Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
That it confirms everything that I've ever said on the subject. And I thought you knew; I have plenty of opinions.

Actually the gist of the report that is discussed was put out around December of 2020 and was very much against the government viewpoint and they (the interviewee and two others) were vilified by the normal government processes because they dared say something different and they followed the science and economics. The interviewee is both a doctor and economist.

His point was very much not coming from a fear perspective. Just a matter of how things could have been done better if we had actually followed the data which affirmed a common sense approach in how to protect those that were most vulnerable instead of locking the entirety of the population down. I think it was along the lines of "winning the war" by studying old wars which you do if I read your posts correctly. His war just happens to be pandemics and policy approaches to health situations. It was fascinating either way as they talked about what happened and what could be done differently.
It's still hindsight. My point then, and now, is we reacted out of panic and fear. There are posts from that time period where I stated we were making ourselves look like a big bunch of overreactive, scared pussies, or words to that effect

I never agreed with the government's heavy-handed approach. That got lost in the shrill, whining of the conspiracy theorists' playing the same game the government was -- with us or against us, no common sense in the middle allowed. Both extremes, with the aid of the MSM, never one to pass up something to sensationalize and beat to death, were allowed to dictate to the majority. No common sense nor science allowed.

Worst part? The same people will do the same damned thing to us when the "next big thing" comes along. Ramp up the panic and fear and here we go again