Quote Originally Posted by SassyLady View Post
Gateway Pundit was just commenting on the story. He was actually interviewed by James Kunstler.


Here you can listen to the original interview with Geert Vanden Bossche the virologist.That way you can"t claim it's biased because Gateway talked about it. Make up your own mind whether you agree with the scientist.
GP will publish about anything along the lines of the link; I question their editorial standards. But whether I agree with him or not depends on if he is correct or not. Further is he correct for the right reasons and not just luck.

Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
FYI, real scientist would be on CNN or maybe even Fox news Sassy, ok?

Plus what he says doesn't align with my beliefs so even if he is barely credible in some fashion, he's obviously gone off the farm into pure quackery. That no one should ever review or even consider in the slightest.
Only the gov't & the MSM gets to tell us that we're all about to die.
You know, from viruses or Russia or China or Iran or terrorist or to much freedom.
By the way, are you a doctor Sassy?
You need to work on your attempts at satire. So... will you let me know when he is wrong or should I keep checking? You do like to post mocking memes when the government is wrong but it doesn't seem to go the other way.