View Full Version : Suddenly! VA Shortfall

08-03-2024, 04:00 PM
Ignoring won't work.


VA budget shortfall of $15B may impact October payments to veteransBy Alan Wooten | The Center Square Aug 2, 2024

U.S. Rep. Greg Murphy, R-N.C., listens to U.S. Marine Corps Col. Mikel Huber, commanding officer of Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point about future plans for the installation Nov. 7, 2019. During his visit, Murphy was briefed on the installation’s preparations for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

(The Center Square) – Budget burdens, pharmaceutical options and hyperbaric oxygen therapy are concerns North Carolina congressmen in the Senate and House of Representatives are raising with Veterans Affairs.

The budget shortfall could impact veterans across the nation with a disruption in payments as soon as October. Needed is $2.88 billion for disability and education benefits. Secretary Denis McDonough told Congress this month the projection for shortfall this year and next is $15 billion, of which $11.97 billion is for medical care next year.

Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., is one of six signatories on a Wednesday letter to Chairman Jon Tester of the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs in their chamber seeking an immediate hearing rather than waiting until the Sept. 9 resumption of session. Sens. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D.; Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.; Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala.; Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska; and Mike Rounds, R-S.D. also signed the request.

The letter reads in part, “The sudden nature of the issue, and the sheer financial volume of the request, are both cause for concern and call into question the information previously reported by VA. Our committee is directly responsible for conducting rigorous oversight and this budget shortfall proves that VA is in desperate need of scrutiny and accountability.”

The budget of McDonough, an appointee of President Joe Biden, was presented to Congress four months ago. Tillis, in a release, said the shortfall is a “clear departure” from what was presented, and said the “deficit alone is greater than the entire annual budget of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.”

Senators’ request comes within hours of McDonough and Dr. Thomas Emmendorfer sitting with U.S. Rep. Dr. Greg Murphy, R-N.C. Emmendorfer is the executive director in the VA for Pharmacy Benefits Manager Services.

Murphy in a statement afterward said, “I addressed the procurement of safe drugs from nondomestic sources such as India and China, the electronic medical records pilot program’s pause, significant cost overruns, and the adoption of lifesaving hyperbaric oxygen therapy. As the representative of 76,000 veterans, it is my duty to advocate for more adequate and quality care for our veterans who have made many sacrifices. I conveyed the dissatisfaction of many veterans in my district, and across the country, with the VA’s management and my commitment to pursuing meaningful solutions to these issues.”

As The Center Square previously reported, state lawmakers in North Carolina approved in September an appropriation of $500,000 that will help military veterans struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, known as HBOT, has significantly reduced suicidal ideations and an array of other symptoms in about 60 North Carolina military veterans suffering from PTSD and TBI over the last two years through a program called HBOT for Vets. Murphy has led the effort in Washington to increase resources.

North Carolina is home to roughly 800,000 active duty or veteran families, including about 650,000 veterans. Roughly a quarter of veterans nationwide suffer from PTSD or TBI, suggesting more than 162,000 North Carolina veterans may benefit from HBOT.

08-04-2024, 10:09 AM
Ignoring won't work.

https://www.thecentersquare.com/north_carolina/article_2f6ee9e4-50f7-11ef-8236-576df4a6c24e.htmlFirst place they should look for money is that fat, dumb and happy bureaucratic agency the VA itself. I'd bet it could be run with half the bureaucrats it employs living on a normal income like everyone else instead of tax-dollar-funded, bloated executive pay.

08-05-2024, 10:15 AM
First place they should look for money is that fat, dumb and happy bureaucratic agency the VA itself. I'd bet it could be run with half the bureaucrats it employs living on a normal income like everyone else instead of tax-dollar-funded, bloated executive pay.

Don't hold back Gunny, you may get an ulcer :laugh: :laugh:

08-05-2024, 10:26 AM
Don't hold back Gunny, you may get an ulcer :laugh: :laugh:Every time I have walked into the VA I've seen lines of people waiting to be seen. Employees walking all over the place. And the two never seem to meet. The admin offices are bigger than the medical staff and every single one there acts like spending a dime on you is taking money out of their paychecks. And the executives paid a fortune to run this clusterfuck are never "in".

