View Full Version : Recorded Interview

08-29-2024, 08:22 PM
Drawing blood:


08-30-2024, 10:01 AM
Obvious why she hides from the media. This article tries to find something positive, but ...

Kamala Harris’s first big interview as nominee: Five takeaways (thehill.com) (https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4855112-vice-president-harris-campaign/)

08-30-2024, 10:05 AM
Here's another: No stumbles? I disagree since there are obvious discrepancies and/or unpursued follow-on questions. In general however, just not f-ing up doesn't quite cut what I expect from a President. When one endeavors to "just not screw up" one is usually dodging decisions.

Vice President kamala Harris's first interview as nominee: An overview (thehill.com) (https://thehill.com/newsletters/morning-report/4855366-harris-first-sit-down-interview/)

08-30-2024, 10:33 AM
After watching it, I thought it was worse than what I'd read. She answered no questions. Granted, Bash didn't press real hard, though did ask twice what she'd do on Day 1, but when ignored, let it go. Truth is what we were served was the already quoted, 'My values haven't changed, that's what is important.' She insisted she has been for fracking OR rather 'against banning,' fracking since 2020. This ignores what Bash did bring up, her 'It's no secret I'm against fracking and would ban it Day 1,' from her 2019 campaign for President. In 2020, she said what Joe Biden would do, which was not to ban fracking.

Walz ignored the question about his 'gun into war' comment, instead refocusing on 'respect for his service and anyone else's service,' Meaning I guess, that anyone who has served is free to lie or not, as long as they bring up service.

Bash did not ask about 'no tax on tips,' or 'taxing unrealized profits' or 'building a wall...' Walz was not pressed on DUI lying, though Bash did bring up IVF lie, which he ignored the specifics of, rather focusing on their support of 'women's bodies and their decisions.'

All in all, she continues what has been going on since she was appointed.

08-30-2024, 10:37 AM
After watching it, I thought it was worse than what I'd read. She answered no questions. Granted, Bash didn't press real hard, though did ask twice what she'd do on Day 1, but when ignored, let it go. Truth is what we were served was the already quoted, 'My values haven't changed, that's what is important.' She insisted she has been for fracking OR rather 'against banning,' fracking since 2020. This ignores what Bash did bring up, her 'It's no secret I'm against fracking and would ban it Day 1,' from her 2019 campaign for President. In 2020, she said what Joe Biden would do, which was not to ban fracking.

Walz ignored the question about his 'gun into war' comment, instead refocusing on 'respect for his service and anyone else's service,' Meaning I guess, that anyone who has served is free to lie or not, as long as they bring up service.

Bash did not ask about 'no tax on tips,' or 'taxing unrealized profits' or 'building a wall...' Walz was not pressed on DUI lying, though Bash did bring up IVF lie, which he ignored the specifics of, rather focusing on their support of 'women's bodies and their decisions.'

All in all, she continues what has been going on since she was appointed.They get away with this kind of crap and will continue to until their feet are held to the fire which the MSM is obviously not going to do. This is too easy for Trump and he's running his petty, foul mouth making it hard.

I wouldn't let these two be captain of the kickball team at recess:rolleyes:

08-30-2024, 10:51 AM
IMO, a good review of what was presented:


I'm not posting the article, most is from X or excerpts of interview.

08-30-2024, 10:54 AM
Two more that seem pretty spot on to me:



08-30-2024, 11:12 AM
Probably the best analysis I've read thus far:


Kamala Harris Soars Above CNNThe Vice President embraces Bidenomics, if Trump can exploit it.
The Editorial Board

Aug. 29, 2024 11:46 pm ET

Vice President Kamala Harris during her interview with CNN's Dana Bash in Savannah, Ga., Aug. 29. Photo: CNN
Kamala Harris’s campaign handlers were no doubt giving each other high-fives on Thursday night watching their candidate’s interview on CNN. The Vice President got away for the most part with repeating her campaign’s platitudes about “the middle class” and “a new way forward” and was never seriously challenged on anything.

That’s a shame because the voters still haven’t received a straight answer about whether, and how, she has changed her views from the far-left positions she espoused in 2019 as a presidential candidate. “My values have not changed,” she said more than once, in a practiced answer that can be read any way you want. We take it as a studied wink to her left flank that she’s on their side but can’t say so clearly until she’s elected.

The closest CNN’s Dana Bash came to pinning the Veep down was on whether she now favors a ban on fracking for oil and gas as she did in 2019. Ms. Harris said she had changed her position by 2020 and hasn’t changed since, which is news to most of America.

The Vice President said she is now convinced that the U.S. can meet all of its climate goals without a fracking ban, which would play poorly in Pennsylvania. But she notably didn’t disavow any of the Biden Administrations’s green mandates and regulations. And she said the country needs to stick by timetables to reach targets for carbon emissions and other green demands. Ms. Bash didn’t follow up, so Ms. Harris escaped again on costs or feasibility.

Ms. Bash did at least ask if the Veep believes Bidenomics has been successful. Ms. Harris slid around that one with a talking-point list of dubious achievements, including a boast that inflation is under 3%. Again, no follow-up on how inflation reached 9.1% and whether the Biden-Harris spending boom of 2021 was a leading cause.

No follow-up either on her recent proposal to impose housing price controls. No follow-up on her both-sidesism about the Israel-Hamas conflict. And nothing on her tax increases. But there were several heartwarming minutes about Gov. Tim Walz’s son and Ms. Harris’s grandniece.

It’s too much to expect much from a single interview, except that this is the first the Vice President has done as a presidential candidate and she is the least-known candidate in modern history. It’s possible her campaign will figure this is the last interview she needs to do from here to November.

Ms. Harris remains vulnerable on her past political views, her recent flip-flops, the Biden-Harris record in office, and what appears to be her implicit endorsement of the Biden economic and national-security policies.

These are openings for Donald Trump, assuming he can prosecute the case. But that’s far from a sure thing. The Harris campaign’s bet, and it’s not a crazy one, is that the Vice President can soar to victory on a cloud of general promises, platitudes and “joy.”

The campaign is betting the press won’t care. And they’re betting that Mr. Trump won’t do the homework and doesn’t have the discipline and focus to expose any of this in debate or consistently on the stump. So far it’s been a winning wager.