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I don't know that the 'collective' should deal with it. I would hope that Israel, if Iran is foolish enough to go for one more attack, is ready to respond. Hopefully they could take care of it and get Trump off hook for being involved. We'll see.
To answer the flip: A body can do without a limb or two; but the limbs cannot survive without the body.
I agree. But that's not how the Western World rolls. Without consensus, it doesn't move even at the snail's pace it does when it has consensus. I see the Red Sea as an international problem, not a regional one. But the international community is too busy pointing a finger at Israel rather than the root cause of the problem. Again, nobody wants to deal with Iran beyond "sanctions".
My point being on the "flip" is that the international community refuses to point its finger at Hamas, Hezbollah, and or the Houthis and deal with them. Expecting them to deal with an actual nation with a standing army and sophisticated weaponry is unrealistic. We're just repeating parts of the lead-ups to both WWs. In this case, the Chamberlain Effect is in full force.
I now, you know, and every single one of these spineless bureaucrats knows Iran is behind every bit of this. The problem is Iran hasn't attacked anyone that "matters", and has used word salad to play victim. We're talking people that will sit around condemning Israel for collateral damage and call it genocide while turning a blind eye to the groups that commit outright murder.
“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke