View Full Version : I Don't Think It's Just Me

08-09-2024, 05:33 PM
Something is seriously wrong with multiple agencies of our federal government:


Biden Administration Let Iranian Assassin Into Country on Special Permit

David Strom (https://hotair.com/author/david-strom) 8:00 AM | August 09, 2024

https://media.townhall.com/cdn/hodl/2018/299/22f70fa9-a266-42d7-9c6b-44050646c5a0-1052x615.jpgAP Photo/Alex Brandon

Let me say up front that I do not know what motivated the FBI and Homeland Security to admit a known terrorist who was here to assassinate Donald Trump into the country.

There could be a perfectly reasonable explanation--one that doesn't implicate the same agency that almost got Donald Trump killed--to admit a known terrorist into the country.
Right? Right? There could be nothing to see here at all.

But it stinks, especially in light of the ridiculous security failure that the Department of Homeland Security's Secret Service is responsible for on July 13th.

It's not like Homeland didn't know exactly what they were doing when they admitted Asif Raza Merchant into the country. He was known to them, and they went out of their way to ensure he was allowed to enter (https://justthenews.com/government/security/fbi-let-suspect-plot-kill-trump-us-parole-despite-terror-ties-iran-trip-memos?utm_source=mux&utm_medium=social-media&utm_campaign=social-media-autopost).

The FBI allowed Asif Raza Merchant, the Pakistani man charged with plotting with Tehran to assassinate Donald Trump and others, to enter the U.S. in April with special permission known as “significant public benefit parole” even though he was flagged on a terrorism watchlist and recently traveled to Iran, according to government documents reviewed by Just the News.

The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force interviewed Merchant, fingerprinted him and inspected the contents of his electronic devices when he arrived at the George Bush Intercontinental Airport, in Houston, but then let him leave with the special parole that expired on May 11, the memos state.

“Subject was polite and cooperative throughout encounter,” the FBI interview memo reads. “... Subject's notable travel outside of country of citizenship includes a recent trip to Iran.”

Merchant wasn't arrested until July 12, after a confidential human source ascertained he had tried to line up assassins and was planning to leave the United States, the FBI said.

Merchant was on a terrorism watch list, but he was given special permission to enter the country. He entered the country to arrange the assassination of Donald Trump, and the FBI actually posed as assassins for hire to nab him AFTER they let him into the country in the first place.

That, to uneducated me, seems a risky thing to do, even if you think there is some intelligence benefit to following him. He is here, after all, to get a high-value target who happens to be the former president and is a presidential candidate today.

Why take the risk?

The memos add a new twist to an assassination plot that was uncovered before Trump was shot by a 20-year-old American in Butler, Pa., but not announced until earlier this week. Authorities say they don't believe there is connection between the two assassinations plots.

Well there you go. As I said, nothing to see here at all. Not one damn thing. Total coincidence.

Would the FBI lie to us? Aside from every day, I mean. The same FBI that implied President Trump wasn't actually shot and had to walk it back.

The immigration records from his arrival in Houston on April 13 clearly stated in bright red that he was flagged by the Department of Homeland Security database with the identifier “WATCH LIST” and denoted as a "Lookout Qualified Person of Interest."

Despite direct travel to a country with known terrorist activity, the memo relays that Merchant was “released without incident” into the United States and was “free to travel to desired destination,” which was listed as a family member's home in Texas.

Is it paranoid to think that something is not quite right about letting in a flagged terrorist with the intent to murder the former president into the country.
Conspiracy theorists might want to know, but the mainstream media is basically incurious, so there must be nothing to see here.



The parole in Merchant's case, the officials said, would allow agents to try to flip Merchant as a cooperator or try to determine why he was coming to the United States and who he might be working with. But such tactics also carried a risk that agents might lose track of him, the officials said.

The records show that Merchant was allowed to stay in the country beyond the May 11 expiration date for his parole.

While there is no statutory or regulatory definition of a public benefit parole, according to the DHS, a variety of factors can be used to determine whether a subject qualifies, and the status is extended based on a benefit to the public, not the individual.

“Parole based on significant public benefit includes, but is not limited to, law enforcement and national security reasons or foreign or domestic policy considerations,” the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website (https://www.uscis.gov/humanitarian/humanitarian_parole) says.

The Justice Department says Merchant tried to hire an individual for an assassination plot (https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/pakistani-national-ties-iran-charged-connection-foiled-plot-assassinate-politician-or-us) shortly after he entered the country in April and that individual become a confidential informant for law enforcement after reporting the contact.

So let me get this straight. Shortly after he entered the country Merchant tried to hire an assassin to kill Trump, and they kept him out in the wild rather than detain him. For months. Where they could lose him.

