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    Default How UK Gov't Covered Up a VIP Pedophile Ring

    <header class="content-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; outline: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 16px; vertical-align: baseline; text-rendering: optimizelegibility; font-family: Georgia, Times, serif; line-height: 19px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">The U.K. Political Pedophile Ring Scandal is Just The Tip of the Iceberg - The Full Story is Much More Disturbing

    Numerous high ranking British politicians are being investigated for their involvement in an extensive pedophile ring, however the full scope of this scandal can't be fully appreciated without looking at the other side of the Atlantic</header>It wasn't that long ago that those who claimed that there was a massive pedophile ring involving officials in the highest levels of government were written off as conspiracy theorists and kooks. That is no longer the case, at least in the U.K. It turns out that this so called conspiracy theory was true, and is finally being officially investigated. The coverup isn't going well at this point. The British government is even coming under heat for the convenient disappearance of key files regarding the allegations. At least forty British MPs are implicated, but this is really just the tip of the iceberg.

    The scandal, which initially centered around rape and child abuse accusations against the well connected BBC presenter (and knight) Jimmy Savile (who died in 2011) expanded in scope after victims testified that the abuse involved an organized pedophile ring which was operated out of the BBC.This organized pedophile ring apparently involved at least 40 British MPs. Another aspect of this scandal involves a close friend of Savile, former British MP Cyril Smith (also a knight). Police claim to have "overwhelming" evidence that Cyril physically abused young boys in the 1960s. It's worth noting that Savile wasn't just well connected, he was known to rub shoulders with the royal family itself.
    <header>Whether those involved actually get brought to justice or not is another story altogether. It's too late to bring down Jimmy Savile and Cyril Smith. They're both dead already. The question now, is whether the rest of the ring will be prosecuted. This is a scandal that has been successfully suppressed for decades in spite of testimony from numerous victims. Indeed the BBC fired the reporter who first attempted to expose the abuse in 2012. Once you look at the profile of those involved it's easy to see why. This time however, the internet seems to be making it a bit harder to sweep under the rug...

    How UK Government Covered Up a VIP Pedophile Ring

    </header>Now that most of the major figures are dead, the truth is emerging about the systematic sexual abuse of children by members of the British government.
    <section class="content-body article-body-content" style="box-sizing: border-box; outline: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 16px; vertical-align: baseline; text-rendering: optimizelegibility; font-family: Georgia, Times, serif; line-height: 19px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">LONDON — A newspaper editor was handed startling evidence that Britain’s top law enforcement official knew there was a VIP pedophile network in Westminster, at the heart of the British government. What happened next in the summer of 1984 helps to explain how shocking allegations of rape and murder against some of the country’s most powerful men went unchecked for decades.
    Less than 24 hours after starting to inquire about the dossier presented to him by a senior Labour Party politician, the editor was confronted in his office by a furious member of parliament who threatened him and demanded the documents. “He was frothing at the mouth and really shouting and spitting in my face,” Don Hale told The Daily Beast. “He was straight at me like a raging lion; he was ready to knock me through the wall.”
    Despite the MP’s explosive intervention, Hale refused to hand over the papers which appeared to show that Leon Brittan, Margaret Thatcher’s Home Secretary, was fully aware of a pedophile network that included top politicians.
    The editor’s resistance was futile; the following morning, police officers from the counter-terror and intelligence unit known as Special Branch burst into the newspaper office, seized the material and threatened to have Hale arrested if he ever reported what had been found.
    More than 30 years later, an inquiry into allegations of child sex abuse rings, murder, and cover-ups has been launched by the British government after Scotland Yard detectives said they believed statements by victims who claimed they were systematically abused as young boys at sex abuse parties attended by judges, politicians, intelligence officers, and staff at the royal palaces.
    </section>In 1983, a controversial MP, Geoffrey Dickens, had made a series of incendiary claims about active pedophiles in the corridors of power. He handed a file containing the names of alleged perpetrators to Leon Brittan; publicly the authorities shrugged off the claims and no trial or prosecution would follow. The dossier mysteriously disappeared.

    Revelations Of British Pedophile Ring Spur Flood Of Abuse Reports
    There were whispers of a pedophile ring at the highest levels of British government. Revelations suggest those rumors had substance and that a culture of deference helped hide child abuse for decades....

