View Full Version : Have You Heard The One About FEMA Out of $$$-Due To Illegals?

10-03-2024, 09:47 AM
I wouldn't be surprised, the hotels have had to be paid somehow.



State and Federal Governments Impeding Hurricane Relief

David Strom (https://hotair.com/author/david-strom) 10:00 AM | October 03, 2024

https://media.townhall.com/cdn/hodl/2024/276/e45313de-8909-4cdf-b0d7-05279beeac22-1052x615.jpgAP Photo/Mike Stewart

I've been following the relief efforts for the victims of Hurricane Helene, and like you, I have been impressed at how civilians have pitched in, providing vital aid when needed.

Almost all the aid that flowed into North Carolina and Georgia came from private individuals. The helicopters were privately owned, the Starlink terminals were donated and flown to the area by civilians, and locals were helping each other out as the state and federal governments were slow to respond.

Great! Thank you guys, you are amazing.

What isn't amazing is how both the state and federal governments have gotten in the way of civilians doing what they can. Not because the government responders and civilians were working at cross purposes, but because the governments didn't have their acts together. Rather than helping people they were throwing their weight around. They were even threatening to put volunteers in jail for doing what the local officials couldn't or wouldn't do.

It took DAYS for the Pentagon to approve Title 10 funds, which the Pentagon can use to respond to crises. Helicopters remained grounded because bureaucrats got in the way. It wasn't until Jonathan Howard made a post that went viral that the gears started moving. Troops are finally moving--they have been itching to pitch in to help--thanks not to leaders clearing the way, but to civilians getting the word out that the politicians were in the way.

It's not just helicopters that were grounded. Volunteers in some areas were actively discouraged from helping their neighbors because it was the government that wanted the credit, or for some other obscure reason.

If the rescue efforts were a finely tuned machine and ordinary people were just getting in the way, that might make sense. Good intentions don't replace coordinated efforts, but there is precious little evidence that the efforts run by the governments are coordinated much at all. And with some things, such as helicopters, the more, the better.

For nearly a week, the 82nd Airborne, stationed in North Carolina, was told to sit on its hands and do nothing. It wasn't until soldiers and ex-soldiers raised holy hell that the Pentagon released 1000 troops to assist in the recovery efforts. Days late and dollars short.

Apparently, they were on standby for potential deployment to the Middle East. WTF?

One underrated story that will eventually get more discussion is this: FEMA is running out of money partly due to the fact that the Harris/Biden administration has been raiding the funds to take care of illegal immigrants to the tune of $1 billion.

So when Joe Biden said the cupboard was bare, one reason was that they have been giving the cookies to illegals.

This speaks volumes about the Harris/Biden priorities.

There is one government official who has stepped up in a serious way: Ron DeSantis. His state was hit hard as well, but as soon as Florida had things under control he began sending resources to North Carolina to help efforts there. Florida guardsmen were on the ground days before the 82nd airborne.

Our state institutions are crumbling before our eyes. Citizens are still resilient, but the federal government no longer works, and neither do many state governments.
If they can't do the job, at least get out of the way.

10-03-2024, 10:18 AM

Explains my title

10-03-2024, 10:36 AM
More, sadly:


I'm at work, you'll have to click.

10-03-2024, 12:50 PM
More, sadly:


I'm at work, you'll have to click.

Will biden harris get torched like Bush and Katrina? 8-ball says... Unlikely.

10-03-2024, 02:05 PM
Will biden harris get torched like Bush and Katrina? 8-ball says... Unlikely.


10-03-2024, 02:57 PM
It keeps getting worse:


Playing the "FEMA Got No Mo Money Blues"

Beege Welborn (https://hotair.com/author/tree-hugging-sister) 3:00 PM | October 03, 2024

https://media.townhall.com/cdn/hodl/2024/182/108129a9-6154-4e3b-aec5-0ba5801bb750-1052x615.jpgAP Photo/Mark

Hang on a minute, Beege, you say - I think I've heard that song before!

