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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Please point me to my obvious errors where I have yet to reply OTHER than the Black Rock issue.
    No. Were you wrong?

    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Please link me to my break downs in logic that you've corrected that I have not replied to, or admitted, so that I might deal with that pile.
    No. I'm not digging into a thousand threads. They're still out there and open.

    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    I've made many statements on my view of monopolies, not sure how you've forgotten them.
    I've posted plenty on that, All you've done is disagreed with my stance.
    Seems that you love big biz more than any principals or ideals (but that's not rando populist , because it favors corporations rather than people ..which is GOOD in your mind it seems. It's "conservative".) . If I understand your stance, You seem to think that monopolies will work themselves out or be a an overall good. And NO regulations are better than any.
    we disagree.
    None of that is correct. I think you combine monopoly and oligopoly.

    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Here's the thing FJ, If you'd AGREE with the portions that i've posted that are correct or have merit before you go into bad "fact checking" to see if I falsely called a "paper" a "study", and digging around a for a series of other similar points I supposedly misrepresented, that you want to hang your refutations on, it might not be so bad.
    But the nitpicking just comes across as being contrarian for contrarian sake. The reply of someone who just wants someone else to be wrong, but can't really refute the MAIN points well.

    I point out globalist words & actions and you say they're dead, so it doesn't matter.
    I point out current people's words & actions you claim "it's a meme!", & immediately assert/assume it's not true they didn't say it.
    The problem IMO is that you hang so much of your truth on an incorrect interpretation of facts while I might be able to agree on particular facts it's your truth that falls apart.

    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    I post a meme with short facts showing the history of the vaccine schedule and you & immediately assert it's not relevant because "it's a meme".
    I post links to a long detail history of Dimon to make the point that Trump is not looking at "populist" to fill cabinet post. The info at the link shows, at the LEAST, that Dimon is no "populist", and you say "it may or may not lend credence", "no relation to reality". sheeesh.

    The telling part is that you say it's "typical of the roots of your positions".
    the questions on the table ARE NOT, what you THINK "the roots of my positions" are FJ.
    Why are you even going there?!

    IS Jamie Dimon a Populist FJ? Just Agree & say NO, He is NOT a populist.
    So, Trump picking him is NOT a POPULIST move.
    It's a SIMPLE CLEAR POINT. That's not hard to see. or admit for an honest player.
    Or If you think Dimon IS a Populist option or that other picks are, then back it up or point them out.
    Don't go of on some tangent saying that what I've post has no relation to reality or is irrelevant because you don't like it as a meme or a video or it's has TOO MUCH info thats not exactly relevant to the point.

    Just be honest dude.
    And remember, I never try to dismiss your points with BS like that.

    But hey if that's the only way you can think of to approach or refute the subjects on the table,
    then, ok, you do you FJ.
    Just know it's not striking me as honest or content based, comes across more like you just want to disagree with some part of what i said.

    But maybe it's because you don't like the ROOTS of my positions. WTH?
    Memes are not relevant. They are a sad representation of an argument. And I'm going there because that is what this has devolved into. The point that I'm making is that the link is typical of what you present.

    The question about is Dimon a populist is the wrong question. It's not whether he's a populist or not (which I don't think Dimon is) it's whether populist trump might choose him. When the below is the brilliance coming from trump then I'm not going to waste time on this particular issue.