Makes sense. A lot of sense to me. If you want something bad to happen. If you don't want something bad to happen you might want to work pretty hard to foil whatever plot he is cooking up. Just because you have an informant doesn't guarantee anything.

But these guys are professionals, just like the Secret Service, and we all know that these professionals are almost infallible.

08-09-2024, 06:15 PM
Something is seriously wrong with multiple agencies of our federal government:

https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024/08/09/biden-administration-let-iranian-assassin-into-country-on-special-permit-n3792893Even going for benefit of doubt and trying to come up with some sort of half-ass reasonable reason and plan, I'm just not there,

This is stupid.

08-09-2024, 06:50 PM
Open Border policy allowed the process to be overwhelmed and people just rubber stamp things to keep things moving. Thus allowing criminals easy access.

08-10-2024, 04:21 PM
FBI "4D Chess"

08-11-2024, 03:19 PM
FBI "4D Chess"Munchausen's by proxy.

08-13-2024, 09:20 AM
Even going for benefit of doubt and trying to come up with some sort of half-ass reasonable reason and plan, I'm just not there,

This is stupid.

Not stupid.

How many times does a president or presidential candidate have to have their security fail so ridiculously before we start to wonder if it's intentional?
I'm there.
If "they", with the help of the FBI, hadn't already tried to get rid of him using every kind of BS LAWfare tactic and smear I probably would have just thought that this Pakistani guy was just another MAJOR round of incompetence. Serial incompetence because to get this guy into the country it didn't take just 1 person's "mistake".

So no. This sh!t is on purpose.

Concerning my vote, I had planned to write in someone... again.
But at this point I'm voting Trump, probably even buy a T-Shirt & hat all because "they" are trying to kill him.

others milage may vary.

08-13-2024, 11:10 AM
Not stupid.

How many times does a president or presidential candidate have to have their security fail so ridiculously before we start to wonder if it's intentional?
I'm there.
If "they", with the help of the FBI, hadn't already tried to get rid of him using every kind of BS LAWfare tactic and smear I probably would have just thought that this Pakistani guy was just another MAJOR round of incompetence. Serial incompetence because to get this guy into the country it didn't take just 1 person's "mistake".

So no. This sh!t is on purpose.

Concerning my vote, I had planned to write in someone... again.
But at this point I'm voting Trump, probably even buy a T-Shirt & hat all because "they" are trying to kill him.

others milage may vary.I disagree. I posted something along these lines in another read? Having worked for the US government and been on security details -- meaning there IS insight in having worked for the government that most don't have. And no, I was never in the Secret Service nor on a security detail for the President. However, security is security.

I realize there are those that want to make more of it than is there, but it ignores the facts. Complacency and incompetence. Codependents for this application.

We've all sat here for years stating all this Dem/leftwingnut/DEI bullshit was going to catch up and bite us in the ass. No reason to be surprised when it does. Perfect example is a point YOU made: how is that little woman going to cover a man half a foot taller than her? Not to mention she appeared quite out of shape. Inconvenient to DEI it DOES affect response time. But DEI demands employees be hired based on inclusion first rather than qualification.

This isn't the one-off, it's cumulative effect from top to bottom. Been bitching about it for years. Dumbing down the force. I could care less about the who when what matters is the qualification. All this woke, DEI bullshit has lowered the qualifications to suit the applicants rather than be accused of discriminatory practices rather than forcing the applicants to meet the requirements. There was never going to be a different outcome. The dyke was going to break somewhere. And it is all throughout the US Federal Government.

I can tell you firsthand how easy it is to get complacent on a security detail/guard duty. Nothing ever happens. Why do we have to jump through our asses each and every time to go out and stand around and stare at the crowd? I sure had fun playing HS football. Wonder if any of my old friends are around? Daydreaming. It takes a conscious effort not to. Humans are humans.

Our backup isn't playing ball and we don't have the authority to command them to do anything? We'll wing it. Comm doesn't work? Too late to do anything about it now. We'll wing it. After all, nothing ever happens.

Apply that same mentality to the government mindset and what do you get? Pearl Haror. 9-11.

You want to give these people too much credit. One minute they're dumbed down DEI hire, lazy government employees and the next they're sheer geniuses and can carry out a conspiracy that would require too many people in the know to ever work in this country without someone being on CNN the next day spilling their guts for some fame and money.

I agree heads should roll. I also believe they are lot emptier than you want to.

08-13-2024, 11:15 AM
I disagree. I posted something along these lines in another read? Having worked for the US government and been on security details -- meaning there IS insight in having worked for the government that most don't have. And no, I was never in the Secret Service nor on a security detail for the President. However, security is security.

I realize there are those that want to make more of it than is there, but it ignores the facts. Complacency and incompetence. Codependents for this application.

