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    Default How it ends - live updates and spoilers.

    Watching How it Ends -

    Short of it is: Guy leaves his wife in Seattle to visit Chicago. Unnamed catastrophe happens and the power grid and cell phones go down, so he and his father in law get in a car and start driving west towards the wife/daughter.

    Things I like: The genre.

    Bad guys approach the husband and Father in Law (the character is retired Marine) (H and FIL from here out). Bad guys (white people) start threatening - FIL goes to 'get his money' from the trunk and pulls out a .45 pistol. Bad guys run.

    Things I don't like:

    When H and FIL back in the car, H says "You should have told me about the gun!" Then FIL has to defend the fact he was able to defend himself.

    Seeing people fleeing the large cities and the heroes trapped in the chaos. Nobody is prepared - and that is not fiction.

    Grown man - the husband - does not know how to load and fire a pistol.

    FIL sees deer in the road and decides to crash their car instead of just braking and steering.

    Military already seems to be the bad guy - set up a road block "For the safety of the people" because "They closed the interstate because there would be nobody to help if you got a flat or ran into trouble" and the citizenry just believed it and were okay with it. and that makes me frustrated because it's like that in real life - people allow their government to close public roads 'for their safety' and restrict travel and commerce. FIL calls a guy wearing 1SG Rank "Sergeant". The 1SG ends up letting the duo through the checkpoint, however.

    So far the only nice characters are non-white - the 1SG notwithstanding.

    More as it comes to me....

    ( @Abbey asked me to try to edit this.)

    ( @darin I like big butts and I cannot lie.)
    Last edited by Kathianne; 10-25-2018 at 02:35 PM.
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    More bandits - redneck white guys.
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    Now a preacher on TV talking about how God is doing this - southern baptist sounding preacher. Its on the radio to mock christianity, as if Christians are just too stupid and backwoods to understand the incident (which looks like aliens now).

    Some non-bad-guy white people now. Friends of the H in a small town - husband and wife - but husband is out of town. Town run by white sheriff with good-ol-boys in pick-ups helping him "keep the riff-raff out".

    Friend's wife 'walks in' on gratuitously shirt-less H. He's in great shape.

    The friend's wife (FW) is weak and scared and emotional. She's too weak to live out in the country. She'll make a move on H pretty soon, am convinced.

    Now she is losing her shit and he's hugging her because she needs a man to give her any hope. Lame.

    They leave FW alone and continue along their way. Dumb dumb dumb.

    They stopped to check out an abandoned waterpark to find anything usefull. FIL says "We should split up"

    Dumb, dumb, dumb,

    Helicopter flies overhead

    "...blackhawk.." is said in reference to the helo.

    "you know about helicopters!!?"

    Duh. I know what a Flux Capacitor looks like but i dont know time travel.

    The girl they picked up at the first stop - forgot to mention her - Native American. Terrific body.

    Omg they are so fucking dumb

    The come across a lady begging for help...

    "Come to us please!" they say

    "No, no!! just help me!"

    Nobody has seen Book of Eli.

    Surprise surprise it's a trap. Fight ensues.

    People are stealing their gas now. How are they doing it? Because they have GUNS.

    Oh - and the people Stealing? They are all white. Of course.
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    The caught up to the bad guys and the bad guys were killed. The girl with them throws a God damn FIT "Omg! I killed them!!" Killing is never right, right? She saved the whole group. Now she's puking and saying all kinds of bad things about coming along "i should have stayed on the rez!" (Indian reservation)...and how (native american right?) when they say "you have to stay with us, we are in the middle of nowhere!"

    "I've lived in the middle of nowhere since the say i was born! We will survive this longer than YOU will (white people)"
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    Train of Army stuff crashed. So they are looking through the wrecked vehicles (on low-boys etc) for gas for their car.

    No - Army uses Diesel. They should know that.

    H brings back two plastic 5 gallon jugs to the car - Dude...plastic tan 5 gallon jugs? Water. No mention was made so am assuming they want the viewer to believe they now have gas.

    WHY IN THE NAME OF EVERLASTING FUCK DID THEY NOT TAKE A GOD DAMN M1 TANK?? there were maybe a dozen of the tanks on the train cars. Or get a HMMWV??? God these characters are SO DUMB.

    They didn't search the train for weapons or food. Or even Personal Protective gear?

    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    H and FIL do some emotional bonding - which to me means one of them is gonna die.

    they blindly drive onto every bridge that comes in their way without even THINKING about recon first to make sure it's not an ambush..

    Guess what?


    Group of country folk, trucks, off road lights, dirt bikes - dressed in all black.

    Now their car is boxed in on the bridge

    Gunfire and stuff.

    they made it past the ambush.

    Doesn't make sense. The bad guys were heavily armed and couldnt stop them; barely fired back.

    One of them died.

    H driving and car running out of gas. Of course. He shouldnt have put water in the tank. He's he's beating the car up yelling "FUCK!"

    Abandon the car, take what you can carry, kid.


    He's pouring gas from the water jug all over the car and setting it on fire. Must have been a broken engine not out of gas.

    Carry the water/gas with you, dude. Barter that shit or use for another car you may find.