    [COLOR=var(--style-type-primary-1-highest)]Former President Donald Trump said in a recent interview he would consider nominating JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon as Treasury Secretary, but on Tuesday said he doesn’t know who said that or where that came from.[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=var(--style-type-primary-1-highest)]In an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek published earlier this month, Trump said, “I have a lot of respect for Jamie Dimon.” He was then asked whether Dimon might be a future Trump administration Treasury secretary.[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=var(--style-type-primary-1-highest)]“He is somebody that I would consider, sure,” Trump said, according to the transcript posted online by Bloomberg.[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=var(--style-type-primary-1-highest)]But on Tuesday, Trump posted on Truth Social, “I don’t know who said it, or where it came from, perhaps the Radical Left, but I never discussed, or thought of, Jamie Dimon or Larry Fink for Secretary of the Treasury.”[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=var(--style-type-primary-1-highest)]Trump didn’t mention considering Fink, who is the CEO of BlackRock, in the Bloomberg interview.[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=var(--style-type-primary-1-highest)]Trump’s comments on Dimon in the Bloomberg interview were a sharp departure from his previous posture on the JPMorgan chief executive. Trump bashed Dimon in November as a “Highly overrated Globalist” in a Truth Social Post after Dimon praised Nikki Haley, who was at the time still running for president in the GOP primary. But Dimon then said earlier this year he thought Trump was right about key issues and that bashing his “Make America Great Again” movement would hurt President Joe Biden.[/COLOR]
    It's what populists do, they meander aimlessly because they have no core.
    Last edited by fj1200; 07-26-2024 at 01:11 PM.
    "when socialism fails, blame capitalism and demand more socialism." - A friend
    "You know the difference between libs and right-wingers? Libs STFU when evidence refutes their false beliefs." - Another friend
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    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    Were you wrong?
    So you really can't point out any others.
    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    No. I'm not digging into a thousand threads. They're still out there and open.
    Can you find me 2 out of the "thousands" of threads.
    Should be easy. Since there are thousands.

    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    None of that is correct. I think you combine monopoly and oligopoly.
    monopoly leads to/becomes oligopoly.
    At least over the aspects of life where the particular monopoly is in control.

    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    The problem IMO is that you hang so much of your truth on an incorrect interpretation of facts while I might be able to agree on particular facts it's your truth that falls apart.
    look, can we please stop with this BS truth verses facts stuff.
    It's false postmodern philosophy. The same philosophy that is in fact at the root of the gender horror show we have nowadays.
    There is no "Your Truth" vs "Facts".
    There are Facts/Truth,
    There's honest or dishonest views of the of Facts/Truth
    and there's opinions about the importance, applications & implications of Truth/Facts.
    And those last items have MORE or LESS factual evidence that points in ONE direction or another.
    It's never exactly neutral. Even if there's NOT ENOUGH facts to work with.

    Reality doesn't play the "your truth" game.
    People play it. and it harms everyone.

    "thou shalt not commit false witness"
    (Acting on Falsehoods leads to problems. God made our universal reality to work best for us based on our understanding of the Truth.
    IMO "speak the truth in love" is one of them most profound life giving lines in the Bible. It sums up best practices for the whole show IMO. The farther we move away from Truth and Love, the worse problems become.)

    But look, If you don't agree with my display of the facts, or that they point in certain directions, Fine.
    Align them and add to them facts in the way that makes your case, so it shows that it fits reality better.
    Don't pretend that i'm playing mind games.
    As fixed as i may seem in my positions i am swayed by FACTS/TRUTH.

    Debate is a like a good court case, either there's MORE evidence to make a case that ONE person committed a crime than others.
    If there's not enough evidence or better evidence for another verdict, then make the case. Don't just say my interpretation is wrong because you don't like it. or 'the root of your position', 'your truth' crap.
    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    Memes are not relevant.
    Facts in the form of meme are JUST as relevant as if they weren't in a Meme.
    period. you are LYING to say otherwise.
    Just say YOU don't like memes.
    That's it.
    Saying dogs have 4 legs in a meme is STILL the TRUTH.
    It's only "sad" & a "devolution"... in your opinion.
    facts are facts no matter if they are in a MEME, a VIDEO, An ARTICLE, a STUDY, a Song, a T shirt, an Unknown Website, even out of the mouths of prostitutes, politicians or crackpots.
    The sources and formats are important to various degrees, but the TRUTH is what reality turns on.
    If you want to refute the FACTS with me, deal with the facts. because saying you don't like the format DOES NOT move my view of the facts or the facts AT ALL.
    But hey, If those comments are for the benefit of others, or yourself, fine, no problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    The question about is Dimon a populist is the wrong question. It's not whether he's a populist or not (which I don't think Dimon is) it's whether populist trump might choose him. When the below is the brilliance coming from trump then I'm not going to waste time on this particular issue.
    Quote Originally Posted by Trump
    Trump's jibber jaber
    It's what populists do, they meander aimlessly because they have no core.
    Ok, very cool, seriously. Your part of the reply here quoting Trumps wishy washy jiber jabber is a GREAT reply to my point.
    There's CONTENT about what Trump said concerning Dimon, It shows FACTUALLY he's either not speaking sincerely, or even incoherently.
    So yes, based on the Counter EVIDENCE you've presented it's makes sense to make the INTERPRETATION of the FACTS that POINT TO the idea that Trumps is a directionless populist.

