View Full Version : Kamala Bringing Walz With Her To CNN 1 Hour Interview Tomorrow Night

08-28-2024, 10:17 AM
I think 9pm EDT.

Looks like she can't handle anything on her own. If you go to site you'll see some comments from Megan Kelly and others:


The Morning Briefing: Kamala Is Bringing a Mansplainer Chaperone to Her First 'Interview'Stephen Kruiser | 12:14 AM on August 28, 2024

AP Photo/Matt Rourke
Top O' the Briefing
Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Dwyluud preferred to remain neutral in the escalating V-8/Clamato wars at the monthly James Arness Memorial Pool and Patio social.

Poll Perspective. On Aug. 28, 2016, Hillary Clinton led Donald Trump by 6 points in the RealClearPolitics Poll Average.

The Democrats have long been known for getting so caught up in their own false narratives that they can temporarily forget that an occasional foray into reality is still necessary. A couple of weeks ago, Victoria wrote that the plan for Kamala Harris was to hide until early voting began. That, no doubt, is what Harris's campaign handlers and the Dem lapdogs in the mainstream media were hoping they could pull off.

That's a tough thing to get away with in the digital information era. Madame Veep was going to have to plop her pantsuit down in front of a television interviewer at some point. It's finally happening, with a twist that speaks volumes about how little faith her handlers have in her to articulate a case for her election.

This is from Matt:

Naturally, you assumed that the interview would take place on a left-leaning network. Of course, you were right. CNN gets the honor of holding the first interview, and chief political correspondent and anchor Dana Bash will be the one to conduct it. Because of course.

But that's not the catch.

Despite all the criticism Harris has received, even from her allies in the media, for not doing any sit-down interviews or press conferences, her first interview won't be solo. Believe it or not, her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minn.), will be her babysitter for the interview.

This is a real laugh-or-cry scenario. I mean, I'll have a blast mocking this but then beeline for the whiskey after pondering that this woman still might be president.

The optics of this are exactly what they seem. As I wrote in the Briefing the morning after Walz was announced as Harris's running mate, "The Democrats were obviously looking for someone to babysit the public train wreck that is Kamala Harris. They didn't care about much else."

Over at HotAir, my friend and colleague John Sexton hilariously said that Harris is "Bringing Her Dad to Her Job Interview" in the headline of his post about this story.

This is from a post that my colleague Nick Arama wrote at RedState:

The hits are sure to keep on coming, even after the interview airs.

What makes Harris look even more pathetic here is that she should have nothing to fear from CNN. Dana Bash is one of the most egregious Dem propagandists in media. She's a biased hack's biased hack. Jake Tapper probably hits her up at least once a week for coaching on how he can become a better fluffer for the Democratic National Committee.

Note that I said, "should have nothing to fear." I wrote in yesterday's Briefing about "the potential for a catastrophic embarrassment with Harris off-script," and that it probably has her handlers "terrified." She's a liability in any interview situation.

The joyful girl boss "YAS Queen!" Kamala Harris story that the polls and the media have been enjoying so much since July 21 has been relatively free of one crucial element: Kamala Harris. They've been reveling in a fictionalized version of Harris that's been protected by keeping a lid on opportunities for the nervous, cackling, always-in-over-her-head Harris to be caught on camera.

Walz is being dispatched to get in between Harris and the camera whenever that's about to happen.

All of that wartime experience he has should have prepared him for this.

08-28-2024, 10:22 AM
Related, LOL!


Harris Team Asks If Her Mic Can Just Be Muted For The Whole Debate
Aug 27, 2024 · BabylonBee.com

U.S. — Ahead of the presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump on September 10, the Harris campaign has asked if their candidate's mic could "please" be muted for the duration of the debate.

"It'd help us out a lot," said a spokesperson for Kamala Harris.

Trump campaign senior advisor Jason Miller said in a statement, "There is literally no point in debate if one person isn't going to speak. Is she going to respond via interpretive dance or something?"

A debate of any kind, not just among presidential candidates, in which one person doesn't speak at all, has never happened before. But Kamala Harris says she's proven she can break barriers. "I'm not only the first female vice president but the first person of color also. I'm a pioneer," Harris told reporters. "You know? Pioneers. They traveled across the country to find a new life for themselves like I'm going to find new life in muting my mic. [Laughter] So that I don't talk. And why should I talk? Right? I mean why? Because a picture is worth a thousand words and I'm like a picture. A real, moving, talking picture. Well, not the talking part. [Laughter] So what I'm saying is that I've already won the debate just by showing up and people need to realize that."

