View Full Version : This Is How One Works Towards Better Elections

08-24-2024, 07:08 AM
Screaming about 'stolen' elections, especially statewide, is a waste of time. Work locally and sue whenever possible. Use national group funding, but the fight is local/county and state at end game.


RNC sues Detroit over hiring seven times more Democratic than Republican poll workers in primary"Detroit’s failure to hire Republican poll workers is the kind of bad-faith Democrat interference that drives down faith in elections," RNC Chairman Michael Whatley and RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump said.

By Natalia Mittelstadt
Published: August 23, 2024 2:11pm

Updated: August 23, 2024 3:12pm

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The Republican National Committee, Michigan GOP, and chairpersons for Wayne County Republican committees are suing Detroit over hiring seven-times more Democratic poll workers than Republican ones in the state's primary election earlier this month, in an alleged violation of state law, the RNC said Friday.

The suit is related to the Aug. 6 primary election, acording to the RNC.

Detroit hired 2,340 Democratic poll workers and 308 Republicans ones for the primary. However, state law requires that the number of poll workers from each major political party be "an equal number, as nearly as possible."

The lawsuit was announced following reporting Tuesday by Just the News reporting on the disparity.

Also, in May, the national Republican Party provided Detroit with a list of 676 Republican election worker candidates for the primary election, but the city only hired 52 of them.

"Detroit’s failure to hire Republican poll workers is the kind of bad-faith Democrat interference that drives down faith in elections," RNC Chairman Michael Whatley and RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump said in a joint statement.

"The RNC is bringing suit to remedy this completely unacceptable breach of public trust and our unprecedented election integrity campaign will continue to fight in Michigan and nationwide to protect the rights of every voter to have fair, accurate, secure and transparent elections."

"The 7.5-to-1 ratio of Democrats to Republicans that resulted in the lack of parity within 300 of the 335 precincts violated the Election Commission’s statutory duty to appoint 'an equal number, as nearly as possible' of election inspectors in each election precinct from each political party," according to the lawsuit.

The complaint also requests the court direct the "Detroit Election Commission to implement appropriate practices and procedures to ensure the appointment of an equal number, as nearly as possible, of Republican and Democrat election inspectors" before the November election.