    That's the kind of honest reply i can admit is valid and it takes the sting out of my attempted Dimon point.
    Rather than nonsense about the "root of your positions" & your link "may or may not" be relevant "outside of reality" "it's a meme" crap.
    Last edited by revelarts; 07-26-2024 at 06:30 PM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    So you really can't point out any others.
    You won't cop to one why find others.

    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Can you find me 2 out of the "thousands" of threads.
    Should be easy. Since there are thousands.

    monopoly leads to/becomes oligopoly.
    At least over the aspects of life where the particular monopoly is in control.
    They have specific definitions with different solutions based on particulars. You haven't correctly stated anything about my position on monopolies and your solutions to, and identification of, market concentration are poorly thought out. See other thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    look, can we please stop with this BS truth verses facts stuff.
    It's false postmodern philosophy. The same philosophy that is in fact at the root of the gender horror show we have nowadays.
    There is no "Your Truth" vs "Facts".
    There are Facts/Truth,
    There's honest or dishonest views of the of Facts/Truth
    and there's opinions about the importance, applications & implications of Truth/Facts.
    And those last items have MORE or LESS factual evidence that points in ONE direction or another.
    It's never exactly neutral. Even if there's NOT ENOUGH facts to work with.

    Reality doesn't play the "your truth" game.
    People play it. and it harms everyone.

    "thou shalt not commit false witness"
    (Acting on Falsehoods leads to problems. God made our universal reality to work best for us based on our understanding of the Truth.
    IMO "speak the truth in love" is one of them most profound life giving lines in the Bible. It sums up best practices for the whole show IMO. The farther we move away from Truth and Love, the worse problems become.)

    But look, If you don't agree with my display of the facts, or that they point in certain directions, Fine.
    Align them and add to them facts in the way that makes your case, so it shows that it fits reality better.
    Don't pretend that i'm playing mind games.
    As fixed as i may seem in my positions i am swayed by FACTS/TRUTH.

    Debate is a like a good court case, either there's MORE evidence to make a case that ONE person committed a crime than others.
    If there's not enough evidence or better evidence for another verdict, then make the case. Don't just say my interpretation is wrong because you don't like it. or 'the root of your position', 'your truth' crap.

    Facts in the form of meme are JUST as relevant as if they weren't in a Meme.
    period. you are LYING to say otherwise.
    Just say YOU don't like memes.
    That's it.
    Saying dogs have 4 legs in a meme is STILL the TRUTH.
    It's only "sad" & a "devolution"... in your opinion.
    facts are facts no matter if they are in a MEME, a VIDEO, An ARTICLE, a STUDY, a Song, a T shirt, an Unknown Website, even out of the mouths of prostitutes, politicians or crackpots.
    The sources and formats are important to various degrees, but the TRUTH is what reality turns on.
    If you want to refute the FACTS with me, deal with the facts. because saying you don't like the format DOES NOT move my view of the facts or the facts AT ALL.
    But hey, If those comments are for the benefit of others, or yourself, fine, no problem.
    I think fact vs truth is stupid but it explains the world that we are in these days. If you are going to take a fact pattern and interpret those facts then you are attempting to find truth. If those facts are merely conjecture as it relates to the evidence then the derived truth is false. I don't want my truth to be based on conjecture.

    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Ok, very cool, seriously. Your part of the reply here quoting Trumps wishy washy jiber jabber is a GREAT reply to my point.
    There's CONTENT about what Trump said concerning Dimon, It shows FACTUALLY he's either not speaking sincerely, or even incoherently.
    So yes, based on the Counter EVIDENCE you've presented it's makes sense to make the INTERPRETATION of the FACTS that POINT TO the idea that Trumps is a directionless populist.

