View Full Version : Hezbollah rocket kills 11 at soccer field including children in Golan Heights

07-27-2024, 04:21 PM
Huge response coming...


07-27-2024, 04:24 PM

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office announced his return to Israel from the US will “be brought forward as quickly as possible” after the attack in the Golan Heights. He warned that Hezbollah “will pay a heavy price for this attack, one that it has not paid so far”.

Several ministers in his government called for a harsh response. Finance Minister and member of the security cabinet Bezalel Smotrich said Hezbollah leader Nasrallah should “pay with his head”, while Economy Minister Nir Barkat said Israel needs to “change the equation” in the north and make Hezbollah and the state of Lebanon “pay a heavy price”.

07-27-2024, 04:54 PM
Hezbollah is claiming it is not responsible. The only thing striking about that is Hezbollah is not much on denying when it strikes.