View Full Version : I'm Having Serious Doubts About Who Is Behind The Puppets In WH

08-17-2024, 10:36 AM
First hint was Biden refusing to leave for so long, chalked that up as being more afraid of Jill than Obama.

Then came Susan Rice, basically undermining Harris' claims of being 'separate' from Biden. Nope said Rice, theyarethiscloseandhavebeensinceday1.

Now this, Obama is way smoother than any of this:


Cornel West Tossed Off Ballot in MichiganJazz Shaw 11:30 AM | August 17, 2024

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast
You may be starting to detect a pattern here. First, they did it to RFK in New York. And now, they have removed independent presidential candidate Cornel West from the ballot in Michigan. This could have a much bigger impact than removing RFK, for reasons we'll address shortly. But the excuse they came up with for removing him was, if anything, even weaker than the one put forward to give Kennedy the old heave-ho. Call me paranoid if you wish, but it's almost as if the Democrats don't want voters to show up at the polls on November 5 and see the name of anyone from any party or no party at all on their ballots except for Kamala Harris. Why do you suppose that might be? (USA Today)

The Michigan Bureau of Elections on Friday disqualified independent presidential candidate Cornel West, the civil rights activist and philosopher, along with his running mate from appearing on the Nov. 5 General Election ballot over a technical violation of state law.

Jonathan Brater, Michigan's elections director, wrote the West campaign a letter dated Friday saying that the affidavits of identity submitted to the Secretary of State's Office in June for West and his vice presidential running mate, Melina Abdullah, were not properly notarized.

The West campaign did not immediately respond to an email from the Detroit Free Press, a USA TODAY Network partner, about the disqualification on Friday.

First of all, let's find out what Cornel West did which was so terrible that he should be pulled from the ballot. Did he shoot a man in Reno, just to watch him die? No, it was nothing quite that dramatic. USA Today describes it as "a technical violation," but even that seems a bit generous. The Michigan elections director sent a letter to West's campaign saying that his affidavits of identity submitted with his ballot application were "not properly notarized." West's affidavit was notarized in Colorado and needed to meet all of that state's requirements to be valid in Michigan as well. There were apparently a couple of boxes left blank and the notary public stamp for the affidavit was attached on a separate piece of paper rather than on the document itself.

Yes, that was it. That was the entirety of the complaint. In fairness to the Michigan elections director, they did send West's campaign a letter in late July giving him a couple of weeks to respond and West never responded. This should have all been able to be cleaned up easily, but it wasn't so the Democrats pounced. The original complaint was filed by former Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Mark Brewer in case you're wondering why I'm generically blaming "the Democrats" here.

So what's the real reason behind all of this and why would the Democrats care about Cornel West? He wasn't going to carry any states or win the White House. That's certainly true unless some sort of portal of doom opened under our feet between now and November. But that doesn't mean that Cornel West's presence or absence might not have a significant impact on the final results. This would be particularly true in Michigan where the presidential race is tighter than razor wire. The last polling we have from Michigan including West in the mix is from more than a week ago and it pitts Trump against Biden, not Harris, so keep that in mind. But it still showed West pulling four percent, taking it almost entirely from the Democrat, in a race that currently has Trump leading by only one. If those numbers hold with Harris's name replacing Biden's, Cornel West could sink the Democrats there and potentially cost them the electoral college.

That's the reality of what is going on behind the scenes. Despite both being liberals themselves, much like RFK, Cornel West was identified as a potential threat to Biden and now to Harris. So he had to go. They scraped up Mark Brewer to have someone pore over West's ballot application documents with a magnifying glass and find some sort of flaw to use as a basis for their complaint. They did the same thing when questioning RFK's home state address. They found a compliant judge to go along with a trivial complaint over what amounted to a technicality and West was unceremoniously kicked to the curb. Welcome to the rough and tumble world of modern Democratic politics as they desperately scramble to maintain their hold on power at any cost.