Let ME go through those places with an audit book. There'll be some crying alright. Every government leech doing time collecting a check by replicating 3 other peoples' nonproductivity at the water cooler will be leaving a trail of tears enough to water the lawn:rolleyes:

08-05-2024, 10:31 AM
Every time I have walked into the VA I've seen lines of people waiting to be seen. Employees walking all over the place. And the two never seem to meet. The admin offices are bigger than the medical staff and every single one there acts like spending a dime on you is taking money out of their paychecks. And the executives paid a fortune to run this clusterfuck are never "in".

Let ME go through those places with an audit book. There'll be some crying alright. Every government leech doing time collecting a check by replicating 3 other peoples' nonproductivity at the water cooler will be leaving a trail of tears enough to water the lawn:rolleyes:

Yeah, my dad always was grateful that his after war job included very good health insurance, though recognized as the benefits expanded, so did medical costs overall. Which of course means those with less comprehensive insurance and no insurance were in deep doo doo. Those relying on Vet system, truly screwed. The only time my dad went to VA was for hearing aids, after having to pay for the super duper ones for my mom and myself, his were just caused by age. Today he could buy those at walmart. ;)

08-05-2024, 10:46 AM


Taliban gets $239 million in aid after failure of State Dept. vettingThe aid was supposed to support counterterrorism efforts in Afghanistan

By Terrance Kible
Published: August 4, 2024 11:17am

The Islamic extremist Taliban has received at least $239 million in U.S. aid aimed at counterterrorism after State Department vetting procedures fell apart, according to a government watchdog.

The government watchdog, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), issued a July 2024 report identifying at least 29 grants where the Taliban may have erroneously received counterterrorism funds.

SIGAR "investigators found that the State Department failed to comply with its own counterterrorism partner vetting requirements in Afghanistan," Judicial Watch reported.

The funds came from State Department divisions called "Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor" and "International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs."

The SIGAR report identified more than two dozen instances where these divisions failed to keep proper vetting records.

The SIGAR report includes a response to the findings from the State Department.

A June 2024 letter from the State Department claimed "the majority of the Department's Afghanistan-related awards fully complied" with vetting requirements" but acknowledged "the gaps in compliance highlighted in the report."

The letter expressed the State Department's "commit[ment] to ensuring that all program offices comply with applicable . . . vetting requirement."

08-05-2024, 10:55 AM

https://justthenews.com/world/middle-east/taliban-gets-239-million-aid-after-bad-state-dept-vettingThe Taliban receiving counterterrorism funds:rolleyes: Amazing. Fact is, Taliban is getting a dose of its own medicine. Trying to govern (rightly or wrongly) without pissing off ISIS and/or AQ. If it wasn't for the people caught in the middle, nobody deserves it more than they.

But the US paying the Taliban to keep ISIS and AQ in check is absurd. Let them all kill each other.

Black Diamond
08-05-2024, 10:56 AM
The Taliban receiving counterterrorism funds:rolleyes: Amazing. Fact is, Taliban is getting a dose of its own medicine. Trying to govern (rightly or wrongly) without pissing off ISIS and/or AQ. If it wasn't for the people caught in the middle, nobody deserves it more than they.

But the US paying the Taliban to keep ISIS and AQ in check is absurd. Let them all kill each other.

I hate talking like this but we should have never left.

08-05-2024, 11:01 AM
I hate talking like this but we should have never left.
Why do you 'hate it.' I agree, though with the qualifier of, 'without a plan to withdraw the majority of troops, in an orderly fashion. Also all the equipment that the Taliban is now selling off.'

08-05-2024, 11:09 AM
I hate talking like this but we should have never left.

Why do you 'hate it.' I agree, though with the qualifier of, 'without a plan to withdraw the majority of troops, in an orderly fashion. Also all the equipment that the Taliban is now selling off.'

We should have never left the country, period, without leaving behind a government that could sustain itself. Let me backtrack further: We should have never gotten involved in Afghanistan's government to begin with beyond deposing the Taliban as punishment for harboring bin Laden. We should have remained focused on bin laden and let the Afghan people choose their own people instead of hand-picking a warlord who claimed to hate terrorists all the while his brother is running the biggest opium smuggling ring in the country. We already tried and failed with that routine with Ngo Dien Diem in SV.

As far as the withdrawal went, had a military person been in charge of that fiasco he'd have been court martialed and in disgrace.