View Full Version : New U.N. Cybercrime Treaty Could Threaten Human Rights

08-09-2024, 08:08 PM
Definitely a read. "Cross border surveillance, etc" The Useless N wants even more power -- police power -- because it's done such a bang up of anything so far:rolleyes: Drop dead. Harris will sign us up for it though if given the chance. I'm sure we all already know what Donald would have to say, or words to that effect :laugh:

New U.N. Cybercrime Treaty Could Threaten Human Rights | Scientific American (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/0724--un-cybercrime/)

08-09-2024, 08:25 PM
Definitely a read. "Cross border surveillance, etc" The Useless N wants even more power -- police power -- because it's done such a bang up of anything so far:rolleyes: Drop dead. Harris will sign us up for it though if given the chance. I'm sure we all already know what Donald would have to say, or words to that effect :laugh:

New U.N. Cybercrime Treaty Could Threaten Human Rights | Scientific American (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/0724--un-cybercrime/)

Look, relax, it's just a bunch of EggHeads talking about nonsense.
No need to concern ourselves with this.
Just because the so-called globalist agenda has this as part of it's plan for the world, and it's been approved in the UN doesn't mean anything.
It could never happen here. We've got a constitution.
Wake me when it gets to congress. on 2nd thought, dont wake me.

It's those populist that we have to be concerned about.
They might put tariffs on stuff, raise the minimum wage, block a trade treaty and tax capital gains more... that'd be a HORROR SHOW for America.

08-09-2024, 11:15 PM
Wake me when the treaty has a chance of being ratified.

08-10-2024, 07:51 AM
Wake me when the treaty has a chance of being ratified.
If you're not awake by now I'm not sure you ever will be.

08-10-2024, 08:57 AM
If you're not awake by now I'm not sure you ever will be.

My hair was on fire for the Small Arms Treaty. My hair was on fire for the Law of the Sea Treaty... Kyoto Protocols... Trans-Pacific Partnership... and others (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_treaties_unsigned_or_unratified_by_the_Uni ted_States)...

What am I waking up to?

08-10-2024, 09:53 AM
Wake me when the treaty has a chance of being ratified.

My hair was on fire for the Small Arms Treaty. My hair was on fire for the Law of the Sea Treaty... Kyoto Protocols... Trans-Pacific Partnership... and others (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_treaties_unsigned_or_unratified_by_the_Uni ted_States)...

What am I waking up to?I get your argument. The hole in it is called the Democratic Party. As I stated long ago in one of these globalist/one world order threads, it only takes one idiot Dem President to sign us on to this shit. I'm against even entertaining the notion of giving up our sovereignty to paper tigers in Brussels or the UN. Even stupidly by mistake.

The US stance is great idea, but show us the fine print (stall). Even entertaining the notion is a step too far for me.

08-10-2024, 10:17 AM
I get your argument. The hole in it is called the Democratic Party. As I stated long ago in one of these globalist/one world order threads, it only takes one idiot Dem President to sign us on to this shit. I'm against even entertaining the notion of giving up our sovereignty to paper tigers in Brussels or the UN. Even stupidly by mistake.

The US stance is great idea, but show us the fine print (stall). Even entertaining the notion is a step too far for me.

Agree with all that.
Except it doesn't have to be a Democrat, some republicans are just as likely to sign up to these things... for the greater good.

08-10-2024, 10:25 AM
I get your argument. The hole in it is called the Democratic Party. As I stated long ago in one of these globalist/one world order threads, it only takes one idiot Dem President to sign us on to this shit. I'm against even entertaining the notion of giving up our sovereignty to paper tigers in Brussels or the UN. Even stupidly by mistake.

The US stance is great idea, but show us the fine print (stall). Even entertaining the notion is a step too far for me.

It takes Senate ratification. The latter is shown to be hard by the listing of unratified treaties.

08-10-2024, 04:47 PM
My hair was on fire for the Small Arms Treaty. My hair was on fire for the Law of the Sea Treaty... Kyoto Protocols... Trans-Pacific Partnership... and others (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_treaties_unsigned_or_unratified_by_the_Uni ted_States)...

