in deaths in the fourth quarter of last year — a number that would amount to more than half of the total number of deaths there from coronavirus to date?

    Read this piece to see why China is so invested in its “zero” campaign. The numbers in Wuhan are a double-barreled propaganda opportunity to win a great-power competition with the U.S. Eradicating the disease domestically will be used first as proof that China’s authoritarian model is superior to the west’s in rising to great challenges and second as evidence that the virus’s spread abroad isn’t China’s fault, notwithstanding the early cover-up in Wuhan that allowed the disease to spread. If America is brought to its knees by an epidemic, well, maybe that has less to do with the severity of the illness than the weakness of America’s response. That’s the Chinese message, and why they can’t afford the world to know about a resurgence in Wuhan.

    Here’s an amazing video making the rounds today in which a top official at the WHO, which has been a Chinese mouthpiece on coronavirus from the start, can’t bring himself to answer a question about Taiwan lest it irritate his masters.
    Ezra Cheung

    It is an embarrassing scene. @WHO Director General, Bruce Aylward, hangs up in an interview with RTHK when he is asked about reconsidering Taiwan’s membership. Ironically, despite being so close to China, Taiwan manages to keep the #coronavirus infection and fatality rate low.


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    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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