    VICKI BARKER, BYLINE: The tally of abuse seems to embrace virtually every British institution. Of the 1,433 suspects, 261 are considered people of public prominence - entertainers, athletes and politicians. Hundreds more held responsible positions at schools, orphanages, hospitals prisons, the military. Some 200 are now dead. Chief Constable Simon Bailey is leading the inquiry code-named Operation Hydrant.
    CHIEF CONSTABLE SIMON BAILEY: It gives you some idea of the scale of the challenge that we're facing because this simply cannot be simply about the police service. It is far, far broader than that.
    BARKER: The police haven't always been part of the solution. There are allegations that senior officers helped quash previous investigations.

    At least they are still calling it Crimes. here are articles about those that want to eventually legalize it.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    "The FRANKLIN SCANDAL is the story of a nationwide (UNITED STATES) pedophile ring that pandered children to a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ring’s pimps were a pair of political powerbrokers who had access to the highest levels of our government. Nebraska legislators attempted to expose the network in 1989 and 1990, but the legislators' efforts were followed by a rash of mysterious deaths and the overpowering responses of federal and local law enforcement, including the FBI and Justice Department, which effected an immaculate cover-up of the trafficking network.
    The publisher is donating 50% of the book’s proceeds to organizations that assist abused children."

    more info from D.C.
    "“....Among the client names contained in the vouchers - and identified by prostitutes and escort operators - are government officials, locally based US military officers, businessmen, lawyers, bankers, congressional aides and other professionals...
    Although the confiscated material was turned over to District police on the scene, witnesses and law enforcement agents say the Secret Service kept one box containing names and other information about high-level government officials who were clients of the male escort business.

    District police officials say that, to their knowledge, this is the first time the Secret Service has ever become involved in such a raid in this area.” - Washington Times
    Craig Spence would throw extravagant parties for the Washington D.C. elite, with 'call boys' freely available for interested party-goers. Various associates, including multiple of Spence's body guards, came forward and admitted that his house, where the parties were located, was thoroughly bugged with audio and video recording equipment, with the intent of extortion and blackmail of those who ended up in compromising positions.4

    Spence was somewhat of a mystery man. What type of employment did he have? No one knew for sure, though Spence himself would often boast of his important connections. One of his associates told the Times:
    “He described Mr. Spence as 'strange', saying he often boasted that he was working for the CIA, and on one occasion said he was going to disappear for a while 'because he had an important CIA assignment'. According to the businessman, Mr. Spence told him that the 'CIA might double-cross him', however, and kill him instead and then 'make it look like a suicide.'” Washington Times5
    Indeed, Spence would die just months after the interview, of an apparent suicide, but not after admitting that his parties were bugged by friendly intelligence assets which he refused to name.6 The investigation by Paul Rodriguez and his associates would also screech to a halt after all of the evidence was either classified by the Secret Service or tied up in red tape. Someone in a high position of power clearly did not want the full extent of the revelations to become public.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Elites Next move a legalization?

    making it Like Rome even more?
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Elites Next move a legalization?

    making it Like Rome even more?
    Sure! George Orwell.
    And you've already been ready! (Your latest Supreme Court Act)
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    Jimmy Savile, once a BBC icon, was revealed as one of the UK’s worst pedophiles.

    Police investigations uncovered abuse spanning 4 decades, with over 200 victims and crimes committed in BBC studios, hospitals, and care homes.

    The BBC ignored mounting allegations for years, shielding Savile despite internal rumors.

    Even after his death, the network suppressed an exposé about his crimes, prioritizing reputation over justice.

    Described by police as “staggering,” Savile’s abuse exposed systemic failures at the BBC and other institutions that enabled his access to vulnerable children.

    No wonder the BBC spent the last decade covering up for the rape gangs in Britain while victims lives are destroyed. And they're still doing it now...

    Source: Operation Yewtree Investigation

    Last edited by revelarts; 01-06-2025 at 11:21 PM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
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    Pedophile Scandals in the U.K.