And you would be right!

In fact, the agency was already squawking for help (https://www.wjcl.com/article/fema-funding-runs-out-meaning/61901505) in August.

During the peak of the Atlantic hurricane season, the Federal Emergency Management Agency ran out of money from their 2024 budget. While it comes in the midst of flood recovery in southeast Georgia and the Lowcountry, it is not uncommon.

U.S. Congress suggests and votes on how much federal funding FEMA receives every year, and in 2024, it was nearly $20 billion, according to the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations (https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/news/majority/bill-summary-homeland-security-fiscal-year-2024-appropriations-bill-2#:~:text=Federal%20Emergency%20Management%20Admin istration%20(FEMA,Fund%20in%20fiscal%20year%202024 .). Georgia District 1 Rep. Buddy Carter said running out of funding happens.

That's a lot of cha-ching to blow through - granted, this year has had its challenges, but every year does - and as the Congressman in the article said, they have to go back and ask for more.
This year is the second year in a row, and the shortfall came just after Hurricane Beryl (https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2024/08/14/femas-disaster-fund-has-run-out-of-money-for-2nd-year-in-a-row-heres-who-can-still-get-help-after-hurricane-beryl/) hit Houston.

For the second year in a row, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (https://www.click2houston.com/topic/FEMA/)says its Disaster Fund has run out of money.

FEMA’s administrator stated that the agency will now focus on providing funds solely to those with immediate needs.

In Houston, many residents affected by Hurricane Beryl have been waiting over a month for their recovery checks.

Mayorkas and others were waiting on a $9B supplement to pass Congress, but, as POTATUS didn't bother to designate it as "emergency" funding, I guess the urgency of the need didn't get through.
Congress did pass a stopgap bill last week with an additional $16B for FEMA (https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/02/us/politics/fema-funding-shortfall-hurricane-season.html) but that amount is going to pale in comparison to what's going to be needed in Helene recovery funds.

...But on Wednesday, Speaker Mike Johnson said that although congressional leaders anticipated that an emergency spending package would be necessary at some point, lawmakers would not return to Washington before the November election to consider and pass one.

“We wouldn’t even conceivably have the request ready before we get back in November,” Mr. Johnson said in an interview, noting that it would take time to assess the damage and calculate the costs of recovery and rebuilding. “There’s no necessity for Congress to come back.”

While the stopgap bill Mr. Biden signed into law last week contained an additional $16 billion for FEMA, preliminary assessments of the damage from Moody’s and others predict a cleanup effort that could cost tens of billions.

It's a whale of a lot of money piled on top of a lot of money.

At least it's the one thing that we know goes to helping AMERICANS in their time of greatest need, right?

Even if it's not the best-policed program in the world - I mean, the waste, fraud, and abuse accounting after any natural disaster these clowns are involved in is most often a disaster in itself. But they mean well, or I hope they do.

In any event, all the funding is to alleviate the pain and suffering of AMERICANS and contribute in some small measure to their recovery after horrible circumstances of whatever origin beyond their control.

Ah, well. This IS the Biden-HARRIS administration, after all, and things that used to be so clear-cut are no longer what they once were.

Such as covering ALL the counties Hurricane Helene impacted. You'd think that would go without saying, but the GA governor had to give the White House a WTF jingle.

You have to have that disaster declaration to get federal help for relief, recovery, and clean-up efforts - help like FEMA funds.

That used to be exclusively for AMERICANS, and now that we're running short, we suddenly find they also go to resettling housing illegals.

...It's egregious that resources meant for American citizens are being compromised for this Admin’s reckless open-border agenda.

"Wait, WHUT?!" you say.

Dang, it was clever of them. You see, when they threw open the border and all those folks flooded over just like they'd planned, well - it takes a lot of money to handle that human horde. And where was THAT supposed to come from?

One of Biden's first acts in office was to cancel Trump's declaration of a national emergency at the border in order to shut down the wall project. But he soon started invoking his own authority (https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/biden-s-resurrection-of-emergency-powers-at-the-southern-border) for border-related national emergencies.

The disbursement of FEMA funds falls under "national emergencies."


It took an X buddy of mine who spends his off time scrolling through government grants to find where some of that assistance has gone. As he said, it's called the "Shelter and Services Program" and has scooped up over a billion dollars and counting.

And Rando's X bot is tweeting out FEMA grants (https://twitter.com/RandoLand_us) to illegal immigrant support groups and services all the time. Scroll through, and your jaw will hit the frickin' floor from tons of giveaways like this one.
Or this one responding to a "national emergency."

Oh, darn hurricane and bitchy victims. Now everyone's looking under the bedcovers for diverted FEMA money.

So, while there are lovely new illegal immigrant welcome centers and housing going up, and big cities like New York got money, there were no FEMA pre-staged supplies (https://thefederalist.com/2024/10/01/biden-harris-admin-used-fema-disaster-funding-for-illegal-immigrants/) or emergency relief personnel or necessities for the AMERICANS in Helene's path unless you were lucky enough to have a state governor named DeSantis.

...FEMA’s top priorities under the incumbent administration, meanwhile, do not include disaster relief among the top two goals of the emergency services agency. According (https://thefederalist.com/2024/09/30/fema-website-admits-keeping-you-alive-in-a-natural-disaster-isnt-its-top-priority/) to FEMA’s own website, the stated goals include, first, instilling “equity as a foundation of emergency management,” and second, “lead whole of community in climate resilience.” The goal to “promote and sustain a ready FEMA and prepared nation” ranks third.

Now, residents across the southeastern United States are suffering from the administration’s misplaced priorities, which place “equity” and “climate resilience” ahead of emergency preparedness. While FEMA routinely prepares (https://www.army.mil/article/277408/national_guard_us_army_north_fema_train_for_hurric ane_response) for colossal rescue operations with resources lined up in the days ahead of major storms, such pre-staged support was clearly not available to residents in the Appalachian towns that were washed away by overwhelming rains from Hurricane Helene. Hundreds (https://www.cnn.com/weather/live-news/hurricane-helene-damage-north-carolina-10-01-24/index.html) remain missing as the storm becomes (https://thefederalist.com/2024/09/30/kamala-harris-doesnt-care-about-white-people/) the Biden administration’s “Katrina moment.”

It'll be closer to $2B diverted from FEMA coffers by the time, [I]GOD WILLING, these grifters leave office.

Sure hope nothing else happens in the meantime.

The cavalry definitely ain't on the way unless you speak Spanish or Haitian or something.

10-04-2024, 10:23 AM
Hot mess

10-04-2024, 10:27 AM
Hot mess

Just an observation-The Post's meme front page, makes much more sense to those who already in command of facts.

10-04-2024, 10:48 AM
Just an observation-The Post's meme front page, makes much more sense to those who already in command of facts.
sigh... OK
so when did the front page of a newspapers become "memes".
and NOT a just front page of newspapers.

if someone post picture of a book cover, is that an evil meme now?
Or is a meme just any picture and text that somehow bothers people?

Just for the record can we all get on the same page with a definition
Here's one i saw
1. an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations

So basically any image, video, or text that's spread on the Internet.
So every thread & post on this board is a in fact a "MEME".

Or are they only called memes when people want to dismiss or minimize them?

10-04-2024, 11:19 AM
sigh... OK
so when did the front page of a newspapers become "memes".
and NOT a just front page of newspapers.

if someone post picture of a book cover, is that an evil meme now?
Or is a meme just any picture and text that somehow bothers people?

Just for the record can we all get on the same page with a definition
Here's one i saw
1. an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations

So basically any image, video, or text that's spread on the Internet.
So every thread & post on this board is a in fact a "MEME".

