View Full Version : Local and state LE stop cooperating with FBI

07-25-2024, 10:18 PM
Everyone knows the corruption within the justice department.


07-26-2024, 12:58 AM
Everyone knows the corruption within the justice department.


funny what finally sets some folks off.

Some local police have been following this pattern since, ruby ridge, then Waco, then OKcity Bombing, Then 911, and many other smaller local FBI "stings" and operations. Also When states started legalizing weed, more local LEOs stopped helping the feds with their hunts of weed dealers and more. Other stopped when they wanted permission/help arresting locals for various things the sherifs and police understood to be constitutionally protected activities.

FBI began by operating BY THE PERMISSION of State and Local authorities. It began from a Justice Dept memo in like 1910.
And a hand full of guys.
There's ZERO in the constitution about a federal police force. It's authority is mainly ginned up over time, under 'color of law', handshakes, bureaucratic convention, some slipshod "pragmatic" laws & J Eager Hoover's propaganda and asking forgiveness rather than permission.
I dont remember if the supreme court's backed much of it. (but since Hoover was blackmailing nearly everyone in Washington I'd guess the SCOTUS wasn't an exception.)