We've all sat here for years stating all this Dem/leftwingnut/DEI bullshit was going to catch up and bite us in the ass. No reason to be surprised when it does. Perfect example is a point YOU made: how is that little woman going to cover a man half a foot taller than her? Not to mention she appeared quite out of shape. Inconvenient to DEI it DOES affect response time. But DEI demands employees be hired based on inclusion first rather than qualification.

This isn't the one-off, it's cumulative effect from top to bottom. Been bitching about it for years. Dumbing down the force. I could care less about the who when what matters is the qualification. All this woke, DEI bullshit has lowered the qualifications to suit the applicants rather than be accused of discriminatory practices rather than forcing the applicants to meet the requirements. There was never going to be a different outcome. The dyke was going to break somewhere. And it is all throughout the US Federal Government.

I can tell you firsthand how easy it is to get complacent on a security detail/guard duty. Nothing ever happens. Why do we have to jump through our asses each and every time to go out and stand around and stare at the crowd? I sure had fun playing HS football. Wonder if any of my old friends are around? Daydreaming. It takes a conscious effort not to. Humans are humans.

Our backup isn't playing ball and we don't have the authority to command them to do anything? We'll wing it. Comm doesn't work? Too late to do anything about it now. We'll wing it. After all, nothing ever happens.

Apply that same mentality to the government mindset and what do you get? Pearl Haror. 9-11.

You want to give these people too much credit. One minute they're dumbed down DEI hire, lazy government employees and the next they're sheer geniuses and can carry out a conspiracy that would require too many people in the know to ever work in this country without someone being on CNN the next day spilling their guts for some fame and money.

I agree heads should roll. I also believe they are lot emptier than you want to.

I'm with Trump and most of those investigating, it's not the guys, (drones) protecting the protectees, rather the corruption-decision makers at the top. The dipshit that resigned and the new 'temp' that made decisions to cut back, use others as substitutes, etc.

08-13-2024, 11:23 AM
I'm with Trump and most of those investigating, it's not the guys, (drones) protecting the protectees, rather the corruption-decision makers at the top. The dipshit that resigned and the new 'temp' that made decisions to cut back, use others as substitutes, etc.

I could see that at first. Until I saw how dumb they were.

08-13-2024, 11:28 AM
I could see that at first. Until I saw how dumb they were.

Not having enough people and drones and even basic communications is NOT up to the guys on the street. It would certainly lead me to whistleblowing, which is now happening several times a day.

Not sure how this disaster of Secret Service is going to end-with reform or new entity, but they are going to have to look at it.

The only wrong by those on the ground I saw regarding protection is what rev said regarding DEI decisions of wishing someone my size could body protect someone over 200lbs and 6+ft. It's basic-I'm too small.

08-13-2024, 11:36 AM
Not having enough people and drones and even basic communications is NOT up to the guys on the street. It would certainly lead me to whistleblowing, which is now happening several times a day.

Not sure how this disaster of Secret Service is going to end-with reform or new entity, but they are going to have to look at it.

The only wrong by those on the ground I saw regarding protection is what rev said regarding DEI decisions of wishing someone my size could body protect someone over 200lbs and 6+ft. It's basic-I'm too small.

It's not going to end. The empty heads at the top will be sacrificed for the cause. New people will occupy their desks and promise reform. Reform in accordance with current DEI standards. That will placate most of the drones until the next, new exciting thing comes along to bury it. Time is on their side.

Just my opinion :)

08-13-2024, 12:04 PM
I disagree. I posted something along these lines in another read? Having worked for the US government and been on security details -- meaning there IS insight in having worked for the government that most don't have. And no, I was never in the Secret Service nor on a security detail for the President. However, security is security.

I realize there are those that want to make more of it than is there, but it ignores the facts. Complacency and incompetence. Codependents for this application.
Ok I hear all of that.

I've worked in the govt and seen police security, and complacency in many depts, and petty personal bs trip-up good procedures, and people cover up lazy mistakes etc..

But at this point I don't by these excuses. Especially when some folks in the alphabet agencies specifically have shown & been overheard expressing their raw animosity on several occasions.

"Fragging" is real in the military, as well.
Do we really think the Alphabet agencies are incapable that kind of thing?
Everything's not incompetence multiplied.

But as i said,
Others milage may vary.

08-13-2024, 12:38 PM
Ok I hear all of that.

I've worked in the govt and seen police security, and complacency in many depts, and petty personal bs trip-up good procedures, and people cover up lazy mistakes etc..

But at this point I don't by these excuses. Especially when some folks in the alphabet agencies specifically have shown & been overheard expressing their raw animosity on several occasions.

"Fragging" is real in the military, as well.
Do we really think the Alphabet agencies are incapable that kind of thing?
Everything's not incompetence multiplied.