Trump is reportedly considering the change in terms in spite of warnings by his campaign to stay the course. "Women should be neither seen, nor heard! Am I right, fellas? I HAVE A LOT TO SAY!" he said in a post on Truth Social.

At publishing time, Donald Trump's senior advisor quit after the former president agreed that, not only should Harris' mic be muted for the whole debate, but his own should be "turned up to 11" so that he could be heard even above the moderators.

08-28-2024, 10:31 AM
another related:


CNN Analyst Agrees: Kamala 'Incredibly Weak' to Bring Chaperone to CNN InterviewEd Morrissey 11:20 AM | August 28, 2024

AP Photo/Adam Bettcher, File
Smart strategy or "weak sauce"? Or both?

Kamala Harris finally committed to doing a sit-down interview with a major media outlet, choosing CNN's Dana Bash as her questioner. As John noted yesterday, though, she's bringing her "dad" along -- running mate Tim Walz. The aspirational VP hasn't done a media interview or press conference either since joining the ticket, but Politico explained yesterday that Walz has no idea what Harris' agenda is and worries about contradicting her later positions ... assuming she takes any.

Hence, it might be a smart strategy to put them together in the first major interview. There's another more important strategic reason to do so too. By pairing them together, the campaign hopes that Bash and CNN will focus on their relationship a lot more than on issues and policies, turning this into a human-interest interview rather than a hard-hitting political interrogatory.

CNN's own analyst Scott Jennings sees through both strategies, calling it "incredibly weak" to assign a wingman to a major-party nominee. He told Anderson Cooper last night on the air that this betrays a lack of confidence in Harris by her handlers and strategists:

COOPER: Scott, it's the first time the vice president going to be sitting down for an interview. She's doing it with her vice-presidential candidate, Tim Walz. Do you think that blunts attacks from Republicans or is the line now going to be, well, why isn't she doing it by yourself?

JENNINGS: Look, I have great confidence and Dana and CNN to do this. I think it's incredibly weak, weak sauce to show up with your running mate. The fact that they don't have enough confidence in her to let her sit herself the actual top of the ticket and do a single interview.

In fact, I think the handwringing and the gyrations over this over the last month show troubling lack of confidence in her political ability, which also makes you wonder as a voter, well, what kind of president would you be if this kind of a small time decision can we do an interview or not -- what does that look like for your decision-making process and so on?

So yes, I think Republicans are going to think it's pretty weak to show up with effectively someone to take up half the time.

Or more, unless Bash strategizes around it. That poses some risks for Harris, too. If Walz starts responding to questions that Bash asks Harris, it will be tough for audiences to ignore the "mansplaining." It will also make it tougher to play the victim in the September 10 presidential debate, the strategy Team Kamala desperately wants to enable with their demand to change the microphone rule. That won't exactly make Harris look strong either.

Amusingly, in the sequence after this clip, Maria Cardona tried to argue that having a wingman for this interview doesn't matter. Harris will have to fly solo at some point, she argues:

CARDONA: You know, Scott's assertions are just incredibly weak, speaking about weak and just not true. But look, Republicans are going to continue to try to throw everything at her because nothing has stuck and she will do interviews by herself, Anderson. Let's remember that she is the nominee for all of maybe a month and some days.

Er ... what? She's been the presumptive or official nominee for five weeks now, and there are only eleven weeks left in the election. Harris has also been the sitting Vice President for over three and a half years, and Joe Biden's presumptive running mate since the primaries began. How much lead time does she need before the training wheels can come off?

And if after all this time Harris still needs a wingman and minder when doing an interview on CNN ... why should we have any confidence in her ability to deal with Russia, China, or Iran as the head of state?

Jennings is correct -- this is a show of weakness, even if one credits this as a strategic or tactical move. The point of either is to shore up Harris' weaknesses, not project strength or confidence. And just as surely, we can expect the Protection Racket Media to amplify Cardona rather than Jennings despite Harris' refusal to engage with them in the middle of an election.