    That's the kind of honest reply i can admit is valid and it takes the sting out of my attempted Dimon point.
    Rather than nonsense about the "root of your positions" & your link "may or may not" be relevant "outside of reality" "it's a meme" crap.
    Apparently I needed to state it differently because I never said it was about Dimon; it was always about trump and his incoherence/insincerity. I think I now realize why I was wrong about trump choosing Scott for VP. A rational actor looking to win an election would have chosen Scott to appeal to other voting blocs; Black, conservative, etc. I don't think anyone ever tagged trump and populists as a rational actors.
    "when socialism fails, blame capitalism and demand more socialism." - A friend
    "You know the difference between libs and right-wingers? Libs STFU when evidence refutes their false beliefs." - Another friend
    “Don't waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.” - Paulo Coelho

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    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    You won't cop to one why find others.

    They have specific definitions with different solutions based on particulars. You haven't correctly stated anything about my position on monopolies and your solutions to, and identification of, market concentration are poorly thought out. See other thread.

    I think fact vs truth is stupid but it explains the world that we are in these days. If you are going to take a fact pattern and interpret those facts then you are attempting to find truth. If those facts are merely conjecture as it relates to the evidence then the derived truth is false. I don't want my truth to be based on conjecture.

    Apparently I needed to state it differently because I never said it was about Dimon; it was always about trump and his incoherence/insincerity. I think I now realize why I was wrong about trump choosing Scott for VP. A rational actor looking to win an election would have chosen Scott to appeal to other voting blocs; Black, conservative, etc. I don't think anyone ever tagged trump and populists as a rational actors.

    I'm not jumping into this whole discussion; however I do want to jump into the last bit on VP choice. I do hope Trump makes clear to Vance that they need to stay on point regarding policies and not attack on sex or race or whatever. 'Childless cat lady' is needlessly alienating many, just a very poor example of judgement.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    I'm not jumping into this whole discussion; however I do want to jump into the last bit on VP choice. I do hope Trump makes clear to Vance that they need to stay on point regarding policies and not attack on sex or race or whatever. 'Childless cat lady' is needlessly alienating many, just a very poor example of judgement.
    Hopefully someone keeps both their feet to the fire on that. Wasn't the cat lady thing from dated remarks?
    "when socialism fails, blame capitalism and demand more socialism." - A friend
    "You know the difference between libs and right-wingers? Libs STFU when evidence refutes their false beliefs." - Another friend
    “Don't waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.” - Paulo Coelho

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    Now I have faith that Kamala and whomever she picks will likely self-destruct, but JD is alienating many for no good reason. Do they not realize they need to attract more, not get rid of those they consider unworthy?

    J.D. Vance ‘Couch’ Story Finally Makes Appearance on FoxAWKWARD
    The mention might have been brief, but the uncomfortable moment spoke volumes.

    William Vaillancourt
    William Vaillancourt
    Updated Jul. 27, 2024 3:12AM EDT / Published Jul. 26, 2024 8:51PM EDT
    Fox News

    The embarrassing, baseless gossip that Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance had sex with a couch was alluded to in passing on Fox News Friday night for the first time, making for a bit of an amusing—if not awkward—moment on the right-wing channel.

    Vance’s rollout as Donald Trump’s running mate has been largely viewed as less than ideal, thanks in part to his controversial comments about women and voting. In addition, scores of memes have imagined Vance’s relationship with furniture, as a result of a joke post on X from July 15 which claimed to quote Vance’s memoir, Hillbilly Elegy, but was simply made up. Since the post gained traction, the Associated Press fact-checked it as false on Wednesday, but, to compound the issue for Vance, removed the fact check soon after, saying it “didn’t go through our standard editing process.”

    The result: widespread questions—and even more jokes, including from late-night hosts like Stephen Colbert—about what really happened.

    Dem Rep. Slyly References J.D. Vance ‘Couches’ Memes on CNN
    David Gardner
    Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) leaves a meeting of the House Democratic Caucus about the candidacy of President Joe Biden at the Democratic National Committee on July 9, 2024.
    On Fox News’ The Five, the show’s liberal co-host, Jessica Tarlov, made a clear nod to the story while discussing Vice President Kamala Harris’ jumpstart campaign, which has set records for donations and campaign volunteer sign-ups.

    “Well, Kennedy,” she told her colleague, “it seems like Republicans are getting a big J.D. Vance—should I say, couch-sized—wake-up call.”

