View Full Version : Retired NG member alleges Walz left his unit in CNN interview: 'He went around me'

08-12-2024, 09:27 AM
New information adjusts opinions.

If what the Regimental CSM alleges is true, IMO, this plays more toward Walz abandoning his unit than his just retiring for whatever. I still maintain that once you've hit 20, it's your choice. But you have to do it the right way. The RgtCSM is saying Walz played politics and went around and over him, violating protocol. Unlike MSM has been reporting RgtCSM also states Walz was present for predeployment meetings. If that is true, it negates the "happy coincidence" running for office BS with me.

I'm not going to go as far as the "abandoning his troops" line because that is personal, not professional. It is IMO a scumbag, cowardly move to leave his position in the unit to get out of deploying.

Speaking of scumbag moves ... the CNN interviewer cut SgtMaj Julin's interview short when it started not going in the direction she kept trying to redirect it:rolleyes:

Retired National Guard member alleges Walz left his unit in CNN interview: 'He went around me' | Fox News (https://www.foxnews.com/media/retired-national-guard-member-alleges-walz-left-his-unit-cnn-interview-he-went-around-me)

08-12-2024, 10:01 AM
New information adjusts opinions.

If what the Regimental CSM alleges is true, IMO, this plays more toward Walz abandoning his unit than his just retiring for whatever. I still maintain that once you've hit 20, it's your choice. But you have to do it the right way. The RgtCSM is saying Walz played politics and went around and over him, violating protocol. Unlike MSM has been reporting RgtCSM also states Walz was present for predeployment meetings. If that is true, it negates the "happy coincidence" running for office BS with me.

I'm not going to go as far as the "abandoning his troops" line because that is personal, not professional. It is IMO a scumbag, cowardly move to leave his position in the unit to get out of deploying.

Speaking of scumbag moves ... the CNN interviewer cut SgtMaj Julin's interview short when it started not going in the direction she kept trying to redirect it:rolleyes:

Retired National Guard member alleges Walz left his unit in CNN interview: 'He went around me' | Fox News (https://www.foxnews.com/media/retired-national-guard-member-alleges-walz-left-his-unit-cnn-interview-he-went-around-me)

Those that knew him best are speaking out, it's up to Trump/Vance whether to amplify and citizens to decide if they really want a super liberal liar along with the already super liberal liar sidekick. At this point I'm thinking it's what the people do want.

It's not like it's not been out there:



Just two of many. Guess who had this made? https://x.com/breeadail/status/1822647461044768885?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1822647461044768885%7Ctwgr% 5E6d730f42e2642991fc929450b50abfa5ff4dcf16%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailywire.com%2Fnews%2Fw alz-issued-congressional-challenge-coin-that-misstated-his-rank



08-12-2024, 10:48 AM
Those that knew him best are speaking out, it's up to Trump/Vance whether to amplify and citizens to decide if they really want a super liberal liar along with the already super liberal liar sidekick. At this point I'm thinking it's what the people do want.

It's not like it's not been out there:



Just two of many. Guess who had this made? https://x.com/breeadail/status/1822647461044768885?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1822647461044768885%7Ctwgr% 5E6d730f42e2642991fc929450b50abfa5ff4dcf16%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailywire.com%2Fnews%2Fw alz-issued-congressional-challenge-coin-that-misstated-his-rank


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GUtYNOZXgAIGjvY?format=jpg&name=smallThat's another one I'm not sure of from a technical POV. In the Marine Corps, SgtMaj is a rank, E-9. It's ALWAYS a command billet. E-9s wo stay in their occupational field (MOS), are Master Gunnery Sergeant. Same applies to First Sergeant/Master Sergeant. First Seargeant is ALWAYS a command billet while MSgt is MOS billet.

My best understanding of the Army is Sergeant Major is a position as much as a rank. Meaning you can hold the title and the position, but if your permanent rank is not one of them, your title, job and rank revert back to what IS your permanent rank.

I'm going to venture a guess that if an Army SgtMaj retires in the position of CSM, he carries the title forward as a custom more than anything official.

In Walz case, he retired as a Master Sergeant for not completing the requisite training for that to be his permanent rank. He held the position, title and wore the stripes with the understanding he would complete that training.

The Marine Corps doesn't do it that way. It's up front: if you do not have enough time remaining on your contract to do at least two years active duty after schooling, no stripe. You extend or reenlist if you want to wear that rank. If you don't honor your end, no stripe. And they'll revert you back to last permanent grade held.

Walz pulled this crap for political gain, no doubt. He had plenty of time to revise his website and/or any misconceptions. I've called this a scumbag move from the beginning.

And I don't get it. Basic military service is a matter of public record. What's the point to lying?

08-12-2024, 10:51 AM
That's another one I'm not sure of from a technical POV. In the Marine Corps, SgtMaj is a rank, E-9. It's ALWAYS a command billet. E-9s wo stay in their occupational field (MOS), are Master Gunnery Sergeant. Same applies to First Sergeant/Master Sergeant. First Seargeant is ALWAYS a command billet while MSgt is MOS billet.

My best understanding of the Army is Sergeant Major is a position as much as a rank. Meaning you can hold the title and the position, but if your permanent rank is not one of them, your title, job and rank revert back to what IS your permanent rank.

I'm going to venture a guess that if an Army SgtMaj retires in the position of CSM, he carries the title forward as a custom more than anything official.

In Walz case, he retired as a Master Sergeant for not completing the requisite training for that to be his permanent rank. He held the position, title and wore the stripes with the understanding he would complete that training.

The Marine Corps doesn't do it that way. It's up front: if you do not have enough time remaining on your contract to do at least two years active duty after schooling, no stripe. You extend or reenlist if you want to wear that rank. If you don't honor your end, no stripe. And they'll revert you back to last permanent grade held.

Walz pulled this crap for political gain, no doubt. He had plenty of time to revise his website and/or any misconceptions. I've called this a scumbag move from the beginning.

And I don't get it. Basic military service is a matter of public record. What's the point to lying?

Because most only hear what they want to hear. Then there is the spin, 'Any service is good, you didn't do sh**! STFU!!!'