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09-01-2024, 10:58 AM
guns at knife fights...


Leftist Media Hyenas Hamstring Amy Jacobson; Quarters Boyle is dead and Chicago Tribune Becomes a Combine LaughingstockBy John Kass

Friday Aug 30, 2024

That’s a long headline, a mouthful, but we have news today and a couple rueful chuckles about the news. Let’s pick them apart.

The first rueful chuckle that legendary Chicago corruption poster boy, John “Quarters” Boyle, has died. His funeral was scheduled for Friday. He was a member of the group “Coalition for Better Government” with all manner of crooks and chislers, embezzlers, thieves and Democrat Chicago vote fraud maestros.

Years ago, I snuck into a Saturday morning political meeting of the “Coalition for Better Government” to keep an eye on Quarters. You could smell the Pacco Rabane a block away.

Quarters, may your memory be eternal. Let the rueful chucking begin.

Another rueful chuckle goes to the Chicago Tribune, where I worked for four decades. But I’m not laughing. There’s nothing “rueful” about this. It’s embarrassing. The Tribune, a failing newspaper that capitulated to its Marxist newsroom unions and now gives itself away for pennies, has decided to hunt corruption. It pompously wagged its finger while warning us about rueful chuckling in a 900-word Sunday anti-corruption editorial:

“Time to move past rueful chuckles about Chicago and Illinois’ corrupt and damaging ways”

What? No rueful chuckles?

This is pathetic and beneath contempt. Why? Because the Tribune has studiously ignored its own institutional support of political corruption. The pretentious and imperious editorial ignored the important stuff like the corruption of President Barack Obama, who connived to unleash the Deep State Intelligence Agencies against conservatives like Donald Trump. And mysterious toilets of Gov. Fat Boy of Illinois. They go after old Irish guys who can’t hurt them, old men in their 80s, while the city of Chicago falls apart. The paper allows the architects of failure—Toni Preckwinkle, Kim Foxx, the CTU’s Stacy Davis Gates and Brandon Johnson—to skate away as the city burns.

As former conservative Illinois gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives noted on “X” the Tribune’s corruption series was a joke.

What the editorial ignored was corruption of the newspaper. It ran interference for the legions of Tribune-endorsed Democrat and Republican legislators who supported generations of corruption in Springfield mostly, and Chicago. The newspaper kept Boss Madigan in power through its endorsement of spineless legislators. And it avoided the key fact:

Tribune political editor Rick Pearson has been cheerleader and mascot of the infamous bi-partisan Illinois Combine for decades. And the Tribune knows it.

To not acknowledge Pearson as the Combine’s prized pet is to slap the readers of the Tribune again and again and again. He’s repeatedly been arrested for DUI in Springfield. He was on George Ryan’s infamous favored favorites list. Ryan dipped down and gave Pearson’s wife a job. I objected loudly to him directly. And to the bosses. Still the Tribune kept him on the payroll, damaging the paper’s credibility. If the soon-to-be indicted Combine boss Big Bill Cellini was mentioned, the Combine boys would snicker at the newspaper. Tribune bosses protected him. That’s how they roll. The Tribune knows about Pearson. The editors know. The politicians know. Even left-wing carrion eaters like Erik Zorn and Marxist Tribune union boss Greg Pratt know.

The left was let into the Tribune Tower, metastasized and helped kill a great institution. The editors allowed it to fester. And it became poisonous, toxic.

But do the people know? Shhh. The Tribune would rather not say. Do the readers know? No they don’t. No wonder the Trib is dying.

But they do congratulate their own as journalists are wont to do, with oodles of awards and much sticky applause.

It’s part of how they build institutional morale, esprit de corps in the newsroom. Old time bird hunters and dog trainers would stimulate this by turning on the prey drive of pointing dogs, letting the pointing puppies rip apart live pigeons. It’s a bloody business. I couldn’t do it.

But I say it does work though I didn’t do it. Prey drive is critical in a hunting dog. And I’ve spent decades training the most versatile hunting dog around–the German Shorthaired Pointer. My last dog, the noble Zeus the Wonder Dog, was just a pup when the breeder told me about letting him chase a pigeon in the backyard. But our twins were little boys then, learning about Bambi and Thumper and I didn’t want them to see.

And the Tribune is leading the pack by ripping up conservative WIND AM 560 morning talk show hosts Amy Jacobson and Dan Proft. The issue? Tim Walz’ son.

The Tribune condemns conservatives, like Jeanne Ives, like Proft and me. It releases the leftist hyenas on its staff to prowl. This is something Chicago leftist guru Saul Alinsky–favorite community organizer of Barack Obama–repeated in his famous “Rules For Radicals:” Isolate your enemy, personalize your attack and freeze them in place. That’s what Pearson’s Posse is trying to do to Proft and Jacobson.

They found a hook to attack enemies in much the same way the left attacked me over the George Soros business. They unleashed a firehouse of hysterical emotion. But I fought them off with the help of thousands of subscribers of johnkassnews,com, and Proft, Charles Lipson and Tom Bevan. But even so, they have a posse of rabid lefties sniffing after Pearson and carrying Tribune water. And Amy told me she feels alone.

The hook? Gus Walz, the teen-aged son of the uber left Tim Walz, governor of Minnesota and running mate of Democrat Kamala Harris.

Amy Jacobson and Dan Proft did not know Gus Walz was a special needs kid. Amy is a coach. She loves kids. She’s been removed. She doesn’t go out of her way to mock kids. And Dan has spent years advocating for special needs, writing tens of thousands of dollars in checks, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for the board of Envision Unlimited. But they got rid of him. And the hyenas of the left smelled blood and ripped up the pigeons and I bet Pearson would give them a biscuit if he could part with one.

“I would have reacted differently if I had the additional information. I had no idea he had any type of learning disability or ADHD,” Jacobson said.

She didn’t know. Dan Proft didn’t know. That didn’t stop the Tribune, which protects who Pearson tells them to protect.

Proft is no pigeon. He is a street fighter. Pearson, Zorn and the Jacobin newsroom bosses fear him. He’ll come after them if attacked. And like Amy, Proft quickly apologized for the alleged sin. But he didn’t cower. Amy though has a softer heart. When I hear Zorn and Pratt suck up to Pearson, congratulating themselves, I realize the Tribune has no interest in putting the issue in context, to report on the vicious things the hysterical left has thrown at the children of conservative Republicans.

And I realize that Tribune readers have no chance.

Now, what about Quarters?

One of the brains behind the “Coalition for Better Government,” Boyle stole $4 million in quarters from the Illinois Tollway. And when he finally got out of prison Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley gave him a new job handling lucrative city trucking contracts. Then Quarters was convicted again. When he was released the second time, he rear ended another car, but Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx cut him a nice break.

He had a brother Jeffrey, a Chicago Fire Department lieutenant whom I called “Matches” Boyle on account he was a convicted serial arsonist. Not bad eh? Arsonist and Fire Department lieutenant, after his conviction, he demanded his full city pension.

I called the Rago Funeral Home on Irving Park Road to ask about the passing of Quarters.

“Yes,” said the guy on the phone. “It’s here,” he said of the wake.

The burial was scheduled for Friday.

“Acacia Park Cemetery,” said the guy.

We kept it short. A man was dead. It wasn’t a time to be chatty.


Given all the corruption issues missed and skipped over by the Tribune, the paper should have hired Quarters to write editorials. A true crook, the Chicago Way.

But he’s dead.

Rueful chuckles all around.

09-01-2024, 11:57 AM
Way things are going, there's going to be nothing left in IL BUT Chicago. Wonder what happens when they run out of people to steal from...