What am I waking up to?
Because people whose hair was on fire brought attention to it and the fire was put out.

08-10-2024, 08:08 PM
It takes Senate ratification. The latter is shown to be hard by the listing of unratified treaties.Nevertheless possible. Ask me 16 years ago and you couldn't get me to believe the pure BS that's happened in the that time and it's off the rails and running downhill with no end in sight. Regardless who wins the Presidency, there's not much hope anything is going to change in at least the next 4. Especially if the Dems retake the House.

Examples would take forever, but I'll pull one out:

The current corpse occupying the WH has shown his desperation to leave a legacy and has not hesitated yet to sign a EO to skirt the law. Unconstitutional, but undoing it in court takes ow many years nowadays? In the meantime ...

08-10-2024, 09:44 PM
Because people whose hair was on fire brought attention to it and the fire was put out.

Yeah, that's not really true. They had zero chance of passage.

Nevertheless possible. Ask me 16 years ago and you couldn't get me to believe the pure BS that's happened in the that time and it's off the rails and running downhill with no end in sight. Regardless who wins the Presidency, there's not much hope anything is going to change in at least the next 4. Especially if the Dems retake the House.

Examples would take forever, but I'll pull one out:

The current corpse occupying the WH has shown his desperation to leave a legacy and has not hesitated yet to sign a EO to skirt the law. Unconstitutional, but undoing it in court takes ow many years nowadays? In the meantime ...

A treaty is not an EO. EOs will be undone by the next guy in.

Black Diamond
08-10-2024, 11:34 PM
Yeah, that's not really true. They had zero chance of passage.

A treaty is not an EO. EOs will be undone by the next guy in.
Yeah i think treaties have to be ratified by the senate

08-11-2024, 03:05 PM
Yeah, that's not really true. They had zero chance of passage.

A treaty is not an EO. EOs will be undone by the next guy in.You're talking lawful regulations. I get that. I understand the legal process.

I'm talking how the Dems do business. Consideration for law seems to be high on their list only when it conveniently serves their purposes. Obama cutting out Congress and dealing with Iran himself comes to mid. Or, Biden just flat ignoring current immigration law and do everything in his power to undermine it.

Btw, my hair isn't fire about this. Mostly because I don't have any :) I'm a firm believer in not giving stupid people any ideas.

08-11-2024, 07:44 PM
You're talking lawful regulations. I get that. I understand the legal process.

I'm talking how the Dems do business. Consideration for law seems to be high on their list only when it conveniently serves their purposes. Obama cutting out Congress and dealing with Iran himself comes to mid. Or, Biden just flat ignoring current immigration law and do everything in his power to undermine it.

Btw, my hair isn't fire about this. Mostly because I don't have any :) I'm a firm believer in not giving stupid people any ideas.

The specific question was treaties. That's what I was referring to.

08-12-2024, 02:52 PM
Does it really have to be ratified here if this happens?


We can laugh at this crap as much as we want, because it's absurd.
But we better understand that a Harris/Walz administration, various bureaucrats and AGs in various states right now would be more than happy go along with this if it targeted the right people.

Do you think local law enforcement or state police will disobey an order to pick anyone up & take them to the airport?

"just following orders"
"have to get a paycheck"
"my pensions!"
"I didn't write the law."
"you must have done something"
"If you're innocent they'll find that out at trial."

That's Why....
It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties.The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God. 1 Peter 2:16

08-12-2024, 04:03 PM
Does it really have to be ratified here if this happens?


We can laugh at this crap as much as we want, because it's absurd.
But we better understand that a Harris/Walz administration, various bureaucrats and AGs in various states right now would be more than happy go along with this if it targeted the right people.

Do you think local law enforcement or state police will disobey an order to pick anyone up & take them to the airport?

"just following orders"
"have to get a paycheck"
"my pensions!"
"I didn't write the law."
"you must have done something"
"If you're innocent they'll find that out at trial."

That's Why....
It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties.The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God. 1 Peter 2:16

I'll wait for the blowback on this one. Clearly overstepping his bounds.