GcMAF, Nagalase: Why 8 Holistic Doctors Were Murdered & Others Poisoned[COLOR=var(--enfold-main-color-meta)][/COLOR]

September 16, 2015
by Kathy J. Forti

If you’ve been following the news, then you’ve heard that being a holistic doctor these days is becoming a deadly profession. Eight U.S. naturopathic doctors were murdered this past summer shorty after having their offices raided by FBI agents. Five others soon vanished without a trace, and this month 28 more naturopaths were poisoned at a homeopathic conference in Germany. Just what is going on?My first question was “What were they working on that put them at deadly risk?” What came to lightis not only deeply disturbing, but explosive. On June 19, 2015, Dr. Jeff Bradstreet reportedly shot himself in the chest after his offices were raided by U.S. FDA agents and State of Georgia law enforcement agents. Three days before his death, agents exercised a search warrant to gather information about the use of GcMAF with autistic patients in his clinic.Human GcMAF holds great promise in the treatment of various illnesses including cancer, autism, chronic fatigue and possibly Parkinson’s. Since 1990, 59 research papers have been published on GcMAF, 20 of these pertaining to the treatment of cancer.Dr Bradstreet was an alternative autism specialist and is widely regarded as a pioneer in the naturopathic field. He was using GcMAF and successfully treating dying cancer patients. To understand what put him on the deadly radar of the U.S. FDA and the pharmaceutical companies was that GcMAF has shown the ability to completely reverse autism and cancer without the use of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery.GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor) is not a drug, but a naturally occurring compound produced in the human body. GcMAF was being produced in Europe and Dr. Bradstreet was using it with his patients. He was conducting clinical experiments the results of which were published in scientific medical journals. (The European company that manufactured GcMAF was shut down in July 2015.)The ability of GcMAF to do its normal job can be inhibited by the presence of a protein called alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase or nagalase for short. Nagalase is made by all cancer cells and viruses (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, and others). Nagalase blocks production of GcMAF, thus preventing the immune system from doing its job. By using injections of GcMAF, one can boost the immune system to destroy the cancer and virus. It’s the most natural cure in the world and other countries are already using it, even for pets.In the course of his research, Dr. Bradstreet discovered that the levels of nagalase are elevated in children with autism. The result of the immune suppression caused by nagalase is seen in digestive disorders, sensory overload, and numerous types of processing dysfunction in the brain. Increased levels of nagalase are associated with higher levels of autistic symptoms. Nagalase is like Attila the Hun in the amount of destruction it can wreck on the body.Nagalase is not something children are born with. This puzzled Bradstreet and his colleagues (the other dead doctors). If autistic children don’t have cancer or viral infections, which correlates with nagalase production, then how did it get into the bodies of infants and young children?

Using nagalase blood testing, they learned that children receiving vaccinations had a super abnormally high concentration of nagalase. It became clear that nagalase was being introduced into the body through vaccinations. For what reason is still unknown—perhaps population control? Could this be why vaccinations are now being made mandatory–no exceptions allowed?
Dr. Bradstreet understood that people have different reactions to nagalase, and a small percentage of people do not experience suppression of their immune systems. However, for the majority, there is dangerous immune system suppression, which opens the door to cancer and autism. Dr. Bradstreet was getting ready to publicize the truth of these findings when his clinics, and the clinics of other doctors associated with him, were raided by the FDA.Imagine a world where autism and cancer no longer exist and the immune system is empowered naturally to fight off all destructive invaders INEXPENSIVELY? The cancer drug industry is a $100 billion business. It has increased 6.5% annually since 2010 and is expected to grow at a rate of 8% between now and 2018. Cancer is big business, huge profits. It’s obvious BIG PHARMA does not want a “natural” cure out there they can’t patent and profit from. And what about the findings that nagalase proteins are being put in vaccine serums? Dr. Bradstreet’s explosive findings must have caused alarm in the halls of the big vaccine manufacturers. Enough to get the government to come in and shut him down. Dead doctors tell no tales. The deaths, poisonings, and vanishings are sending a clear message from the medical industrial complex—DO NOT FIND CURES.UPDATE: The investigation continues.Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical
[1] “Controversial autism researcher, Jeff Bradstreet, commits suicide after FDA raid in Buford, authorities say,” Joshua Sharpe, Gwinnett Daily Post, 7/26/2015.
[2] “GcMAF for the treatment of cancer, autism, inflammation, viral and bacterial disease,” David Noakes, Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Retrieved 7/27/2015.
[4] GcMAF.
[5] “Dr. Gonzalez – Individualized Nutritional Protocols – Enzyme Therapy,” Death Announcement on the website for his clinic. Retrieved 7/23/2015.
[6] “Chapter 9: Nagalase: Friend and Foe?” The GcMAF Book, Timothy J. Smith, MD.
[8] “Anti-vaccine doctor behind ‘dangerous’ autism therapy found dead. Family cries foul,” Michael E. Miller, The Washington Post, June 29 2015, Retrieved 7/28/2015.
[9] .
[10] “2 more MD’s (1 prominent holistic, & one of missing docs) found dead, bringing the total to 8,” Erin Elizabeth, Health Nut News, 7/23/2015.
[12] “Introduction: Routine Nagalase testing finds cancer early and GcMAF cures it” The GcMAF Book, Timothy J. Smith, MD.