Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
Okay. Again, FEMA is Federal and incompetent. I can't say anything about NC because different states are at different levels of competency/incompetency, your choice. I have WAY ore faith in the Texas government to prepare for and handle crap than I do the Feds.

However, the tradeoff for living in the State that is keeping the other 49 afloat despite the Federal government's best effort is it is more authoritarian, for now.

Point is, just what are you expecting State/Fed authorities to do? Stop the hurricane? Anything less results in my previous post. I keep hearing "the Government, the government ..." The government what? Doesn't do miracles? Not sure what expectations are. Especially from THIS administration which has proven itself completely incompetent as far as I'm concerned. They haven't even bothered to at least upkeep what they inherited. They're just driving the car until the engine seizes.