Or are they only called memes when people want to dismiss or minimize them?

Picture with text to 'persuade' applies to the above.

I do not mind meme's, but only for humor, not news or argument.

10-04-2024, 12:04 PM
Or are they only called memes when people want to dismiss or minimize them?

I suppose memes get dismissed or minimized when they are presented as more than they are. And in my book memes don't have links to supporting information on pages 4 and 5. :)

10-04-2024, 12:40 PM
Picture with text to 'persuade' applies to the above.

I do not mind meme's, but only for humor, not news or argument.

Ok I'm going to be an arse ..again i guess.

2 points.

1. FJ says we have to use rational logical Greek methods to "change minds".
Your raw assertion that "text with picture" to 'persuade" makes the above a "meme" does not change my mind that it is a meme.
Neither does FJ's assertions of personal definitions from "in my book".

2. the newspaper front page isn't trying to persuade anyone here. it simply agrees with every one of your previous post. who needs persuasion? or more information. it's a hot mess.
Your Post of text that you got from the internet and spread on the internet. to "persuade" us that there are problems. MEMES!


10-04-2024, 12:52 PM
Ok I'm going to be an arse ..again i guess.

2 points.

1. FJ says we have to use rational logical Greek methods to "change minds".
Your raw assertion that "text with picture" to 'persuade" makes the above a "meme" does not change my mind that it is a meme.
Neither does FJ's assertions of personal definitions from "in my book".

2. the newspaper front page isn't trying to persuade anyone here. it simply agrees with every one of your previous post. who needs persuasion? or more information. it's a hot mess.
Your Post of text that you got from the internet and spread on the internet. to "persuade" us that there are problems. MEMES!


That you are missing or rather ignoring that the purpose of the meme you posted is to denigrate the government agencies is pretty disingenuous. That I agree with you and your meme is besides the point in our discussion.

You fail at being an arse, but stop trying. LOL!

10-04-2024, 01:14 PM
1. FJ says we have to use rational logical Greek methods to "change minds".

Here's another thing: I didn't really say that. It could be a good method but not the only.

10-04-2024, 05:13 PM

Explains my title

There is something really wrong when citizens of the US and our rights constantly play second fiddle to the illegal and aberrant minority.

10-04-2024, 05:18 PM
Ok I'm going to be an arse ..again i guess.

2 points.

1. FJ says we have to use rational logical Greek methods to "change minds".
Your raw assertion that "text with picture" to 'persuade" makes the above a "meme" does not change my mind that it is a meme.
Neither does FJ's assertions of personal definitions from "in my book".

2. the newspaper front page isn't trying to persuade anyone here. it simply agrees with every one of your previous post. who needs persuasion? or more information. it's a hot mess.
Your Post of text that you got from the internet and spread on the internet. to "persuade" us that there are problems. MEMES!

sheesh.You're better than this.

10-05-2024, 10:36 AM
You're better than this.

With help, we all are.
Somedays we don't accept the help that's available.

The real issues here that I at least lost focus on is, how & when the folks affected are going to get relief.

10-05-2024, 10:56 AM
With help, we all are.
Somedays we don't accept the help that's available.

The real issues here that I at least lost focus on is, how & when the folks affected are going to get relief.

I am actually having a pm discussion on fb with my son on this very topic. He's quite liberal, though not close to his wife or friends. He's struggling with his choices right now. He's appalled at what is NOT being done by government. In fact he was the one that started the private discussion, sending me info on Dolly Parton's and Walmart video from yesterday. So far Dolly and her foundation have given $2M; Walmart Corp $10M and matching customer donations. Link following lists parking lot locations by state/counties in affected areas-bathrooms; showers; laundry facilities; food; clothing; wifi charging


The following keeps being updated for locations and relief supplies available:


Of course Elon has been at forefront of trying to get communications to the areas-his engineers being blocked by FEMA:


Like I said, I've no way of how he'll end up voting, but I think for many his age, those that 'think' beyond 'feeling' are becoming disillusioned very quickly by the suffering of their fellow citizens. For my son, he's become shockingly aware of the help coming from private persons, businesses, churches/charities. The outright failure, mismanagement of government is awakening.

It's hard not to say, 'I told you so,' but not helpful.;)

10-05-2024, 05:29 PM
Conspiracy theories? Or damage control? I'm not there.

I have seen a couple of articles this afternoon with various public officials, R and D, asking that the BS being spewed on social media stop. It's hurting the real effort that is being put forth by people that have to and people that don't but are. In the lead on the right is Trump and Mark Robinson making alleged false claims. In the lead on the left is the Fed gov't making excuses.

Remember the "Bush hurricane machine"? MTG has revived the hurricane machine part:rolleyes:

Stuck in the middle are all those folks without power, water, some without homes anymore.

How is it again we are supposed to know the truth when we hear it?

10-05-2024, 05:38 PM
Therein lies the problem: the "leaders" in the current US government have no credibility with me. Seems the only time they're willing to tell us anything its smokescreen for their f- ups.

US officials struggle to quash Hurricane Helene conspiracy theories (msn.com) (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/us-officials-struggle-to-quash-hurricane-helene-conspiracy-theories/ar-AA1rJSjS?ocid=msedgntp&pc=HCTS&cvid=06570322da5f4409a2f57dea0995e571&ei=12)

10-05-2024, 06:13 PM
Therein lies the problem: the "leaders" in the current US government have no credibility with me. Seems the only time they're willing to tell us anything its smokescreen for their f- ups.

US officials struggle to quash Hurricane Helene conspiracy theories (msn.com) (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/us-officials-struggle-to-quash-hurricane-helene-conspiracy-theories/ar-AA1rJSjS?ocid=msedgntp&pc=HCTS&cvid=06570322da5f4409a2f57dea0995e571&ei=12)

I believe the people asking for help. I believe Musk responding to one of his engineers calling to report FEMA closing airspace to helicopters and private drones, though government wasn't there yet as of yesterday. A week after disaster started.

10-06-2024, 05:08 PM
I believe the people asking for help. I believe Musk responding to one of his engineers calling to report FEMA closing airspace to helicopters and private drones, though government wasn't there yet as of yesterday. A week after disaster started.

Fair enough. I would take some of that with a grain of salt. It's a shame they have to politicize even the weather:rolleyes:

We can't trust government nor media to tell us the truth and it's created a free for all. Extreme political partisanship and an upcoming election trump people's lives. Politicians are more interesting in trying to use propaganda from tragedy to springboard themselves into a win than they are helping actual victims.

10-06-2024, 05:24 PM
Fair enough. I would take some of that with a grain of salt. It's a shame they have to politicize even the weather:rolleyes:

We can't trust government nor media to tell us the truth and it's created a free for all. Extreme political partisanship and an upcoming election trump people's lives. Politicians are more interesting in trying to use propaganda from tragedy to springboard themselves into a win than they are helping actual victims.

If fema had gotten in within a couple days, understood. They didn't. Private folks did. Rescuing people from roofs, bringing axes to do so. Using drones to rescue/recover. Then fema enters and starts confiscating materials and closing airspace. They deserve the criticism.

10-06-2024, 07:20 PM
If fema had gotten in within a couple days, understood. They didn't. Private folks did. Rescuing people from roofs, bringing axes to do so. Using drones to rescue/recover. Then fema enters and starts confiscating materials and closing airspace. They deserve the criticism.

FEMA always deserves criticism. Moreso under this admin. Incompetent government seems to be becoming the norm.

10-06-2024, 07:29 PM
FEMA always deserves criticism. Moreso under this admin. Incompetent government seems to be becoming the norm.

Really. I heard someone saying the government has lost the mandate of heaven
Pretty sure that was chinese, but it fits. The people no longer think the government is able. In any way.