Sorry bout that,
1. The father says, "Hey family, lets go down to the center of town and watch beheadings all day!"
2. Litlle kids roll out from under their beds, yeling with joy: "Can We?"
3. Mother comes from the kitchen with a fresh plate of falafuls, saying, " Yeah lets go, I love watching the men get their heads whacked off, lets bring these falafuls with us so we can get a good seat!"
4. Teenager daughter says, " I love seeing brain stems in the morning!"
5. Read all about it here:
Free sample:
"Saudi Arabia follows an austere form of Islam where religious police patrol the streets to enforce a strict moral standard including no mixing of unrelated men and women, as well as no drugs and alcohol.
Public beheadings are regularly carried out for a range of crimes, from murder to rape, witchcraft or insulting Islam.
But many young Saudis find ways around the draconian system to make contact with each other, and the clerics have tried in vain to limit mobile phone and other technology.
Men have been prosecuted......"
6. See we really don't have to be there for them to kill each other, lets get out now.