How it ends - live updates and spoilers.
Watching How it Ends -
Short of it is: Guy leaves his wife in Seattle to visit Chicago. Unnamed catastrophe happens and the power grid and cell phones go down, so he and his father in law get in a car and start driving west towards the wife/daughter.
Things I like: The genre.
Bad guys approach the husband and Father in Law (the character is retired Marine) (H and FIL from here out). Bad guys (white people) start threatening - FIL goes to 'get his money' from the trunk and pulls out a .45 pistol. Bad guys run.
Things I don't like:
When H and FIL back in the car, H says "You should have told me about the gun!" Then FIL has to defend the fact he was able to defend himself.
Seeing people fleeing the large cities and the heroes trapped in the chaos. Nobody is prepared - and that is not fiction.
Grown man - the husband - does not know how to load and fire a pistol.
FIL sees deer in the road and decides to crash their car instead of just braking and steering.
Military already seems to be the bad guy - set up a road block "For the safety of the people" because "They closed the interstate because there would be nobody to help if you got a flat or ran into trouble" and the citizenry just believed it and were okay with it. and that makes me frustrated because it's like that in real life - people allow their government to close public roads 'for their safety' and restrict travel and commerce. FIL calls a guy wearing 1SG Rank "Sergeant". The 1SG ends up letting the duo through the checkpoint, however.
So far the only nice characters are non-white - the 1SG notwithstanding.
More as it comes to me....
( @Abbey asked me to try to edit this.)
( @darin I like big butts and I cannot lie.)
Last edited by Kathianne; 10-25-2018 at 02:35 PM.
“… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.