View Full Version : Gorsuch on Biden’s Supreme Court reform proposals: ‘Be careful’

08-04-2024, 12:39 PM
“On the one hand, we need laws to keep us free and safe,” he told Bream in the interview.
“On the other hand, if you have too many laws, you impair those same freedoms and our aspirations for equality, too, because who can deal with a world with so much law?” Gorsuch continued.

Hard to argue against this point. Unless you're a leftwingnut lawyer or politician:rolleyes:

Neil Gorsuch on Biden Supreme Court reform proposals: ‘Be careful’ (thehill.com) (https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/4810141-neil-gorsuch-joe-biden-supreme-court-reform-proposals/)

Black Diamond
08-04-2024, 01:50 PM
Then Biden said Johnson was dead on arrival

08-05-2024, 09:44 AM
Then Biden said Johnson was dead on arrivalBiden's the one who is DOA. Every day :)

This comes down simply to the Dems having to control everyone and everything. Didn't hear them complaining when leftwingnut Justices were handing down bullshit decisions. Didn't hear them complaining when turncoat Roberts was the deciding vote that upheld Obamacare, an unconstitutional program.

Same crap with the Presidency. Both GWB's and Trump's presidencies were bogged down in stall tactics and drama because they couldn't be in charge.

This isn't going anywhere. 2/3's majorities in Congress and ratification by the States? This Nation and its government are incapable of any such thing at this time.

Black Diamond
08-05-2024, 09:49 AM
Biden's the one who is DOA. Every day :)

This comes down simply to the Dems having to control everyone and everything. Didn't hear them complaining when leftwingnut Justices were handing down bullshit decisions. Didn't hear them complaining when turncoat Roberts was the deciding vote that upheld Obamacare, an unconstitutional program.

Same crap with the Presidency. Both GWB's and Trump's presidencies were bogged down in stall tactics and drama because they couldn't be in charge.

This isn't going anywhere. 2/3's majorities in Congress and ratification by the States? This Nation and its government are incapable of any such thing at this time.

This whole thing just shows what a jerk Biden is. And he always has been. And i agree re. Roberts. We though we were safe when kennedy railed against Obamacare and then it seemed out of nowhere Roberts