    He will not, I suspect.

    Yep. he left it.
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    Good samaritan stops - omg, he's white. Unreal.

    Says I will take you far as I can but I need you to give me your gun. H complies.

    Mom and little girl in the back seat of the 1970s/80s Jeep Wagoneer.

    Nothing on the radio except emergency broadcast stuff.

    Seems like "it" started in LA - what is left of LA. People are being told to flee to canada - something about bad air.

    wtf? if it was a bio weapon canada wouldnt be safe anyway. Plus, wtf is canada gonna do to protect people?

    They found H's father's house - convenient. He sends them upstairs to rest in the bedrooms; he sleeps on the couch. Nobody eats or drinks and they leave the jeep out front.

    Early morning light shines into the kitchen. Driver of the Jeep (JD) approaches. He says how much he appreicates the help.

    H is going through food - 3 weeks of food there - and there's a generator and some fuel. H asks if he can take the jeep if he allows the family to keep the house.

    J gets the jeep and drives away after realizing he has only one bullet left in FILs pistol.
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    H makes it to a body of water. With a burning city across the way and ash everywhere. It's like nuclear winter as he gets closer to seattle.

    He puts his shirt over his mouth to keep the ash out - luckily finds a firetruck and a fireman's mask with filters. Requisite bodies in the cars strewn about the freeway.


    it's like Liberals have been running the city, OR some sort of nuclear war.

    Could go either way.

    He abandons the car due to clutter in the roads - rubble and overturned cars.

    He climbs a fire escape to get into a building which seems to be about gutted. its his appartment. half the building is missing so he's presented with a vista of the burning city. Carved into metal - maybe a refrigerator door -

    "Will - come find me" (and an address)

    He drives there.

    He finds her!!!!!!!!!!! She's alive and staying with a man for protection - man has a gun. Man probably loves her because he looks pissed her man is back. The protector is white.

    Now they're laying in bed and he tells her FIL is dead.

    She's sad but is proud of her dad.

    OH SHIT.

    Dude just said "I will never leave you again"

    That's worse than getting her name tattood on his body - some shit is gonna go down.
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    Unsure why he isn't tired. He wakes in the middle of the night. THe other two are outside sitting around a campfire.

    WTF are they thinking? dude - its the end of the world. Noise and light discipline maybe?

    The other white dude (OWD) still looks pissed.

    They are thinking it was an earthquake - but things aren't right. He thinks everything was done on purpose. Like an attack. Seems the alien shit H saw on teh way - weird shit in the sky - doesnt make him wonder.

    "Nuke goes off on the coast triggering earthquakes. Then power grid goes down with a virus"

    Now they are getting loud because they disagree. As if that matters. Who TF cares? Protect yourselves you imbeciles.


    H says "I dont know what the fuck is going on!" all angry - then says to OWD "And YOU dont know what the fuck is going on either so dont pretend you do!"

    WHY the FUCK is H so upset about talking about possible causes?

    Just stupid.

    Oh - then he hands OWD his pistol when OWD says "Can I see that sig/sauer of yours?"

    OWD says "its nice" and hands it back.

    H and Wife leave OWD by the fire and go back into the house.

    Now H wants to ensure Wife doesnt believe the bullshit OWD was talking about. Again - WHO WOULD CARE?? The writers are creating conflict in an area that wouldnt be real. In real life.

    omg - sweet - I think its a sex scene coming up. they're kneeling on teh bed going at it.

    Yes! her shirt is off. YES! His is too.

    aww, he flops down on her and then scene cuts to sunrise.

    I am so lonely.

    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    Now OWD is apologizing for talking about what could have happened.

    H asks 'planning on leaving'?

    He wants OWD to leave. He suspects OWD was trying to steal the jeep.

    OWD says "I've been running a perimeter since we got here"

    SO the guy can patrol the area, but also does no light or noise discipline.

    both are out in the woods now. A heard of deer runs by.

    H asks OWD to come with them North, to Canada

    "She wants to stay" OWD says of H's wife.

    "I'm not the boogie man - I saved her live. We have a bond. I get a voice. We thought you were dead." says OWD.

    OWD still has the gun. He wants to shoot H. He turns suddenly swinging the pistol up

    H shoots him before OWD fires a shot.

    Now H runs back to the house - some sort of wild fire coming? Sounds like one. Its rumbling Like big tanks and stuff...

    Now they are hauling ass up a dirt road in the mountains.

    It looks like a fire ring from a nuke. Think Mt St Helens - pyroclastic flow chasing them now. They are about to be overcome by the cloud - which should be moving at nearly supersonic speed. just stops. and they keep driving.

    Roll credits.

    That is the end of the movie.


    Thanks for playing. I feel slightly violated having watched that.
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    Holy cow...

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    Holy cow...

    Was actually really fun to do
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    Forgot to mention wife is pregnant. I like Theo James and would watch just to see him shirtless.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyLady View Post
    Forgot to mention wife is pregnant. I like Theo James and would watch just to see him shirtless.
    didn't forget - just picked-and-chose whatever details i thought mattered. The pregnancy doesn't affect anything in the plot - they put that in there to add more sympathy or urgency i suppose.
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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