View Full Version : Israel Has A Numbers Problem

08-05-2024, 11:20 AM
As does the West:



A small nation with fewer than 10 million people, Israel relies heavily on reservists such as Hazan to keep its military functioning in times of crisis.

But now, with the war in Gaza heading into its 11th month, and long-running exchanges of fire with regional militias such as Hezbollah heating up, many of those fighters are close to a breaking point. Exhausted and in some cases demoralized, they are struggling to balance family and work with military service, while the economic toll from their absences mounts.


08-06-2024, 10:04 AM
As does the West:


The best thing the West has going for it numbers-wise is China being antagonistic toward India and encroaching on its borders. Help from India of course would come down to a last minute, one of two choices for India scenario. Otherwise, the West is outnumbered in manpower and has this belief technology puts them above that rule. A good look at Russia-Ukraine should dispel that myth. Russia's gains have come at throwing bodies at Ukraine. Conversely, Ukraine mostly being on defense is what has saved its numbers.

Israel doesn't have the numbers for a prolonged war. Never has. They have always relied on speed, surprise and overwhelming force. They cannot withstand a siege style war without outside help.

Black Diamond
08-06-2024, 10:54 AM
The best thing the West has going for it numbers-wise is China being antagonistic toward India and encroaching on its borders. Help from India of course would come down to a last minute, one of two choices for India scenario. Otherwise, the West is outnumbered in manpower and has this belief technology puts them above that rule. A good look at Russia-Ukraine should dispel that myth. Russia's gains have come at throwing bodies at Ukraine. Conversely, Ukraine mostly being on defense is what has saved its numbers.

Israel doesn't have the numbers for a prolonged war. Never has. They have always relied on speed, surprise and overwhelming force. They cannot withstand a siege style war without outside help.

I am sure Harris would be willing to help :rolleyes:

08-06-2024, 11:29 AM
I am sure Harris would be willing to help :rolleyes:She doesn't really have a choice unless she wants to break a mutual defense treaty. While that would be simple enough for the simple minds supporting the terrorists, it would set a precedent and a bad look down the road to allies, including NATO.

I'm waiting to see how the left f-'s up after the ICJ ruling that Israel is an illegitimate state and all lands must be returned to "rightful owners" immediately. Following along, the UN will no doubt base its stance on the ICJ ruling, which means every UN nation is bound to accept the ruling. Which means the UN can order sanctions against the US:laugh:

Not to be left out, Turkey has jumped on South Africa's bandwagon and requested to be added to the list of countries accusing Israel of genocide. The UKs newest government is balking at support, trying to refuse a tanker suspected of carrying aviation fuel to Israel from porting in Gibraltar. It was going there because Spain refused to allow it to port. Kind of odd being as the UK is primarily responsible for the clusterfuck that is currently the ME.

The amount of antisemitism in the World is astounding to me. That it's okay with these people to knowingly be antisemitic moreso.

Black Diamond
08-06-2024, 12:05 PM
She doesn't really have a choice unless she wants to break a mutual defense treaty. While that would be simple enough for the simple minds supporting the terrorists, it would set a precedent and a bad look down the road to allies, including NATO.

I'm waiting to see how the left f-'s up after the ICJ ruling that Israel is an illegitimate state and all lands must be returned to "rightful owners" immediately. Following along, the UN will no doubt base its stance on the ICJ ruling, which means every UN nation is bound to accept the ruling. Which means the UN can order sanctions against the US:laugh:

Not to be left out, Turkey has jumped on South Africa's bandwagon and requested to be added to the list of countries accusing Israel of genocide. The UKs newest government is balking at support, trying to refuse a tanker suspected of carrying aviation fuel to Israel from porting in Gibraltar. It was going there because Spain refused to allow it to port. Kind of odd being as the UK is primarily responsible for the clusterfuck that is currently the ME.

The amount of antisemitism in the World is astounding to me. That it's okay with these people to knowingly be antisemitic moreso.
Is there a degree of help she is required to give?
As far as antisemitism goes, they've always been a scapegoat.
As i am sure you know that erdogan is a piece of work.
I can totally see Harris demanding Israel give the land "back" in one form or another.

08-06-2024, 04:15 PM

08-06-2024, 04:51 PM
Is there a degree of help she is required to give?
As far as antisemitism goes, they've always been a scapegoat.
As i am sure you know that erdogan is a piece of work.
I can totally see Harris demanding Israel give the land "back" in one form or another.

Mutual defense is we come to each other's defense if attacked.

The antisemitism thing is just one more disappointment in Mankind growing functional, logical brains. Man believes himself so damned smart that he dares challenge even God when he cannot even defeat his own primal fear and hatred and difference.

Erdogan is a Turk. Turks have notoriously played both sides against one another as far back as the Ottomans. A member of NATO yet seemingly siding with terrorists in the ME. It ain't the old days. Turkey will have to choose sooner or later and my bet's on sooner.

No telling what Harris will do. She believes in being on whatever side she's talking to at the moment.

08-06-2024, 04:51 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DScHs7cGSBUCan Israel ever be free?