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Why? Why would he do something so stupid? As you said ... loss of major pension. I read the article but it didn't state why he thought he could get away with it. The military is very political .. especially in senior positions. All you have to do is piss off one person.
My ex is retired E9. Good retirement pay. That's a lot of money to give up just for ego!
Best guess: inferiority complex in the age-old division between combat arms and support personnel. There IS a reason for that. In a dead heat, combat arms personnel get the tie breaker. This guy's need for relevance overrode any common sense and/or experience he ever gained, in violation of the rules.
That's my best guess. He has 29 years in. He could have retired at any point after 20. Now he has to retire as a Sgt. In MY book? That's 30 wasted years of life. He threw them out the window for trinkets on his uniform that made him feel important but pay nothing.
“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke