View Full Version : Biden signals openness to using Western long-range missiles inside Russia as he meets

09-13-2024, 07:08 PM
Biden signals openness to using Western long-range missiles inside Russia as he meets Britain’s leader to discuss | CNN Politics (https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/13/politics/biden-starmer-meeting-ukraine-missiles/index.html)

See Putin’s warning as Biden holds key meeting about Ukraine | CNN (https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/13/world/video/putin-warns-nato-russia-ukraine-war-missiles-digvid)

Accusing Ukraine/NATO of escalation even as his new Iranian missiles arrive. Either Putin or NATO needs to end this. Either way.

09-13-2024, 07:16 PM
Biden signals openness to using Western long-range missiles inside Russia as he meets Britain’s leader to discuss | CNN Politics (https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/13/politics/biden-starmer-meeting-ukraine-missiles/index.html)

See Putin’s warning as Biden holds key meeting about Ukraine | CNN (https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/13/world/video/putin-warns-nato-russia-ukraine-war-missiles-digvid)

Accusing Ukraine/NATO of escalation even as his new Iranian missiles arrive. Either Putin or NATO needs to end this. Either way.

Somehow Israel is supposed to make peace with the terrorists that refuse to make any concessions, only total destruction of Jews and Israel will do.

Likewise, no calls for Putin to come to the table to end this. Only the total devouring of Ukraine will do. Meanwhile Europe once again slips into war.

09-14-2024, 11:15 AM
Somehow Israel is supposed to make peace with the terrorists that refuse to make any concessions, only total destruction of Jews and Israel will do.

Likewise, no calls for Putin to come to the table to end this. Only the total devouring of Ukraine will do. Meanwhile Europe once again slips into war.Historically speaking, the period between WWII and 2020 is the longest Europe has gone without a major war in centuries. Usually, they're fighting over the same old ground.

The hypocrisies between Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas are obvious. As is Chinese aggression while talking peace. Iran and N Korea are openly taking a hand in Russia-Ukraine. China is doing so under the table. China and Russia are both doing their damnedest to colonize Africa.

In the meantime, the Biden Admin is allowing us to be invaded by any old Joe Shit the Ragman that feels free to do so. Our Southern Border is owned by cartels, not us.

Russia is having a hissy fit because Cana-duh has ordered up a bunch of submarines as Russia has increasingly tried to encroach on Cana-duh's territorial waters in the North and Arctic.

Turkey's still trying to steal Cyprus, and claim all kinds of territory in the Aegean that belong to Greece.

Military strongmen have taken over parts of North and Central Africa and think they are doing themselves a favor doing business with Russia and China.

And Pakistan and India are staring at each other across the border 24-7.

Not a lot of places left to go if and/or when somebody tosses the match

09-15-2024, 05:00 PM
Biden signals openness to using Western long-range missiles inside Russia as he meets Britain’s leader to discuss | CNN Politics (https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/13/politics/biden-starmer-meeting-ukraine-missiles/index.html)

That just does not seem like a good idea. But if it's a bad idea just bet that biden will go along.

09-15-2024, 05:31 PM
Somehow Israel is supposed to make peace with the terrorists that refuse to make any concessions, only total destruction of Jews and Israel will do.

Likewise, no calls for Putin to come to the table to end this. Only the total devouring of Ukraine will do. Meanwhile Europe once again slips into war.
So what's your take on the Minkse Agreement that Z said he never planned to honor? Do you recognize that as an attempt to come to the table?

09-16-2024, 08:34 AM
So what's your take on the Minkse Agreement that Z said he never planned to honor? Do you recognize that as an attempt to come to the table?

This one?

The deal set out a series of military and political steps that remain unimplemented. A major blockage has been Russia's insistence that it is not a party to the conflict and therefore is not bound by its terms. Point 10, for example, calls for the withdrawal of all foreign armed formations and military equipment from the two disputed regions, Donetsk and Luhansk: Ukraine says this refers to forces from Russia, but Moscow denies it has any there.


09-16-2024, 10:55 AM
This one?


Thank you. I forgot about this when going to work.

09-16-2024, 11:11 AM
This one?


Thank you. I forgot about this when going to work.Military jargon would call the Minsk Agreement OBE - overcome by events :)

09-16-2024, 11:18 AM
That just does not seem like a good idea. But if it's a bad idea just bet that biden will go along.

I'm trying to think what IS a "good idea". On one and, the US and NATO are supporting a war effort against Russia but tying Ukraine's hands behind its back. So far, Russia has been able to hide its military assets out of Ukraine's range and attack at will. While Russia indiscriminately bombs whatever the Hell it wants.

If the West's idea is stalemate, it needs a new plan. Ukraine does not possess alone the resources to grind out a war of attrition with Russia and push its forces back into Russia. Russia's doing what it wants while the West sits on the fence about each and every thing.

Meanwhile, ALL involved run around behind the scenes of the war making bullshit little conditions on each and every thing so as to not inconvenience each other's daily lives too much. This is a farce, not a war.