View Full Version : Hoping That People Can See Beyond The Bully? Just Like 'Mean Tweets?'

08-18-2024, 09:15 AM
It has seemed to me that the most loyal of the Trump fans have used, 'I'd rather have the mean tweets' as their acknowledgment that many really found those offensive. Yep, they were offensive. Did they cost 2020 loss? Maybe, I think culmination of both written and verbal and lack of cohesive message in midst of pandemic. In any case, he lost. (I know, some will never agree, but this is my post.)

Now are we going into another loss? A bit of self-discipline, no matter how provoked, is NOT too much to expect of a presidential candidate or a president:


Trump's 'Comrade Kamala' Attack. Accurate, But Too Far?Jazz Shaw 8:30 AM | August 18, 2024

AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson
We're seeing plenty of commonly repeating refrains in the legacy media chorus this month, almost all of them portraying Kamala Harris as having "reinvigorated" the Democratic Party and "putting Donald Trump back on his heels." The numbers don't back up this sunny outlook, of course, though Harris definitely was given something of a honeymoon period as her party breathed a sigh of relief that the albatross named Joe Biden was no longer hung around their collective necks. There has been another theme making the rounds however that might have a bit more merit to it. We've seen multiple headlines referring to Trump's allies pleading with him to stay on message, talk about policy, and lay off some of the personal attacks. To be fair, there have been many conservatives attempting to convey this message, but Trump simply seems unable to control himself. We may have seen that again yesterday when the former president assailed Harris for her insane plan to institute price controls in the United States similar to those that have previously devastated socialist and communist nations. He didn't stop there, however. He decided to refer to his opponent as "Comrade Kamala" and accused her of going "full communist" with this proposal. Did Trump go too far, taking a winning message and poisoning the well with extreme name-calling? (NY Post)

Donald Trump on Saturday ripped Vice President Kamala Harris’ plan to slap socialist price controls on groceries, saying she’s gone “full Communist.”

The Republican presidential nominee compared economic proposals to reduce inflation that “Comrade Kamala” announced a day earlier – which includes cracking down on price gouging – to infamously failed communist plans pushed in Venezuela and the former Soviet Union.

“In her speech yesterday, Kamala went full Communist …” Trump told a packed house of supporters at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Let's start off by acknowledging that Trump is correct about the nature of these price-control plans. I said as much myself on the same day. But I'm a blogger on a conservative media network. I don't need to win over the hearts and minds of liberals or even right-leaning independents. Price control schemes like this undermine and eventually collapse free markets, leading to scarcity and the rise of black markets. This is well-known and documented. But the use of language such as Trump employed simply makes him look like he's punching down.

This was similar to his claim that there has never been a more dangerous time for Jews in the United States since the holocaust.

Former President Donald Trump declared there has “never been a more dangerous time since the Holocaust” to be Jewish in the US on Saturday night.

The Republican presidential candidate made the remarks at a campaign rally event in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania, where he claimed Vice President Kamala Harris decided against choosing Penn. Gov. Josh Shapiro as her running mate because he is Jewish.

Again, there was truth in every word that Trump spoke. It was obvious to anyone not shielding their eyes and ears that Josh Shapiro was a far superior pick as a running mate for Harris than Tim Walz, but she eschewed him because she feared ticking off the pro-Hamas wing of her base. It's equally true that Harris has done little or nothing to tamp down the rising antisemitic hatred in the left wing of her party or protect the Jewish-Americans who have come under attack.

But the reality is that Kamala Harris didn't cause the wave of pro-Hamas violence on the nation's campuses and in our streets. She simply failed to respond to it appropriately. It's fair to say that this is an extremely dangerous time to be Jewish in America, but saying it in a context where you lay the blame on the shoulders of the Vice President is a bridge too far and simply makes you look like a bully.

Donald Trump was dealt a winning hand in this election and until recently the polls reflected that. Joe Biden was a cognitive mess who posed a threat to our national security and Kamala Harris had backed all of his policies and helped cover up his cognitive decline. Sadly, just this morning I saw a new set of polls being touted on CNN showing that Kamala Harris has pulled ahead of Trump by three in Pennsylvania. Count me among those who are saddened and frankly terrified that Donald Trump can't break his old habits of hurling insults and acting in a condescending fashion when simply sticking to contrasting the success of his policies with the failures of the Biden/Harris administration should have allowed him to cruise over the finish line in a close but definitely winnable election. This isn't over yet and Trump could still pull it off, but it pains me to see him repeatedly shooting himself in the foot.

08-18-2024, 09:24 AM
It has seemed to me that the most loyal of the Trump fans have used, 'I'd rather have the mean tweets' as their acknowledgment that many really found those offensive. Yep, they were offensive. Did they cost 2020 loss? Maybe, I think culmination of both written and verbal and lack of cohesive message in midst of pandemic. In any case, he lost. (I know, some will never agree, but this is my post.)

Now are we going into another loss? A bit of self-discipline, no matter how provoked, is NOT too much to expect of a presidential candidate or a president:

https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2024/08/18/trumps-comrade-kamala-attack-accurate-but-too-far-n3793311He's not playing a smart game. He, and Vance, need to get past the personal attacks and go after the lack of substance both Harris and Walz represent. They have nothing. Expose it. Those who think they are leftwingnut, commie/fascist idiots already do.

I don't care about the mean tweets if they accomplish something. His just seem to galvanize the Dem base. Giving our opponent emotional incentive is not playing smart.

08-18-2024, 09:28 AM
He's not playing a smart game. He, and Vance, need to get past the personal attacks and go after the lack of substance both Harris and Walz represent. They have nothing. Expose it. Those who think they are leftwingnut, commie/fascist idiots already do.

