View Full Version : Olympics Abuse Continues: 'Women's' Boxing

08-01-2024, 09:16 AM

Men Are Beating Up Women at Olympics, and They Call it SportsDavid Strom 10:00 AM | August 01, 2024

AP Photo/Lee Jin-man
The Paris Olympics are a disgrace.

No, I am not talking about the opening ceremony, even though it, too, was a disgrace. Or the Olympic Committee forcing triathletes to swim in the Seine despite being polluted enough to make swimmers vomit.

No, in this case, I am talking about how the International Olympic Committee is forcing female boxers to fight against males. Males that don't even try to present themselves as women. They are just plain men who call themselves women.

The Women’s World Boxing Championships took place in March of 2023 and was hosted in New Delhi, India. A total of 324 boxers from 64 nations competed during the 10-day trial, marking the largest participation in any iteration of the championship ever recorded.

However, the grand event was marred by controversy after Umar Kremlev, president of the International Boxing Association (IBA), announced the disqualification of multiple boxers from the championship.

Kremlev said that IBA executives had met towards the championship’s grand finale to discuss “fairness among athletes and professionalism,” after concerns were raised about the biological sex of some participants. He added that after “a series of DNA-tests,” the IBA “uncovered athletes who were trying to fool their colleagues and pretend to be women.”

Speaking to TASS News, Kremlev claimed that the tests had proven the athletes in question “had XY chromosomes and were thus excluded from the sports events.”

Among the disqualified was Imane Khelif, an Algerian boxer who had been set to challenge Yang Liu of China in the welterweight final. Khelif was removed from the gold medal fight, and Thailand’s Janjaem Suwannapheng, who had lost to Khelif in the semi-finals, was allowed to proceed to fight Yang instead.

Men whom the International Boxing Association has disqualified from fighting women are fighting at the Olympics as women.

There is one and only one reason for the IOC to do this: to uphold the absurd gender ideology that our Elite have decided to impose on us.

It is appalling, immoral, and some would say demonic, and it will get somebody killed.

Today at the Olympics, Italian Angela Carini fought the Algerian Imane Khelif. The fight lasted less than a minute because Carini was injured so badly by a man beating the crap out of her that her coach had to throw in the towel.

When something like this happens before your eyes, you realize that the issue isn't just fairness but whether the IOC is sanctioning and even promoting male violence against women. It's abuse, put on for the fun and profit of the elites who want to see it.

I know I sometimes come off as a bit extreme in my contempt for the Elite who run our world, but the simple fact is that these people seem to take joy in causing pain and destruction. They promote vicious policies that harm defenseless people, demand loyalty to horrendous and evil ideologies, and seem to take delight in torturing people for their amusement.

Imagine being Carini, achieving her life goal to compete in the Olympics, being forced to fight a man who beats the crap out of her because he grew up with testosterone coursing through his body. The International Boxing Association disqualifies the men, but the International Olympic Committee shrugs and forces her to give up her dreams and/or get beat up by a man.

Call it what you will. I call it evil.

Not just unfair. Not wrongheaded.


Black Diamond
08-01-2024, 09:30 AM
One more reason to pull back, disengage, etc.

08-01-2024, 09:35 AM
Women need to stand up and say, 'We will not participate with men in sports. Period.'



When girls stand down and refuse to play against males, we'll stand up for them.

Today we are launching the XX-XY Athletics Fund, created by the brand and employees. Because we want to put our money where our mouth is.

Our goal is to provide support to brave athletes who are still competing, and encourage them to stand up for women’s sports.

The support comes in the form of monetary awards and scholarship funds because often times, female athletes are afraid to stand up for the protection of their sports at the risk of losing these opportunities.

So we want to take the pain of monetary cancellation out of the equation.

This ends when the people impacted the most speak up.

XX-XY Athletics Fund
Whether its refusing to compete against male athletes entering their sports, or vocally pushing back on the madness.

However these athletes choose to do it, we’ll be right there with them.

Sometimes sacrifice is necessary. And while its unfortunate that athletes have to make the choice to resist - possibly standing down from competing - in order to protect their sports, they will gain something greater when they do.

They will know they spoke the truth and fought for what was right.

To find out more, nominate an athlete or donate, go to XX-XYATHLETICS.ORG

When you support XX-XY Athletics, you support the Courage Wins Fund.

A portion of every purchase goes to the XX-XY Athletics Courage Wins Fund.

Thank you for standing with us and women everywhere.

- Jen

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08-01-2024, 11:14 AM

Different take: Khelif is a woman with a high testosterone count. One that in other sports at least in days of yore would get them disqualified.

Carini quit after one punch stating it was too hard. She did not get the crap beat out of her. She had been urged to forfeit by Italians. She could have, with no serious blame. She chose to take that one punch to make a point.

I've been wondering when this whole topic was going to bite itself in the ass. All athletes are tested for specifically testosterone/test count, other steroids and masking agents. y question from the beginning has been: What is the difference between a man claiming to be a woman and a woman on steroids? As far as practical application goes, little to nothing comes to mind. Steroids is cheating but beating up girls isn't?

What a tangled web we weave ...:rolleyes:

08-01-2024, 11:35 AM
Different take: Khelif is a woman with a high testosterone count. One that in other sports at least in days of yore would get them disqualified.

Carini quit after one punch stating it was too hard. She did not get the crap beat out of her. She had been urged to forfeit by Italians. She could have, with no serious blame. She chose to take that one punch to make a point.

I've been wondering when this whole topic was going to bite itself in the ass. All athletes are tested for specifically testosterone/test count, other steroids and masking agents. y question from the beginning has been: What is the difference between a man claiming to be a woman and a woman on steroids? As far as practical application goes, little to nothing comes to mind. Steroids is cheating but beating up girls isn't?

What a tangled web we weave ...:rolleyes:

Those born male do not belong in women's sports. Simple.

08-01-2024, 11:51 AM
Those born male do not belong in women's sports. Simple.You have missed all of my rants?:laugh:

The left who supposedly is the one looking out for women's rights are trying to erase women period.

08-01-2024, 12:35 PM
Speaking of boxing ... if you ever decide to get your sinuses roto-rooter'd and bone grafts for tooth implants at the same time, getting punched in the face with bare knuckles by someone who knows how to punch is EXACTLY what it feels like :laugh:

My daughter's trying to put me on bedrest and I'm trying to go work out. Damned mother hens:laugh: