View Full Version : McCormick says American dream 'slipping away'

09-10-2024, 06:32 PM
Couldn't have said it better myself.

“The American dream is slipping away,” McCormick said. “So is the opportunity that we want available for every single American, for all of our kids, for all of their kids — that is the choice we have right in front of us.”

He criticized “career politician” Bob Casey Jr., the incumbent Democratic senator, as supporting extreme liberal policies, leaving Pennsylvania only two roads to go.

“One way, which is over the cliff — our country headed in the wrong direction with terrible economic policies that are gonna drive up inflation, a wide open border that’s contributing to crime and the fentanyl crisis, energy policies driving up the price of gas and killing good jobs,” McCormick said.
The other option, he noted, was “another world of commonsense policies to get our economy back on track.”

McCormick says American dream 'slipping away' | Pennsylvania | thecentersquare.com (https://www.thecentersquare.com/pennsylvania/article_b4f9ffe8-6fbc-11ef-834b-07ca8ccf705f.html)