View Full Version : Valentine bouquets 'are bad for the planet'

02-13-2007, 07:49 AM
By Nicole Martin
Last Updated: 1:53am GMT 10/02/2007

The Valentine's Day bouquet — the gift that every woman in Britain will be waiting for next week — has become the latest bęte noire among environmental campaigners.

Latest Government figures show that the flowers that make up the average bunch have flown 33,800 miles to reach Britain.

In the past three years, the amount of flowers imported from the Netherlands has fallen by 47 per cent to 94,000 tons, while those from Africa have risen 39 per cent to 17,000 tons.

Environmentalists warned that "flower miles" could have serious implications on climate change in terms of carbon dioxide emissions from aeroplanes.

Andrew Sims, the policy director of the New Economics Foundation, said: "There are plenty of flowers that grow in Britain in the winter and don't need to be hothoused.

"Air freighting flowers half way round the world contributes to global warming.

"You can argue the planes would be flying anyway but the amount of greenhouse gases pumped out depends on the weight of the cargo."

Vicky Hird, of Friends of the Earth, said: "We don't want to be killjoys because receiving flowers can be lovely but why not grow your own gift?"

The figures also revealed that imports of roses from Ethiopia have grown from zero to 130 tons a year since 2003.

Kenya is the second biggest exporter of flowers after the Netherlands, followed by Colombia and Spain.

In total, Britain imports more than Ł315 million of flowers, with the typical Briton spending Ł39 a year on them.

"That's very little when you think what we spend on CDs, coffee and even lipstick," said a spokesman for the Flowers and Plants Association.

He said the boom in Third World flowers would help poorer countries to build schools and boost the economy.

02-13-2007, 08:09 AM
Thanks to enviro whackos, guys all over the country will now have an excuse not to get their sweethearts roses for St. Valentine's Day! "But honeeey! I didn't get you flowers because I'm trying to save the planet!"

I'm sure those fellows will feel a sense of accomplishment once their sweethearts make them sleep on the sofa....

BTW... when did the Feast of St. Valentine get shortened to "Valentine's Day"? You realize that St. Valentine is a saint in the Church and that tomorrow is his feast day?




St. Valentine is thought to be one of three men who were martyred during the Roman persecutions of the Church. Traditionally, people believed that birds paired up for the spring on St Valentine's day (hence its romantic association).

St Valentine is the patron saint of lovers (who would have guessed?), beekeepers, greeting card manufacturers (another surprise!) and is his name is invoked for protection from epilepsy, fainting and the plague

red states rule
02-13-2007, 08:15 AM
Thanks to enviro whackos, guys all over the country will now have an excuse not to get their sweethearts roses for St. Valentine's Day! "But honeeey! I didn't get you flowers because I'm trying to save the planet!"

I'm sure those fellows will feel a sense of accomplishment once their sweethearts make them sleep on the sofa....

BTW... when did the Feast of St. Valentine get shortened to "Valentine's Day"? You realize that St. Valentine is a saint in the Church and that tomorrow is his feast day?


Thank you wackos! I almost did my part to destroy the planet

Now I will give her TWO dozen roses

02-13-2007, 08:26 AM
Thank you wackos! I almost did my part to destroy the planet

Now I will give her TWO dozen roses

That's the spirit! :) And while you're at it, take her out to a steak house (cholesterol) or order a big fat tuna steak (mercury) and have her get you a box of cigars (global warming and smoking)... perhaps you can end the evening using hair spray (ozone depletion).... Unfortunately, I couldn't think of anything romantic about DDT, but if you can work that into your romantic evening, by all means, do so!

P.S. I have a sneaking suspicion that florists all across the country are going to be inundated with extra orders for roses this year.

red states rule
02-13-2007, 08:34 AM
That's the spirit! :) And while you're at it, take her out to a steak house (cholesterol) or order a big fat tuna steak (mercury) and have her get you a box of cigars (global warming and smoking)... perhaps you can end the evening using hair spray (ozone depletion).... Unfortunately, I couldn't think of anything romantic about DDT, but if you can work that into your romantic evening, by all means, do so!

P.S. I have a sneaking suspicion that florists all across the country are going to be inundated with extra orders for roses this year.

I will show her a great time with roses, dinner, and a Vermont Teddy Bear.

Then after Valentine's day is Valentine's day night!

Abbey Marie
02-13-2007, 02:17 PM
Killjoys. :mad:

02-13-2007, 11:37 PM
Thanks to enviro whackos, guys all over the country will now have an excuse not to get their sweethearts roses for St. Valentine's Day! "But honeeey! I didn't get you flowers because I'm trying to save the planet!"

You betcha'! :dev3:

02-15-2007, 11:11 AM
FLowers are only bad for the planet because without them, chocolate and alcohol, reproduction rates would drop 20%.

02-15-2007, 11:26 AM
CRAP! Now I REALLY have to start buying the wifey more flowers! Dagnabbit! Them things are expensive!

Always ready to do my part!:fart:

02-15-2007, 11:28 AM
I tell yeah - not many things are more fun than an alcohol-induced Romp. :)