    Britain has been rocked by incessant pedophile scandals since the revelations that the former DJ and BBC television presenter, Jimmy Savile, was involved in widespread child sex abuse. Even though the full scale of Savile’s crimes will never be known, it is thought that he raped and sexually assaulted up to 1,000 girls and boys on the BBC’s premises alone, with many accusing BBC executives of turning a blind eye to his nefarious activities. Savile, a man who looked as much like a pedophile as one possibly could, was also known for his connections to Prince Charles, raising serious questions as to the British royal family’s knowledge of Savile’s behaviour.
    The crimes of the former presenter of ‘Jim’ll Fix It’ are only the tip of the iceberg however, as the pedophile epidemic clearly permeates into the highest echelons of the British establishment. The UK’s Home Secretary Theresa May stated in March that pedophilia is “woven, covertly, into the fabric of our society,” a harrowing truth that the people of Britain will have to confront if a microcosm of justice is to be delivered to the victims of such malevolent crimes.It seems every passing month brings a new revelation pertaining to alleged crimes committed against children by leading political figures and a subsequent cover-up by the establishment. The month of July was no different, as evidence surfaced which indicates that MI5 covered up for members of Margaret Thatcher’s government who were accused of abusing children.Newly released documents show that the Director General of MI5 from 1985 to 1988, Anthony Duff, told Thatcher’s Cabinet Secretary that an unnamed MP had a “a penchant for small boys”. Duff’s 1986 letter to the Cabinet Secretary reveals that he accepted the MP’s denial of any wrongdoing largely on the basis that: “At the present stage… the risks of political embarrassment to the government is rather greater than the security danger.”

    The former MI5 boss clearly writes that the “political embarrassment” of such a revelation being released to the public is more important than protecting innocent children from harm. Can you think of a more repugnant act than covering up for alleged pedophiles who inflict so much pain, suffering and psychological trauma on their victims?MI5 is also accused of being complicit in covering up rampant sexual abuse at the Kincora children’s home in the North of Ireland, in what Amnesty International called “one of the biggest scandals of our age”. As the Belfast Telegraph reported last year, at least three men who were opposed to the crimes informed MI5 that children were being abused at the Kincora home in the 1970’s, yet nothing was done.The security organisation is alleged to have turned a blind eye to the child abuse and blocked police investigations into the home. Many have asserted that British intelligence blackmailed child sex abusers as opposed to prosecuting them, using information about pedophilic activities as leverage to control high-level political figures.Former UK Prime Minister, Edward Heath, is the latest figure to be accused of being involved in child abuse, after the news emerged that he is being investigated by five police forces.Attempts to set up an objective investigation into the true scale of pedophilia in Britain’s leading institutions are in disarray, with two previous chairs of the so-called independent inquiry into child sex abuse forced to step down due to links to the establishment. Justice Lowell Goddard, a New Zealand judge, is now leading the inquiry, a job which is reported to come with a salary of close to £500,000 a year.In a nation where high-level corruption is the norm and so many within the establishment have their hands dirty with the cover-up of crimes, can we really expect any semblance of justice to arise from this investigation?
    “Normalizing Pedophilia”
    While most ordinary people consider pedophilia to be one of the most repulsive acts imaginable, there are some perturbed individuals who are trying to rebrand the perversion as a normal sexual practice. At a conference held by the University of Cambridge in the summer of 2013, certain academics reportedly argued that pedophilia is a “natural and normal” practice for males to engage in. The repugnant conference illustrates the fact that some within the top stratum of academia are set on pushing the boundaries of what most people would consider normal behaviour.
    Calls for normalizing pedophilia are not confined to the UK however, as last year an Australian judge sparked outrage when he stated that society may come to view sexual relations between adults and children as acceptable and no longer “unnatural” or “taboo”. The judge added that “a jury might find nothing untoward” about incest in future years.
    With certain individuals pushing for such predatory and disturbing behaviour to be considered acceptable, it is essential that people around the world stand up and protect innocent children in the years to come.
    From the UK’s pedophile epidemic to its repugnant foreign policy, it is clear that the British establishment is rotten to the core with corruption and is in need of urgent reform. Westminster should spend less time destabilizing and destroying other nations around the world, and dedicate more time to prosecuting pernicious individuals who have been (or are) involved in child abuse. It is also time for the ordinary people of Britain to stand up and demand our morally-bankrupt political class be held accountable for their crimes!Steven MacMillan is an independent writer, researcher, geopolitical analyst and editor of The Analyst Report, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”. The original source of this article is New Eastern Outlook
    Copyright © Steven MacMillan, New Eastern Outlook, 2015

    Last edited by revelarts; 01-06-2025 at 10:50 PM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
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    The child rape scandal dominating UK politics after Musk criticism
    By Kate Holton
    January 6, 2025
    LONDON, Jan 6 (Reuters) - A child sexual abuse scandal that revealed how gangs of mostly Pakistani men had groomed, trafficked and raped young white girls more than a decade ago, has returned to the political agenda in Britain following criticism from Elon Musk.
    Musk, a close ally of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, has called for Prime Minister Keir Starmer to quit over what he said was Starmer's failure to tackle the scandal when he was the country's leading prosecutor, accusing him of being "complicit in the rape of Britain".
    Starmer has defended his record as head of the Crown Prosecution Service, saying he tackled the gangs head on.
    Below is what is known about the organised sexual abuse of young girls in multiple towns and cities in northern England, Starmer's role in prosecuting the scandal, and the impact it is having on British politics.

    A report in 2014, opens new tab made a conservative estimate that more than 1,400 girls were sexually exploited in the town of Rotherham between 1997 and 2013. Many were already known to local services because they were in care or had been subject to neglect.
    It said girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators. It said local officials deemed the children to be having consensual sexual intercourse.
    The report said the majority of known perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage and that in some cases local officials and other agencies had been wary of identifying ethnic origins for fear of upsetting community cohesion, or being seen as racist.
    An investigation into similar cases in Oldham, opens new tab criticised police and the local council but said they had not discovered a cover up.

    Starmer was the director of public prosecutions between 2008 and 2013.
    Starmer said on Monday that he had tackled the issue head on, brought the first major prosecution of a gang accused of grooming and rape, and had the highest number of child sexual abuse cases being prosecuted when he left the role.

    Opposition politicians including Conservative leader Kemi Badenoch and Nigel Farage, head of the right-wing Reform Party, have called for a national inquiry after media reports said the government had told Oldham council it should hold its own investigation.
    Britain has held numerous investigations into child abuse scandals in different areas of northern England. A broader nationwide public inquiry into child sexual abuse, including within churches and schools, reported in 2022, making a number of recommendations which have not yet been implemented.
    Starmer's government, elected in July, said on Monday it was working at pace to implement the recommendations.
    Musk has amplified the issue. He accused Britain's safeguarding minister Jess Phillips of being a "rape genocide apologist" who should be in jail. He also said Starmer must quit and accused him of failing to prosecute when he ran the Crown Prosecution Service.
    Professor Alexis Jay, who led an inquiry into crimes in Rotherham, and the national abuse inquiry, said a new inquiry was not needed and the government should work to implement her previous recommendations.

    Musk's near-constant criticism of Starmer and his Labour government has hindered the prime minister as he tries to set the agenda in the new year, following a difficult first six months in power.
    A speech on efforts to overhaul the health service on Monday was overshadowed by questions about Musk, with Starmer defending his record and attacking those who spread misinformation online.
    Starmer has refrained from commenting on Musk's increasingly critical comments of his premiership, not wanting to engage in a public slanging match with someone who could influence Trump's thinking on ties with Britain.
    Starmer is not the only British politician in Musk's sights. He had appeared close to the Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage last year, before he said on Sunday that Farage should quit because he does not have what it takes to lead Reform.
    The two men had appeared to disagree over British anti-Muslim activist Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, who is known by the pseudonym Tommy Robinson, with Farage saying he disagreed with Musk's backing for Robinson.
    Robinson is serving a prison sentence for contempt of court.
    The Reuters Daily Briefing newsletter provides all the news you need to start your day. Sign up here.
    Reporting by Kate Holton; Editing by Alison Williams
    Last edited by revelarts; 01-06-2025 at 10:55 PM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
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    How the grooming gangs scandal was covered up
    The child victims of rape were denied justice and protection from the state to preserve the image of a successful multicultural society

    How Starmer was forced to admit CPS let down child victims of grooming gangs
    The then DPP said perpetrators had escaped justice for decades because of failure of authorities to take the abuse seriously

    ‘Keir Starmer guilty as anyone’: Whistleblower slams UK PM over grooming gang 'failures'
    Last edited by revelarts; 01-06-2025 at 11:02 PM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    This is an awful, long duration story. At least 24 years old, 2010. As your original post is from 2016, it's obvious that it keeps fading and reemerging as the 'Asians' become more violent and impossible to cover up.

    Lots cannot be c & p.

    British Elite Seem Angrier at Elon Musk than About Migrant R@pe GangsDavid Strom 8:00 AM | January 06, 2025

    Brandon Bell/Pool via AP
    As I wrote last week, Elon Musk has ignited a firestorm by highlighting the decades-long scandal involving mainly Pakistani Muslim gangs who groomed and sexually assaulted thousands of British girls.