    “Did he or didn’t he?” Tarlov wondered moments later, adding that she would think that Vance would prefer “more policing of content” on X due to the flood of memes.

    Kennedy chimed in. “Let’s couch that part of the discussion and get on to—,” she joked, before the conversation moved on.

    Tarlov’s initial comments marked the first time that the discourse about Vance and couches was mentioned on Fox News, according to a transcript search with media monitoring tool Grabien. By contrast, the subject was first broached on MSNBC two nights before on Alex Wagner Tonight, with two more mentions Friday morning. And on The Source Thursday night, Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) made the first such reference on CNN.

    As for whether or not Republicans are getting a “wake-up call,” a Fox News poll released later Friday and covered by Special Report anchor Bret Baier showed a closer race between Harris and Trump in some battleground states than previous polls featuring Joe Biden had indicated.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    Hopefully someone keeps both their feet to the fire on that. Wasn't the cat lady thing from dated remarks?
    I'm not sure, first chance I've had to look for the reason behind all the memes I'm seeing on social media sites.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Vance's answer:

    Vance defends ‘sarcastic’ ‘childless cat ladies’ remarks amid blowbackby Brett Samuels - 07/26/24 1:05 PM ET

    Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) on Friday addressed the firestorm brewing around his recently resurfaced remarks that the country was being run by “childless cat ladies,” calling it a “sarcastic comment” and pivoting to attack Democrats as “antifamily.”

    “I know the media wants to attack me and wants me to back down on this, Megyn, but the simple point that I made is that having children, becoming a father, becoming a mother, I really do think it changes your perspective in a pretty profound way,” Vance said on SiriusXM’s “The Megyn Kelly Show,” his first time addressing his 2021 remarks since they were recirculated this week.

    “There’s a deeper point here, Megyn. It’s not a criticism of people who don’t have children. I explicitly said in my remarks — despite the fact the media has lied about this — that this is not about criticizing people who for various reasons didn’t have kids,” Vance said. “This is about criticizing the Democratic Party for becoming antifamily and antichildren.”

    Vance pointed to support from some liberals for young children to continue to wear masks in the years after the coronavirus pandemic began. He also claimed the Harris campaign has opposed the child tax credit, though Harris as vice president has supported expanding that policy.

    “It’s because they have become antifamily and antikid. And I’m proud to stand up for parents. And I hope that parents out there recognize that I’m a guy who wants to fight for you,” Vance said. “I don’t think we should back down from it, Megyn. I think we should be honest about the problem.”

    Vance said the government should make it easier for families to have children and that workplaces should be more accommodating to working moms and dads.

    Some House Republicans slam Vance as Trump’s VP pick: ‘The worst choice’
    He also told Kelly that he’s not opposed to in vitro fertilization (IVF) for parents having fertility problems, but said “we have to protect the rights of Christian hospitals to operate the way that they want to operate.”

    Vance has come under fire in recent days because of comments he made in 2021 when he was campaigning for an Ohio Senate seat. He told then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson the country was being run by “a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.”

    “It’s just a basic fact — you look at Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, AOC — the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children,” Vance said. “And how does it make any sense that we’ve turned our country over to people who don’t really have a direct stake in it?”

    The Ohio senator, who was tapped by former President Trump last week to join the GOP ticket, told Kelly people were too focused on the “sarcasm” of his remarks and not enough on the substance.

    In a separate 2021 speech at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Vance said his remarks were not targeting those who couldn’t have kids for biological or medical reasons.

    ABC News reported Friday that Vance in a 2021 appearance on “The Charlie Kirk Show” podcast advocated for higher taxes on Americans without children.

    Vance’s past comments have been at the center of attacks from Democrats and the Harris campaign, as well as some high-profile celebrities who have taken issue with his remarks.

    “All I can say is… Mr. Vance, I pray that your daughter is fortunate enough to bear children of her own one day,” actress Jennifer Aniston wrote in an Instagram post. “I hope she will not need to turn to IVF as a second option. Because you are trying to take that away from her, too.”

    Buttigieg, the Transportation secretary, noted in an interview this week that Vance’s comments came after he and his husband, Chasten, had been dealt a setback in their effort to adopt.

