It didn't take much to know this was going to fail but to many it is a surprise how badly it is failing, If they can prove ( which it looks like they have already done ) that While shoving this down our throats and promising we could keep the healthcare we have if we like it and knowing that wasn't going to be the case it seems to me this was all a lie ( like everything else Obama says ) but we ought to be able to void the Bill due to the lies, although I am sure it will go down more on the lines of you should know what you are voting for and it seems Lib's are learning a costly lesson, as for the rest of us we are paying like we knew we would.

Is it possible that things really still can get worse for supporters of Obamacare, the president’s signature accomplishment, the law that was voted through by only Democrats during a lame-duck session of Congress?
Decide for yourself.
On Monday, White House spokesman Jay Carney admitted the law is killing off health insurance policies that Americans currently hold, and NBC reported that the administration knew that was what would happen as long as three years ago.
At least two different investigations are being launched by Congress, a commentary showed that even the paper signup process for Obamacare doesn’t work, and Alaska simply gave up – canceling signups because virtually no one was participating.