    It has been a long-running scandal involving some of the worst organized sexual abuse you have ever heard of, not the least of which because the authorities knew about it, covered it up, and, when it came to light, downplayed its significance because they did not want to stir up racial and religious tensions.

    They chose to sacrifice women for political correctness. So much so that they arrested parents and activists who were fighting to stop the abuse and punish the abusers rather than protect the citizens they had sworn to protect. Police went so far as to accuse young girls of consenting to be raped rather than to pursue the rapists.

    There aren't two sides to this story. There was a conspiracy to cover up the most heinous of crimes. Nobody even denies the basic facts, but there has been no accountability. Many of the rapists are still in the same communities in which they committed the crimes, even years after having been convicted and barely punished for their crimes.

    Elon Musk has lately been campaigning for accountability, and due to his influence, he has raised the profile of the issue in a way that hasn't been the case for years. To give you an idea of just how powerful his campaigning has been, here are the stories on the issue in The Telegraph for just the past few days.

    That's 16 major stories in 4 days in just one prominent newspaper. In other words, the story is enormous and so volatile that the Prime Minister is coming out today to address his own role in the scandal. He was the Crown Prosecutor when it first broke many years ago.

    Elon Musk did that. Which is why the entire Establishment went insane when he bought Twitter. They lost control over the Narrative™.

    So what has the reaction of the Establishment media and the Establishment in general been to the re-emergence of the scandal?

    They are angry at Musk. The elite are more angry that Elon Musk is pointing the finger at them than that all these young women were assaulted.

    Members of the Labour Party--who sent 100 Labour staffers to the United States to campaign for Kamala Harris--are complaining about an American getting involved in British politics.

    Starmer regularly cavorts with billionaires at World Economic Forum events and counts Bill Gates as a friend and supporter. complains that a billionaire is messing with matters that only Brits should be focused on.

    Elon Musk is a bully. How dare he stand up for young girls who were abused by gangs and then abandoned by the government? These young women were an obstacle to the "Global Britain" post-racial culture the elite was so in love with promoting.

    Musk has been critical of the UK Labour Party for months now, largely based on what he (rightly) characterizes as a "two-tier" system of justice. Tens of thousands of Muslim protesters can roam the streets calling for Jihad, the murder of Jews, the imposition of Sharia law in Britain, and accusing British women of inviting rape by being immodest, and it's all cool.

    Criticize this behavior, and you can go to jail. Even posting videos of other people protesting this behavior and you can be jailed.

    In case you haven't noticed, a huge fraction of the arrests for "offensive" speech have been aimed at people critical of the migrants and children of migrants who are making Britain unrecognizable and often unsafe. People who get attacked on the street can get in trouble for pointing out that it was a migrant who did the crime.

    Elon Musk is using his platform--and, more importantly, his credibility--to highlight the insanity and injustice of it all. He wouldn't have ignited a firestorm if there weren't so much dry kindling ready to burn.

    You may wonder why Musk is getting involved in Great Britain (and Germany), but I am not. The American cultural crisis he is fighting against is really a crisis of the West, and while saving America is by far the most important task in front of us, it isn't the only one. America would be stronger if we didn't stand alone, and the Western project is worth saving.

    I often write about the decline of the Anglosphere. What happens in Canada, Australia, Great Britain, and New Zealand matters. What happens in Germany, France, Italy, and the EU also matters. Our fates are tied together, at least to some extent.

    Musk is right to get involved, and his involvement is moving hearts and minds. He may not be right in every detail--I can't say whether I agree that Nigel Farage should be replaced as leader of Reform UK, which Musk has suggested--but his efforts to shift the Overton Window in the UK is noble and necessary.

    It's long past time to push back against the inane motto "diversity is our strength" and the ideology that is behind it. It's not true.

    Western culture is our strength. We need to stand up and save it.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Former UK Official Who Criticized Elon Musk Now Under Arrested in Paedophile Sting

    Ex-Labour MP Ivor Caplin arrested after 'paedophile hunter' sting

    Labour ex-Minister Ivor Caplin Arrested in Underage Sex Sting as Demands for National Inquiry Grow
    caught on video, 66yr old Ivor Caplin trying to meet with 15yr old boy
    Last edited by revelarts; 01-16-2025 at 09:28 AM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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