    “It’s only been 11 days, but voters know the Trump-Vance ticket is running to take America backwards and take away our freedoms – but as Vice President Harris has said, we will not go back,” a Harris campaign spokesperson said Friday.
    I understand his POV, but he needs to UNDERSTAND that the Office of the Presidency is to represent all of America, even those that see things very different than the current holders of that office.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Now this IS INTERESTING! Goto site, as I said, nearly all the coverage has been on social media-which is most influential source of news for many 45 and younger.

    AP Forced to Delete Embarrassing Fact-Check About JD VanceMatt Vespa
    Matt Vespa
    July 27, 2024 7:00 AM

    AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

    It provided for some funny memes, but the story also serves as yet another example of the liberal media going indiscriminately insane trying to find anything to attack Donald Trump and his running mate, JD Vance. Vance is getting torched by the media, who are attacking him for his socially conservative positions. Yet, one thing the Associated Press fact-checked about the Ohio Republican was this wild story about him having sex with a couch, which some said was mentioned in his book Hillbilly Elegy. It’s not true. It didn’t need a fact check, but the AP team decided to post it anyway to humiliate the Republican vice presidential candidate.

    The Associated Press eventually took it down after facing intense criticism, with the outlet admitting that the post did not meet its editorial standards (via NY Post):

    The Associated Press is being ridiculed after it pulled down a “fact check” story on an X-rated hoax about Trump running-mate JD Vance involving a couch and a rubber glove, claiming it “didn’t go through [their] standard editing process” before publication.

    The article, which was tagged with an authoritative “AP Fact Check” header, was titled “No, JD Vance did not have sex with a couch,” alluding to a fake claim that the Ohio senator described making love to a sofa in graphic detail in his 2016 memoir “Hillbilly Elegy.”

    The salacious hoax spread like wildfire on social media, reportedly sparked by an X user who tweeted out a description of the alleged lewd act complete with a bogus citation.

    Of course, no such passage exists in Vance’s bestseller, “Hillbilly Elegy,” but that didn’t stop the rumor from spreading — with many apparently believing it was true, including comedian and known twit Kathy Griffin.


    The wire service’s rigorous assessment included scanning through a “searchable PDF” of the book for the word “couch” or “couches” — which came up 10 times in total, though never in the context of a sex act.


    “The story, which did not go out on the wire to our customers, didn’t go through our standard editing process. We are looking into how that happened,” an AP spokesperson told The Post.

    Author and journalist Noah Rothman slammed the Associated Press as “sleazy” for deleting the article, and for giving the fake claim — which emanated from an anonymous X user with less than 1,800 followers — any oxygen whatsoever.

    “Last night, the AP published a ‘fact check’ of utterly unknown nobodies who alleged that JD Vance fornicated a couch, not because anyone believed that but because it introduces that nonsense into the bloodstream. Today, it’s gone. So sleazy.”


    CNN's Harry Enten and James Carville Throw Some Cold Water on Harris' Candidacy
    Matt Vespa
    Just ridiculous. Yet, again, some of the reactions were funny. Of all the things the media could use, they chose a hoax. I would hope the Vance camps had a good laugh at this one; the media stepped on a rake on this one.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Social media is a very good argument for controls on "free" speech. So is the MSM. At this point, I really don't care about free speech purists wailing and gnashing teeth. There needs to be consequences for just flat lying. I'm not talking about ignorant/stupid opinions either. I'm talking about just making shit up. I' not talking about some lame ass laws that require a note from Christ stating one's reputation has been maligned that'll get through the court about the time we are all reincarnated and living our second lives

    Used to be, you just got your ass kicked. Say what you want, it made people think twice that there was possible retribution. There is little to no accountability for on social media. Might get banned? Sure. That works

    I like the internet/"information age". But jury's out with me where it comes to its value. For any good it does, it does an equal if not more amount of damage.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    Hopefully someone keeps both their feet to the fire on that. Wasn't the cat lady thing from dated remarks?
    Just found this, FOX gives some context and 'yes' it's from 3 years ago. It still carries the problem of letting people make their own choices with lifestyles. Keep to issues, easy enough with AOC, Kamala, any of the squad:

