This is a real bummer..............

Source: CNN

The death of an Air Force technical sergeant in Iraq last week quietly ushered in a somber milestone: 100 American female service members now have died in Iraq, according to a CNN count of Pentagon figures.

The latest death was Tech. Sgt. Jackie L. Larsen, 37, of Tacoma, Washington, who died of natural causes July 17 at Balad Air Base, Iraq. She was assigned to the 9th Reconnaissance Wing, Beale Air Force Base, California, according to the Pentagon.

The death comes during what is on pace to be the lowest monthly toll in the war. Pentagon records show that at least 10 U.S. troops have died in July. The lowest number in the war was in May, with 19. The total of U.S. service member deaths in the Iraq war now stands at 4,125.

Of the 100 female service members who died:

97 were troops and three were military civilian employees.

61 of them have been classified as hostile -- occurring during combat or enemy attacks -- and 39 have been non-hostile........


Was the ERA ever passed? I think it should have been by now!!!!!!!!!!!