08-17-2024, 11:56 AM
First hint was Biden refusing to leave for so long, chalked that up as being more afraid of Jill than Obama.

Then came Susan Rice, basically undermining Harris' claims of being 'separate' from Biden. Nope said Rice, theyarethiscloseandhavebeensinceday1.

Now this, Obama is way smoother than any of this:

https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2024/08/17/cornel-west-tossed-off-ballot-in-michigan-n3793275The two party system has had since 1865 to consolidate and rig the system to keep all others out. Rather than a Johny Cash song, I am immediately reminded of the IOC taking Chile's bronze medal of the claim of being 4 seconds late in appealing. So West's notarized paperwork is not notarized in each and every individual state.

They aren't looking to beat this guy on merit. They default immediately to looking for reasons to disqualify.

As far as who is pulling the strings at the top in DC? That's the $20k question. If I had to bet, I'd bet there's no difference in who is in charge now and who will be in charge if Harris wins. Price caps on groceries:rolleyes:

08-17-2024, 11:59 AM
The two party system has had since 1865 to consolidate and rig the system to keep all others out. Rather than a Johny Cash song, I am immediately reminded of the IOC taking Chile's bronze medal of the claim of being 4 seconds late in appealing. So West's notarized paperwork is not notarized in each and every individual state.

They aren't looking to beat this guy on merit. They default immediately to looking for reasons to disqualify.

As far as who is pulling the strings at the top in DC? That's the $20k question. If I had to bet, I'd bet there's no difference in who is in charge now and who will be in charge if Harris wins. Price caps on groceries:rolleyes:

It matters to me. Difference between Obama and Soros Jr. Maybe not much, but we really do need to know where we are.

08-17-2024, 12:04 PM
It matters to me. Difference between Obama and Soros Jr. Maybe not much, but we really do need to know where we are.

It matters to me as well. My thought is the monster reveals itself when it is too late for anyone to do anything about it. And from your other thread, young people are indoctrinated to be loyal to this monster as government. Young people know nothing different and no attempt is made to teach them otherwise. In fact, it is discouraged.

08-17-2024, 12:07 PM
It matters to me as well. My thought is the monster reveals itself when it is too late for anyone to do anything about it. And from your other thread, young people are indoctrinated to be loyal to this monster as government. Young people know nothing different and no attempt is made to teach them otherwise. In fact, it is discouraged.

Exactly. That is 'by design.'

08-17-2024, 12:27 PM
Exactly. That is 'by design.'I find a system that can run itself by committee and control an empty skull as its face VERY concerning. And I don't think it's Jill. She was a useful caretaker of the drooler while she was. She appears to have disappeared as quickly as he did. The President is expendable. Once they could no longer hide him, they were flailing until they got another useful idiot replacement.

It is not what we are supposed to be, and it is definitely unconstitutional.

What stands out to my default military mind, is that whoever is doing this, they are incapable of reacting to real world in a timely manner. Afghanistan withdrawal. The realization that they couldn't hide Joe's decline anymore. In both cases, chaos ensued. The lukewarm response to idiots tearing up college campuses in the name of murdering terrorists. That's not who I want in charge given current geopolitics.

Just too much points to it. IMO. I could be wrong since it is assumption based on observation. But if I am, there are some really stupid people putting even stupider people in off based on nothing more than political labels.

08-17-2024, 12:51 PM
I find a system that can run itself by committee and control an empty skull as its face VERY concerning. And I don't think it's Jill. She was a useful caretaker of the drooler while she was. She appears to have disappeared as quickly as he did. The President is expendable. Once they could no longer hide him, they were flailing until they got another useful idiot replacement.

It is not what we are supposed to be, and it is definitely unconstitutional.

What stands out to my default military mind, is that whoever is doing this, they are incapable of reacting to real world in a timely manner. Afghanistan withdrawal. The realization that they couldn't hide Joe's decline anymore. In both cases, chaos ensued. The lukewarm response to idiots tearing up college campuses in the name of murdering terrorists. That's not who I want in charge given current geopolitics.

Just too much points to it. IMO. I could be wrong since it is assumption based on observation. But if I am, there are some really stupid people putting even stupider people in off based on nothing more than political labels.

I didn't think Jill could do what is being done. As you said, someone allowed her to be caretaker, until not.

I thought Obama cadre, but with Rice out there, undermining Kamala separating herself from 'Joe's policies' I'm not so sure.

08-17-2024, 12:53 PM
Just popped up in my email:


The Soros Sisters: Kim and KamalaBy John Kass

Friday, Aug. 16, 2024

As Democrats scurry to put the finishing touches on approved memory for their national convention propaganda festa next week, a few words about memory that is not approved.

Consider the two sisters in the photo.

Kamala Harris and Kim Foxx aren’t technically related, but they do share a (spiritual) father: George Soros.

In keeping with Soros’ views on criminal justice, Harris as California Attorney General decided to do away with the old-fashioned business of charging criminals with retail theft.

And Kim Foxx, her spiritual sister in Cook County followed suit, dropping the stuffy practice of charging criminals with crimes.

In 2020 Soros prosecutor Kim Foxx released this gushing message on “X” to praise Kamala Harris’ soon-to-fail presidential campaign.

“I’m so excited that @KamalaHarris has decided to run for president. I would not be where I am today without her guidance during my first run for political office, and she has continued to mentor me as I work to reform the criminal justice system in Cook County. —KF”

Where once retail theft (shoplifting) were crimes, under the Soros prosecutors like Foxx they disappeared.

That isn’t to say that theft magically vanished, because it didn’t. And small businesses continued to shut their doors because they couldn’t survive. But the thieves were not prosecuted.

Since prosecutors in Cook County weren’t eager to prosecute, human nature dictated that the police wouldn’t arrest people. Arrests were a waste of time. Direct conflict with criminals would leave cops vulnerable to political retribution.

I suppose I could bore you with a series of smash and grab videos—including crimes at downtown jewelry stores with thugs in masks and hoodies swinging hammers—but you’ve seen enough of those.

You won’t see many next of these this week because 1) Chicago is hosting the Democratic National Convention and 2) political conventions are all about disseminating approved memory. By the way, this is not “approved memory,” so proceed at your peril.

But the vacancy rate for downtown Chicago has reached 30 percent, not due to Covid, but to the Black Lives Matter riots and subsequent smash and grab sprees of theft. This puts increased strain on taxpayers.

The vacant storefronts of downtown Chicago grin at the city like a mouthful of broken teeth.

You won’t hear much about that either.

Putting Harris and Foxx and Soros and anarchy into one column would make the “civilized” turn up their noses. It’s rather like forcing them to sniff ammonia.

But Soros has busily been about promoting anarchy in the West by electing permissive prosecutors that I call “Soros prosecutors.” They don’t prosecute crime; their political slogans racialize this because they don’t want to put minorities in jail.

And his eager Marxist minions have furiously guarded them to the point of cancelling dissident journalists while shouting that democracy dies in darkness.

So, Kim and Kamala were like sisters, using the Marxist playbook to portray law enforcement as a function on “white supremacy,” even though the wounded civilians lying in their own blood on the sidewalks were mostly black and Hispanic and most of them women.

But it worked for them, and housebroken journalists of corporate media backed their malignant idiocy as violence gutted and then cleaned out the blue cities.

But the Soros boys, George and his son Alex weren’t finished.

Though they had spent hundreds of millions of dollars supporting left wing causes, they recently rushed to endorse Harris for the presidency.

Alex Soros, is reportedly chair of his father’s organization, the Open Society Foundations. He has run the dark-money left wing influence group since George handed him the helm last year.

The Soros Sisters have so much to share.