But as i said,
Others milage may vary.You mean fragging happened. How many years ago? AND ... what was the reason for the fragging? Unprofessional draftees getting rid of other unprofessional draftees during an unpopular war. Incompetency at the bottom and incompetency put in to lead it. People "fall overboard" sometimes too. It isn't common practice. Exception rather than rule. I had one Captain I absolutely despised. He was neither fragged nor fell overboard.

I already got the fact you don't buy it. We tend to look at things differently. This is all guesswork. Without evidence otherwise, I'm going with the facts presented.

Black Diamond
08-13-2024, 12:44 PM
You mean fragging happened. How many years ago? AND ... what was the reason for the fragging? Unprofessional draftees getting rid of other unprofessional draftees during an unpopular war. Incompetency at the bottom and incompetency put in to lead it. People "fall overboard" sometimes too. It isn't common practice. Exception rather than rule. I had one Captain I absolutely despised. He was neither fragged nor fell overboard.

I already got the fact you don't buy it. We tend to look at things differently. This is all guesswork. Without evidence otherwise, I'm going with the facts presented.

So say no to bringing back the draft then.

08-13-2024, 12:56 PM
So say no to bringing back the draft then.As a professional Marine the last thing I would want is a gaggle of numbnuts that didn't want to be there. Troops are screwy enough when they volunteer :laugh:

Black Diamond
08-13-2024, 12:57 PM
As a professional Marine the last thing I would want is a gaggle of numbnuts that didn't want to be there. Troops are screwy enough when they volunteer :laugh:

It's just interesting because we had it until Ford right? Even during peace time (Elvis)

08-13-2024, 02:26 PM
It's just interesting because we had it until Ford right? Even during peace time (Elvis)

Not exactly. Elvis would have been Korea I think.

08-13-2024, 08:43 PM
It's just interesting because we had it until Ford right? Even during peace time (Elvis)Don't think so. IIRC, the draft was stopped first.

when did the vietnam war draft end - Search (bing.com) (https://www.bing.com/search?q=when+did+the+vietnam+war+draft+end&form=ANNTH1&refig=0AE5EB22C9C34D49BC15BE3C8744EBA3&pc=HCTS)

08-13-2024, 08:44 PM
Not exactly. Elvis would have been Korea I think.After Korea. Before Vietnam.

Black Diamond
08-13-2024, 11:53 PM
Don't think so. IIRC, the draft was stopped first.

when did the vietnam war draft end - Search (bing.com) (https://www.bing.com/search?q=when+did+the+vietnam+war+draft+end&form=ANNTH1&refig=0AE5EB22C9C34D49BC15BE3C8744EBA3&pc=HCTS)

Ahh I. Didn't look it up.

08-14-2024, 12:02 AM
You mean fragging happened. How many years ago? AND ... what was the reason for the fragging? Unprofessional draftees getting rid of other unprofessional draftees during an unpopular war. Incompetency at the bottom and incompetency put in to lead it. People "fall overboard" sometimes too. It isn't common practice. Exception rather than rule. I had one Captain I absolutely despised. He was neither fragged nor fell overboard.

I already got the fact you don't buy it. We tend to look at things differently. This is all guesswork. Without evidence otherwise, I'm going with the facts presented.

Too bad we are not privy to all the facts. If we were perhaps we'd see that the real culprits aren't the drones....perhaps it's the power players in the Senior Executive Services (SES) branch. Ever heard of them?

Members of the SES serve in the key positions just below the top Presidential appointees. SES members are the major link between these appointees and the rest of the Federal workforce. They operate and oversee nearly every government activity in approximately 75 Federal agencies.


08-14-2024, 04:56 PM
Too bad we are not privy to all the facts. If we were perhaps we'd see that the real culprits aren't the drones....perhaps it's the power players in the Senior Executive Services (SES) branch. Ever heard of them?

https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/senior-executive-service/I have. I don't see a conspiracy here. Incompetence and/or stupidity are evidence of just that. Nothing more.

08-14-2024, 10:56 PM
I have. I don't see a conspiracy here. Incompetence and/or stupidity are evidence of just that. Nothing more.

You haven't seen all the facts regarding the assassination.

08-20-2024, 08:30 AM
Official Update on what happened

Local Cop, Not Secret Service, Shot Trump Rally Shooter First

MONDAY, AUG 19, 2024 - 05:20 PM
The first shot to hit Thomas Crooks, the man who sprayed eight shots at a Butler, Pennsylvania Trump rally on July 13 - hitting Trump in the ear and killing an attendee - came from a local SWAT operator who was about 100 yards away from the building on which Crooks was positioned, Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) said in a preliminary investigative report....


08-20-2024, 08:35 AM
^ I didn't think that was in question.

08-20-2024, 02:00 PM
You haven't seen all the facts regarding the assassination.I never seem to:rolleyes:

08-20-2024, 02:14 PM
I never seem to:rolleyes:

Looking in all the wrong places.