View Full Version : CNN shuts down opinion section

07-31-2024, 06:26 PM
Go figure:rolleyes:

CNN shuts down opinion section (thehill.com) (https://thehill.com/media/4804058-cnn-shuts-down-opinion-section/?tbref=hp)

08-01-2024, 05:03 AM
Well... when opinion is interjected into everything who needs an opinion section? :hide:

08-01-2024, 10:54 AM
Well... when opinion is interjected into everything who needs an opinion section? :hide:Heard that. Was looking at my phone a little bit ago at the "news" and the thought that came into my head is that it looks a lot like the magazine rack back in the day at checkout the checkout stand. National Enquirer, The Globe, the Star ... tabloid trash. Have to hunt for actual informative "news".