From the POTUS own team comes the fact that he was a dual citizen at birth, which makes him ineligible to be POTUS.

I know just beating a dead horse but facts are facts.

The Obama Birth Controversy

— By Todd Leventhal, 21 August 2009

During the past year, a number of conspiracy theorists have suggested that President Obama was not born in the United States. If this were true — which it is not — he would not be eligible to be the U.S. president, who must be a natural-born American.

Interestingly, determined that Obama was originally both a U.S. citizen and a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies from 1961 to 1963 (because his father was from Kenya, which gained its independence from the British Empire in 1963), then both a U.S. and Kenyan citizen from 1963 to 1982, and solely a U.S. citizen after that.