View Full Version : I Was Looking Forward To The Olympics

07-27-2024, 10:28 AM
mostly Simone Biles. Not going to watch, though I'll look her up on Youtube. Got to go to site.


YGBFKM, Paris Olympics

Oli London (https://twitter.com/OliLondonTV/status/1816940543760277640?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1816940543760277640%7Ctwgr% 5E44a7469d0fc392ce6893f9eb289cbedb8ef0e6c2%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.twitter.com%2F%3Furl %3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FOliLondonTV%2Fstatu s%2F1816940543760277640)8:40 PM | July 26, 2024

Ed Morrissey

I wasn't inclined to watch it anyway, but I'm even less inclined now.

07-27-2024, 10:46 AM
This just seems apropos:


They opened the ceremonies with upside down Olympic flag.

07-27-2024, 11:05 AM
This just seems apropos:


They opened the ceremonies with upside down Olympic flag.The announced the South Korea team with North Korea's title:rolleyes:

I used to love watching certain Olympic sports. Gymnastics, swimming and weightlifting. Maybe the track racing.

Politics has ruined that like it does everything else. For an organization that is supposed to be apolitical, it's as chickenshit politically correct and biased as it gets. I really don't see why the US participates at all. It's a WAY bigger deal to the rest of the World than it is us, and our lack of all-in support and cheating shows.

07-27-2024, 12:09 PM

For the Opening of the Olympics.
A sports event.


07-27-2024, 12:13 PM

For the Opening of the Olympics.
A sports event.


I think you're pretty wrong about the Jews, but will give you the rest.

07-27-2024, 04:59 PM
I think you're pretty wrong about the Jews, but will give you the rest.

Sadly it is becoming more fashionable to do the Jews & Judaism as well.

07-28-2024, 11:30 AM
It appears not only is Paris's version of "inclusion" taking a hit, but NBC is taking one as well for putting two. completely unqualified people on commentary, one that won't shut up. I find Kelly Clarkson annoying on a good day. Sounds like she's trying to widen her audience of persons with the same viewpoint :laugh:

Since it's all set up so I have to pay to watch the sports I want to, guess I'll wait for the youtube recaps:rolleyes:. Used to be able to watch TV for free.

Black Diamond
07-28-2024, 11:33 AM
It appears not only is Paris's version of "inclusion" taking a hit, but NBC is taking one as well for putting two. completely unqualified people on commentary, one that won't shut up. I find Kelly Clarkson annoying on a good day. Sounds like she's trying to widen her audience of persons with the same viewpoint :laugh:

Since it's all set up so I have to pay to watch the sports I want to, guess I'll wait for the youtube recaps:rolleyes:. Used to be able to watch TV for free.

Everyone says i don't like change. Well quit changing things for the worse.

07-28-2024, 11:35 AM
When you cut away to get Snoop Dogg's thoughts... Well...

Black Diamond
07-28-2024, 11:39 AM
When you cut away to get Snoop Dogg's thoughts... Well...


Black Diamond
07-28-2024, 11:41 AM
When you cut away to get Snoop Dogg's thoughts... Well...

Exactly. And why didn't Elvis ever get to carry the torch.

07-28-2024, 12:27 PM

Olympics schedule & day-by-day guide to key events & British medal hopes at Paris 2024 - BBC Sport (https://www.bbc.com/sport/articles/c1dmp9krz91o)

07-28-2024, 12:30 PM

Olympics schedule & day-by-day guide to key events & British medal hopes at Paris 2024 - BBC Sport (https://www.bbc.com/sport/articles/c1dmp9krz91o)

Not going to watch on NBC . Only biles on YouTube down the road.

07-28-2024, 12:38 PM
Not going to watch on NBC . Only biles on YouTube down the road.Same. They'll post the weightlifting sooner or later. Maybe some swimming. I used to watch gymnastics but to see any one performer.

I have a hard time with Simone Biles. She quit. I heard all the reasons why and I guess they are acceptable in the civilian world. I would rather fail trying than quit. Either way, there's a price to pay. Hard to put faith/hopes into someone who as proven they will quit.

07-29-2024, 10:23 PM

07-31-2024, 09:02 AM
Same. They'll post the weightlifting sooner or later. Maybe some swimming. I used to watch gymnastics but to see any one performer.

I have a hard time with Simone Biles. She quit. I heard all the reasons why and I guess they are acceptable in the civilian world. I would rather fail trying than quit. Either way, there's a price to pay. Hard to put faith/hopes into someone who as proven they will quit.

I guess she told me to STFU:laugh: I can appreciate that.

If you're going to come back and shut up your detractors, might as well do it right :)

07-31-2024, 09:11 AM
I guess she told me to STFU:laugh: I can appreciate that.

If you're going to come back and shut up your detractors, might as well do it right :)

I appreciated her giving up the team's own name, FAFO. Cracked me up.

07-31-2024, 09:14 AM
I appreciated her giving up the team's own name, FAFO. Cracked me up.?

07-31-2024, 10:55 AM

To her former teammate and other critics: fuck around, find out. And she alsoposted on social media about lazy, etc. 'More gold Okympics.'

She's been through more than one wringer from very young age. Comes out on top.

07-31-2024, 05:44 PM
Gunny related:


07-31-2024, 05:53 PM
To her former teammate and other critics: fuck around, find out. And she alsoposted on social media about lazy, etc. 'More gold Okympics.'

She's been through more than one wringer from very young age. Comes out on top.I saw that. Skinner is doing some serious backpedaling. I don't know one from the other. Seems to me the one taking it personally is Biles. Reading what Skinner said, it sounded a lot more like an indictment of the entire system. I can also see where Biles could think what was stated was aimed at her.

It also seems to me like Biles is the one not letting it go. While understandable, I can't say Biles is taking the high road.

On the other hand, I saw where see was responding to criticism of her bun. Why? Why respond? And who gives a rat's ass what her bun looks like? THAT (latter) is just more of current society and its constant negativity.

07-31-2024, 06:02 PM
@Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) related:

https://www.foxnews.com/sports/simone-biles-blocked-after-taking-shot-former-olympic-teammateRead that earlier. Apparently my phone is not as picky as my computer that won't allow me access to Fox news without joining.

08-01-2024, 11:16 AM
Mr VP Wannabe has gone and blown it. Never say die:rolleyes: He dredged up a clip of Biles quitting last time and started talking shit. He and Trump are trying to win by endearing themselves to who?

08-01-2024, 11:37 AM
Mr VP Wannabe has gone and blown it. Never say die:rolleyes: He dredged up a clip of Biles quitting last time and started talking shit. He and Trump are trying to win by endearing themselves to who?

I'm not going to hold that against him. That was then and just prior to all the testifying regarding sex abuse from young.

If he says it regarding now? Screw him.

08-01-2024, 11:48 AM
I'm not going to hold that against him. That was then and just prior to all the testifying regarding sex abuse from young.

If he says it regarding now? Screw him.I was in a hurry and didn't see any context. Of course if he said it then, that's one thing. Also not putting the MSM above purposefully misrepresenting the context. More than half the headers I saw today were just bullshit with their follow-up "facts" not even supporting them. Tiresome.

They just don't stop. Since before she ever joined the WNBA, they have talked more shit-stirring shit about Caitlin Clarke, DAILY, than they have covered Trump. And if there's no story? Make one up.