    Trump senior campaign advisor slams left: Taking Vance's ‘cat lady’ comments ‘blatantly out of context’'We’re about fighting for the working women of the United States... JD Vance is the perfect representation of that,' LaCivita told Fox News
    Gabriel Hays By Gabriel Hays Fox News
    Published July 27, 2024 10:53am EDT

    JD Vance's 'childless cat ladies' backlash 'blatantly taken out of context': Chris LaCivita
    Trump 2024 senior campaign adviser Chris LaCivita discusses the latest JD Vance criticism and President Biden's withdrawal from the 2024 race as Kamala Harris takes center stage on 'The Brian Kilmeade Show.'

    Trump 2024 senior campaign advisor Chris LaCivita slammed the left’s new attacks on vice presidential candidate JD Vance for appearing to disparage "childless cat ladies" in the Democratic Party, saying that critics are being "absolutely absurd."

    During an episode of Fox News’ "The Brian Kilmeade Show," LaCivita stated that all the noise over Vance’s comments – which he made during an interview three years ago – was overblown and clarified to the radio host that the Trump/Vance campaign is not against "childless women" as the liberal media is saying.

    "The fact of the matter is, it’s been blatantly taken out of context," the Trump advisor said during the radio segment that aired on Friday.

    JD Vance during Watters interview
    GOP Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance has been under fire for an old interview where he slammed "childless cat ladies" in the Democratic Party. (Fox News)

    During the 2021 interview, Vance originally stated, "We are effectively run in this country, via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they wanna make the rest of the country miserable, too."

    He then specifically called out Vice President Harris, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., as being part of this group in that interview.

    This week, the Harris campaign, and various other prominent liberals, including Hillary Clinton, actress Jennifer Aniston and others blasted Vance, accusing him of devaluing women that don’t have children, or can’t have them under normal circumstances.

    LaCivita pushed back against the new attack against Vance, suggesting his words were being overblown and suggesting they’re being interpreted in bad faith.

    The senior advisor also turned the media’s attacks on Vance here against them. "As a matter of fact, there was a discussion today, where the follow up *– the Democrat follow-up attack is that JD Vance believes that only people with children should get certain tax breaks."

    "Well, that’s called the childcare tax credit," he continued, noting, "So now we have the Democrat Party and the Kamala Harris campaign on record as opposing something that has been law for years which is, you know, the childcare tax credit."

    LaCivita also slammed the Democratic Party strategy employed to take down the Republican vice-presidential candidate, stating, "Look, we expect this kind of thing. You know, they drag out their has-been actresses of Jennifer Aniston to come out and make these attacks."

    "We’re about fighting for the working women of the United States, the forgotten people of the middle class. JD Vance is the perfect representation of that. They know it. It scares the hell out of them… They’re going to peddle in fiction and we’re going to have to deal with it as we go forward."

    Kilmeade followed by asking if the Trump campaign is "against childless women," to which LaCivita replied, "No, that’s absurd. It’s absolutely absurd."

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    Just found this, FOX gives some context and 'yes' it's from 3 years ago. It still carries the problem of letting people make their own choices with lifestyles. Keep to issues, easy enough with AOC, Kamala, any of the squad:
    In context: nothing.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Math Twain

    A truth is not hard to kill, but a well told lie is immortal.”
    If the freedom of speech is taken away
    then dumb and silent we may be led,
    like sheep to the slaughter.

    George Washington (1732-1799) First President of the USA.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    Just found this, FOX gives some context and 'yes' it's from 3 years ago. It still carries the problem of letting people make their own choices with lifestyles. Keep to issues, easy enough with AOC, Kamala, any of the squad:
    This not being an issue worth anything more than those sheeple leftwingnuts who believe the lying, leftist MSM, going back to the OP, I think Vance is an unwise choice. IMO, if Trump REALLY wanted to win the way the game is played instead of deluding himself (again) that he can win on his own terms, he would have chosen someone with a wider appeal to the right instead of someone who boosts his ego.

    Not only do I consider Nikki Haley more qualified than Vance for the position, she has broader appeal among conservatives and is harder for the leftist MSM/Dems to go after being the child of Indian immigrants and female.

    Choosing a clone instead appeals only to the same people that already support him.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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