I don't care about the mean tweets if they accomplish something. His just seem to galvanize the Dem base. Giving our opponent emotional incentive is not playing smart.

I haven't seen Vance committing the problem. Where he's been attacked are not issues of his own making, other than getting drunk once under 21. He seems very disciplined, he attacks, but not on personal traits, rather on personal decisions-holding them accountable. That is what is fair game.

He doesn't need to 'galvanize his base,' he really could shoot someone and they'd say they had it coming. It's that he needs to keep someone like you or me, as well as attract some of the disaffected moderate dems and independents. Calling someone 'stupid' or a 'poopy head' probably won't do it.

08-18-2024, 11:37 AM
I haven't seen Vance committing the problem. Where he's been attacked are not issues of his own making, other than getting drunk once under 21. He seems very disciplined, he attacks, but not on personal traits, rather on personal decisions-holding them accountable. That is what is fair game.

He doesn't need to 'galvanize his base,' he really could shoot someone and they'd say they had it coming. It's that he needs to keep someone like you or me, as well as attract some of the disaffected moderate dems and independents. Calling someone 'stupid' or a 'poopy head' probably won't do it.

I will say this about Vance: While he may be correct in some of his attacks on Walz's military service, he has also made statements based on assumptions. It's the same old story with me: use what is there. It's enough. The claim that Walz retired to run from deployment is unsubstantiated. Not that I don't think that is EXACTLY what he did, it can't be proven.

Not trying to go down the Walz rabbit hole; rather, when you question someone's service, it IS personal besides professional and a LOT (most) vets see it that way. I'm not talking about the vets that already are slamming Walz and or are already in the Trump/Vance fold. I'm talking about the people you mention above: the undecided, moderates, independents et al.

Add to that, Walz and Harris ARE making it personal and Trump can't wait to swallow that bait hook, line and sinker. He has yet prove, aside from one glimmer of hope during debate with Drooling Joe, he can rise above that BS. The Dems want to and so far have been successful at turning politics into nasty tabloid brawls. Itt's what they want and what their base eats up.

Especially after usurping some of Trump's proposed policies then dropping the commie policies, what more could anyone wish for to run against? If Donald wants to win so badly he's staked his fortune and freedom, maybe e ought to consider staking that Jupiter-size ego as well:rolleyes:

08-18-2024, 12:03 PM
I will say this about Vance: While he may be correct in some of his attacks on Walz's military service, he has also made statements based on assumptions. It's the same old story with me: use what is there. It's enough. The claim that Walz retired to run from deployment is unsubstantiated. Not that I don't think that is EXACTLY what he did, it can't be proven.

Not trying to go down the Walz rabbit hole; rather, when you question someone's service, it IS personal besides professional and a LOT (most) vets see it that way. I'm not talking about the vets that already are slamming Walz and or are already in the Trump/Vance fold. I'm talking about the people you mention above: the undecided, moderates, independents et al.

Add to that, Walz and Harris ARE making it personal and Trump can't wait to swallow that bait hook, line and sinker. He has yet prove, aside from one glimmer of hope during debate with Drooling Joe, he can rise above that BS. The Dems want to and so far have been successful at turning politics into nasty tabloid brawls. Itt's what they want and what their base eats up.

Especially after usurping some of Trump's proposed policies then dropping the commie policies, what more could anyone wish for to run against? If Donald wants to win so badly he's staked his fortune and freedom, maybe e ought to consider staking that Jupiter-size ego as well:rolleyes:

About 1% served in military in recent times. Out of those that have, my guess is that few know I w all the rules. Vance served. From what I've seen and read by others that served with Walz, above or below his rank, I'd say Vance has been right.

As for the political messaging, there's way more of 'mes' than 'yous.' Lol!

08-18-2024, 12:17 PM
About 1% served in military in recent times. Out of those that have, my guess is that few know I w all the rules. Vance served. From what I've seen and read by others that served with Walz, above or below his rank, I'd say Vance has been right.

As for the political messaging, there's way more of 'mes' than 'yous.' Lol!I didn't say Vance was wrong to question Walz or some of his miscues. Why he retired is speculation. Only he knows and I suspect any answer will be wrong te way it's own a life of its own. I personally think he ran as fast as he could the other way. It fits with the overall picture. I can't prove it. Therefore, I'd leave that one out. The Stolen Valor issues that can be proved is all the damnation I need anyway.

08-18-2024, 12:19 PM
I didn't say Vance was wrong to question Walz or some of his miscues. Why he retired is speculation. Only he knows and I suspect any answer will be wrong te way it's own a life of its own. I personally think he ran as fast as he could the other way. It fits with the overall picture. I can't prove it. Therefore, I'd leave that one out. The Stolen Valor issues that can be proved is all the damnation I need anyway.

Like I said, to me Vance is not making gratuitous personal attacks, they are substantive.

08-18-2024, 07:16 PM
Speaking of Trump shooting himself in the ass:rolleyes:

Trump’s ‘nuclear explosion’ on Kemp was months in the making. He could pay a price in November. - POLITICO (https://www.politico.com/news/2024/08/18/trump-kemp-feud-georgia-00174471)

08-18-2024, 07:24 PM
Donald Trump can’t make a Kamala Harris nickname stick: Laffin’, Lyin’, Crazy … - POLITICO (https://www.politico.com/news/2024/08/17/donald-trump-kamala-harris-nicknames-00174461)

08-18-2024, 07:40 PM
Donald Trump can’t make a Kamala Harris nickname stick: Laffin’, Lyin’, Crazy … - POLITICO (https://www.politico.com/news/2024/08/17/donald-trump-kamala-harris-nicknames-00174461)

He's got family, friends, and confidants. He can rant and rave and call all the names he likes, without jeopardizing the election. It's too much to ask, he's got reasons.