Remember and learn from history: Punish Putin and his cronies, not all Russians
Where the author appears to be going is further than I'm willing to. That said, the main point here is good, and I agree. I've seen some things done recently by some that are just stupid.
First and foremost: Why is it Ukranians fleeing Ukraine can cross the Southern US Border but Russians fleeing Russia cannot? Seems to me they're both fleeing the same damned fool with a gun.
Pouring Russian vodka down the drain
FYI, most vodka with Russian-sounding names is not Russian. Russia itself exports one major brand of vodka, and 1 or 2 lesser brands.
Wartime embargoes are just how it goes. Sucks to have a shitty leader. We of all people should understand THAT.
Have we learned nothing from locking up every Japanese-American after Pearl Harbor? Not every Russian is Putin. Given the free and fair election in Russia, he's probably not the majority's choice.
“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke