View Full Version : How Fast Could Trump/Vance Make Free Speech A Cornerstone Of Campaign?

08-13-2024, 11:12 AM
Truth is, free speech has been under attack for years. The Twitter Files certainly exposed just how involved the Biden administration was involved regarding media. The collusion with other governments is obvious, if not yet officially proven.

Got to go to site for links and additional info.


UK Talking About Jailing Elon MuskDavid Strom 8:00 AM | August 13, 2024

Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP
One of the ways that the First Amendment is under attack is nearly invisible. European efforts to suppress speech over there is also aimed at what you say here, including about our own elections.

What, you may think, does the United Kingdom's swing toward left-wing fascism have to do with free speech rights in the United States?

Bear with me, and I will explain. It really isn't that difficult to see once you know where to look.

First, some facts: the United Kingdom is engaged in a massive crackdown on speech, conducting raids and arrests of people for their social media posts.

In this, they are just a bit ahead of the curve because other European states are doing the same thing, but the UK is special in this regard because the country is rushing through trials and putting people in jail for months or years on an expedited basis. You can go to jail in Great Britain for offending people or expressing rage.

What is striking about the UK's approach is how dramatic, how aggressive, and how far-reaching it is. While the European Union is mostly going after Twitter as a company, Great Britain is threatening citizens of other countries with extradition to face trials in the UK.

You may have noticed the silence of the Biden Administration on this matter, which is bad enough. What they should be doing is pushing back hard in defense of the free speech rights of Americans. Obviously, they aren't.

But that is only half the equation because the Biden Administration has been stealth using the laws of other countries to censor speech in the United States. Our intelligence agencies collaborate with foreign governments to "fight disinformation" and in doing so, they get those governments to do the dirty work that our government is constitutionally incapable of doing...so far.

Since most communication we do these days takes place on global platforms, a government in Europe can suppress something an American says by pressuring the platforms to censor it.

This happens all the time. Offend any Western regime too much, and they can have you censored or even deplatformed. And if you think the Biden administration doesn't use this loophole to shut Americans up, I have some prime swampland in Florida to sell you so you can build up the real estate empire you started when you bought the Brooklyn Bridge.

Pundits and politicians in the United Kingdom have started to openly muse about arresting Elon Musk for inciting the riots in Britain, which is truly rich. I think the UK government allowing rape gangs, acid attacks, knife attacks, and murders of little girls might have more to do with the anger of Brits than anything Elon Musk has done and that Twitter had pretty much nothing to do with the troubles.

The government is cracking down on British citizens faster and more harshly than they have on the Islamist attackers, insulting them as "far right" agitators while praising the Muslim community that is attacking police, British citizens, and essentially holding much of the country hostage.

It is much easier to go after ordinary Brits than to confront mobs wielding machetes screaming about imposing Sharia law on the country, so that is what the government does. It's the same principle as attacking religious Christians--they are an easy target because, unlike the Islamists, they don't use suicide vests.

Musk, in a really badass flex, temporarily banned the UK government from Twitter. I forget what rule they were violating but who cares? These are the people who cheered on censorship of Trump, pushed to censor any truth about COVID, and who are pressuring Twitter to censor anybody they don't like.

So screw 'em. Goose, gander, and all that.

The European crackdown on free expression isn't just about Europe; it affects us all right here in the United States. And if it weren't for Twitter and independent news outlets like Townhall Media, you would have almost no free speech or accurate information available to you at all.

08-13-2024, 11:18 AM


E.U. Threatens Twitter/X With Sanctions for Platforming TrumpDavid Strom 10:00 AM | August 13, 2024

Philippe Wojazer, Pool via AP
No doubt the Harris/Walz dingbat duo were thrilled to see that European Commissioner for Internal Markets and Services Thierry Breton threatened Elon Musk with government sanctions for having the temerity to hold a conversation with former president Donald Trump on Twitter/X.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if they knew beforehand that the letter threatening Twitter/X was coming since the E.U. and the U.S. intelligence agencies cooperate closely on monitoring what they mislabel as "misinformation" and "disinformation." I have no direct evidence that the Biden administration and the Breton collaborated on this matter, but it strains credulity to believe that the European Union would threaten legal sanctions of such magnitude on a US citizen, US company, and US political candidate for president without at least keeping the US government in the loop.

At this point, after so much of what we have seen, the burden of proof is on the administration. They have worked tirelessly to suppress dissent, and even the US media is now all in on suppressing political messaging they don't approve of. Watch the Washington Post's White House correspondent almost beg for Trump to be censored.

Most Americans have been sleepwalking their way into tyranny, having been brainwashed by the regime and Big Tech into believing that people who disagree with them are so dangerous that they must be put in speech jail, or in many cases in Europe, in real jail. In the UK the government just let a pedophile go after he apologized but people who post memes and express frustration about migrant violence are put in jail for months or even years.

Thierry Breton, though, is the better metaphor for what is happening across the West. He has enormous power to censor every person in the world, and he is just a bureaucrat. He has never faced a voter, had to make a case for what he is doing, or faced any consequences for overstepping.

The transnational elite just gave him the power to silence anyone in the world. That's it.

The Digital Services Act in the European Union would be an offense against human rights even if it only applied in Europe, but that was never the sole point. It is a tool to get around First Amendment protections in the United States because technology allows free expression to flow around the world.

If you say something over here, Europeans might hear it now. So the E.U. demands the right to silence you.

After Musk bought Twitter and pledged to dismantle much of the company’ massive censorship system, Breton went after the company at the urging of Hillary Clinton.

For those who criticized the European Union as a dangerous step toward a transnational governance system, Breton is the personification of their worst fears. He has wielded the sweeping powers and vague standards of the DSA to force companies to engage in comprehensive censorship regardless of national laws or their own values.

The E.U. is a larger market than the United States and nearly as wealthy, so any company that pulls out of it is crippled. And that is the point of this law: the transnational elite is eager to cripple any speech anywhere whenever they want. And they are so confident in their ability to do so that they literally announced their desire to suppress an American candidate for president with at least an even chance of winning the election.

Breton threatened Musk that the EU was watching and that the Trump interview could bring crippling sanctions under the DSA: “As there is a risk of amplification of potentially harmful content in [the EU] in connection with events with major audience around the world, I sent this letter to @elonmusk.”

As in the past, Breton refused to recognize that he was interfering with elections in another country. Sitting in his EU office, he demanded that whatever was discussed in the interiew satisfy his own content standards: “As the relevant content is accessible to EU users and being amplified also in our jurisdiction, we cannot exclude potential spillovers in the EU.”

Breton expressly warned that the censors were watching. Breton wrote of the Musk-Trump interview. “Therefore, we are monitoring the potential risks in the EU associated with the dissemination of content that may incite violence, hate and racism in conjunction with major political – or societal – events around the world, including debates and interviews in the context of elections.”

After years of exhaustive investigation, the "Russian collusion" narrative bubble burst because it was a disinformation operation pushed by Hillary Clinton, the mainstream media, and American intelligence and law enforcement stooges.

But right out in the open, the European Union is colluding with the Biden administration to silence Donald Trump.

Let that sink in. Our Western allies in the "free world" are openly working to prevent a fair election in the United States, and the media are applauding.

In a sane world, this would be a casus belli. It is an open declaration of hostility to our Constitutional order, but obviously, nobody in power is upset. They love this, in fact, because nobody in our Establishment believes that ordinary Americans have any rights, just privileges granted to us through their benevolence.

I have long thought that the greatest shield the left has from scrutiny is the sheer audacity of their actions and demands. When you describe what they are doing people instantly doubt you.

"No sane person would do that! You must be exaggerating." And the MSM comes in, "debunks" an obviously true claim, and suddenly you have porn in school, children getting sterilized and mutilated, and hoaxes ruining the world.

This act by Breton was similarly audacious. No sane person in America would think that a bureaucrat in Brussels could demand the right to silence a US presidential candidate, so it goes by largely unnoticed. It seems so insane that it can't be true.

But it is true. And because our media covers for and cheerleads these efforts, we are marching toward tyranny.

08-13-2024, 11:31 AM
Our free speech has been under attack for a couple of decades. The brilliance of the American approach is they have censoring each other which has led to censoring ourselves. Probably won't take a whole lot to push it further.

Didn't the Supreme Court just rule it's okay for the Federal government to collaborate with social media? Or something to that effect.

08-13-2024, 12:05 PM
Our free speech has been under attack for a couple of decades. The brilliance of the American approach is they have censoring each other which has led to censoring ourselves. Probably won't take a whole lot to push it further.

Didn't the Supreme Court just rule it's okay for the Federal government to collaborate with social media? Or something to that effect.

Yes, scotus did find no standing and sent back to appeals courts.

08-13-2024, 08:55 PM
Yes, scotus did find no standing and sent back to appeals courts.I think they should have ruled on it. It's a no-brainer to me. Neither party should be allowed to determine truth based on partisan politics.

08-13-2024, 09:19 PM
I think they should have ruled on it. It's a no-brainer to me. Neither party should be allowed to determine truth based on partisan politics.

You might make a good preacher. I'm in choir!