Brown nosing takes skill. One must become Zen like in the pursuit of this underrated art. To hone your skills in this area, you must let "self" go. You must use all your powers of persuasion to convince the brown nosee (see FN 1) that without your brown nosing, their life would be meaningless. This is necessary because without the brown nosee needing the brown nosing, the brown nosing loses substantial value and becomes mere flattery.

Do not be fooled by "street" vernacular that attempts to diminish this fine art. Many of you have undoubtedly heard the phrase "ass kissing." Do not be fooled by this attempt to diminish the art of brown nosing. People who have tried to develop the art of brown nosing, but have miserably failed, have embraced this "ass kissing" as a way to diminish the power of brown nosing because they understand full well that those who excel in the art of brown nosing will make their pitiable attempts look like mere "flattery."

Pay no attention to the naysayers; instead, embrace your inner ability to brown nose. If you follow my 7 simple steps, you will see dramatic results in your life in only one week. Let me give you an example of how my life changed using my 7 simple steps.


The idea to give cash money to the deserving poster who creates a great post is simply the best idea I have ever come across. It altered my life in simple, yet profound ways. I wake up in the morning thinking of this contest. It has power, it motivates. I encourage you to allow me to take this opportunity to thank you in advance for naming me as the winner of this contest.

Don't forget to purchase my book: 7 Simple Steps to Perfecting Brown Nosing.

(FN 1 - defined as one who receives the brown nosing as opposed to the brown noseor who performs the art of brown nosing)