After the convention they can sit on the comfy couch with a bottle of wine and fine chocolates, and the Soros sisters can go through the artifacts of civil society:

Like their support of Black Lives Matter rioters, and the pro-defund-the-police movements, and the fat checks from Soros’ Open Society Foundation networks and other dark money.

It’s all there.

And so is a hug for Jussie Smollett, the oily actor who faked his own hate crime and falsely blamed it on white MAGA supporters.

That hug is out there too, even though Kamala and Kim won’t take selfies with him and he won’t be given a speaking role at the DNC.

But if they’re the Soros Sisters, he’s the evil little brother.

Because it was Smollett, the bad actor with the Obama White House clout who finagled his way out of punishment for all but fomenting a race riot.

He was forgiven for fomenting “insurrection.” It was all ignored. They didn’t even slap his wrists. Why not? The corporate media was in on it, and to thwack Jussie meant thwacking ABC and all the others who bleated out the Smollett slogans.

So, it was ignored.

Jussie was put in the memory hole along with the bleach and his white silky noose that he insisted the MAGA attackers would lynch him with, and his buff friends, the Nigerian bodyguards, and the rule of law.

So, for Jussie and George and Kim and Kamala, lest we forget.

08-17-2024, 12:56 PM
Another weird article if the Obama & Co were running this show. WaPo, CNN, NYT are all seemingly undermining much of her message. At this rate I think the convention could be as interesting inside as outside:


'Gimmicks' and Price 'Gauging': WaPo Editorial Board Blasts KamanomicsEd Morrissey 1:00 PM | August 17, 2024

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough
Of course Kamanomics is an incoherent mess. Kamala Harris simply did a Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V on Bidenomics, which consists of nothing but incoherence and gimmicks. All Joe Biden and now Harris have in their repertoire to deal with the inflation they created through gimmicks are even more demand-side gimmicks, free cash rather than the bread and circuses of old.

Anyone with a few working brain cells can figure that out. That's what makes yesterday's blast from the Washington Post's editorial board so surprising:

Vice President Kamala Harris’s speech Friday was an opportunity to get specific with voters about how a Harris presidency would manage an economy that many feel is not working well for them. Unfortunately, instead of delivering a substantial plan, she squandered the moment on populist gimmicks. ...

One way to handle it might be to level with voters, telling them that inflation spiked in 2021 mainly because the pandemic snarled supply chains, and that the Federal Reserve’s policies, which the Biden-Harris administration supported, are working to slow it. The vice president instead opted for a less forthright route: Blaming big business. She vowed to go after “price gouging” by grocery stores, landlords, pharmaceutical companies and other supposed corporate perpetrators by having the Federal Trade Commission enforce a vaguely defined “federal ban on price gouging.”

Never mind that many stores are currently slashing prices in response to renewed consumer bargain hunting. Ms. Harris says she’ll target companies that make “excessive” profits, whatever that means. (It’s hard to see how groceries, a notoriously low-margin business, would qualify.)

Actually, Kamala Harris promised to go after "price gauging." Unfortunately, I'm not kidding, which is why I had it lead the Final Word last night:

The WaPo editors didn't include it in their criticism, but it fits so well with the incoherence of Kamanomics that the connection must get as much visibility as possible. Kamala Harris doesn't grasp economics well enough to even know its terminology. As Carlson points out, Harris went on obliviously after this error, on a theme her campaign wants to emphasize as its main economic message. It's not us - it's all the price gauging!

How incompetent does one have to be to not stop and correct one's self after misspeaking in this manner?

Even where Harris does get it right, however, she manages to get it wrong. The biggest driver of inflation now is in shelter costs, which I also covered last night. Unfortunately, that's a supply issue, as the WaPo editors also point out, and her main policy would again be nothing more than a demand-side gimmick in the form of an inflationary give-away that would make the problem worse:

Ms. Harris’s housing plan is built on a slightly firmer foundation. In urging construction of 3 million new homes over the next four years, she puts her finger on the essence of the housing-affordability problem: insufficient supply. She offers clever tax incentives to help make it happen. But her proposed $25,000 in down payment assistance for first-time home buyers stimulates the demand side, which risks putting upward pressure on prices.

WaPo's editors get this half-wrong, too. The problem in housing supply isn't federal tax policy; it's mainly land-use regulations and Byzantine permitting processes at the local and state level. The tax subsidies would largely only get used by people who would have built anyway -- larger firms with economies of scale to overcome those hurdles. It won't accelerate the expansion of housing units to anywhere near the level needed to end the inflationary wave in housing.

They're certainly correct about the stimulus program Harris (and Biden) propose, though. The incoherence of proposing stimuli as a cure for inflation is emblematic of both Biden and Harris. It's completely reactionary and entirely without any sort of economic comprehension. They're throwing free cash at people to mollify them while trying to shift blame for their own failures to THE KOREPORASHUNS to jolly people long enough to get past an election.

Anyone with a lick of sense can grasp Harris' incompetence and incoherence, as I wrote at the start. But why is the Washington Post editorial board going out of its way to rip Harris? Did they ever go after Joe Biden and Bidenomics in such a sharp fashion, even though Harris proposes almost exactly the same policies as Biden did just five months ago? Biden meant that as a campaign argument too, and yet the Post's institutional editorial voice didn't offer any commentary at that time, to my best recollection.

One of their columnists did, however. Catherine Rampell has consistently rebuked the Biden-Harris administration and other Democrats for their "corporate greed" excuse for inflation. And lo and behold, CNN gave Rampell plenty of time to make these arguments yesterday before Harris spoke about "price gauging":

Rampell was just as critical of the down-payment stimulus proposal after this clip cuts off:

RAMPELL: ... It leads to shortages. It leads to black markets. You know, plenty of uncertainty. And beyond that, the specific way this bill was written might actually increase prices because of some of the other language in it, things like requiring companies, public companies to disclose in their quarterly reports, the quarterly earnings reports, how they're setting prices, which is a great way to help them collude, which normally we don't want them to do.

So anyway, you know, the devil's in the details, I guess, for that bill. But it's really hard for me to imagine any form of legislation that preserves the spirit of what she's proposing that would not be, you know, at best do nothing, at worst cause a lot of harm.

SANCHEZ: So not a fan of the price gouging ban portion of her proposals. But, Catherine, what about the plan to offer this homeowner subsidy, $25,000, to first time home buyers? Obviously, housing costs have become a concern for many Americans. Would that actually help, or would that drive, as some critics have argued, home prices up?

RAMPELL: So that piece of her plan, I think, is likely to just drive prices up. We already have really strong demand for housing, the problem is that there isn't enough supply if you just give people even more money to spend on housing. Regardless of who they are, that's probably just going to get passed through to the sellers.

So it sounds nice, particularly for people who maybe don't have a lot of savings, but it's just going to get eaten up at, you know, if you get $25,000 and a tax credit, I think you should expect prices to go up more or less by $25,000.

So now we have both the Washington Post and CNN going after Kamala Harris and Kamanomics. Why? And perhaps even better, why now? The Post's editors have already blasted Harris for ducking reporters and press conferences; CNN may be getting frustrated with it as well. Now that she's talking policy (after nearly four weeks as the nominee), that makes detailed questions even more necessary to find out how Harris plans to implement it -- especially given the economic incoherence of both Kamanomics and Kamala Harris.

Team Kamala should be very, very worried about this. They seem to have lost the Washington Post and CNN, at least momentarily. If they can't correct that, then their ambitions and their momentum will get gouged over the next several weeks. Or at least gauged. Gimmicks and giggles aren't going to be enough to get by.

08-18-2024, 02:09 AM
It matters to me. Difference between Obama and Soros Jr. Maybe not much, but we really do need to know where we are.

Look into SES .. Senior Ex3cutive Services. Deeper than deep state.