View Full Version : TDS Has Truly Taken Hold

07-25-2024, 09:51 AM
While I'm in my personal wilderness searching for an alternative to vote for, some are not keeping their cool:


Crazed Liberal Runs Down Elderly Man With Trump Yard SignJAZZ SHAW 8:50 AM | July 25, 2024

AP Photo/Charles Krupa
In case you've been wondering just how overheated and out of control this election cycle has become, look no further than this story. In a small suburban town in northwest Michigan, an 80-year-old man was out in the front yard of his home on Sunday evening. He was erecting a yard sign expressing his support for Donald Trump in the upcoming election. At the same time, an unnamed 22-year-old man was riding an ATV down his street. Suddenly, and without warning, the ATV driver veered off of the street and into the elderly man's yard, literally running him down and injuring him badly before speeding away. During the ensuing investigation, it was revealed that the same ATV rider had been involved in other, similar incidents the same day. Don't be fooled into thinking that this might have been some sort of tragic, random accident because it definitely was not. (NBC News)

After an 80-year-old man was struck by an ATV while putting up a Trump sign in his yard in Michigan on Sunday, a 22-year-old called authorities saying he was involved, then killed himself, officials said.

The elderly man was run over by an ATV driver in Hancock at 5:45 p.m. following other vandalism incidents appearing to target those expressing support for former President Donald Trump or law enforcement, police there said.

On Monday, a 22-year-old man contacted Hancock police and said he wanted to “confess a crime involving an ATV driver within the last 24 hours," the Houghton County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.

The 80-year-old victim was admitted to the hospital in critical condition. So how can we be sure that this wasn't some random traffic accident? Because the same ATV rider was involved in at least three other incidents on the same day. Damage was done to both residential properties and vehicles. All of them had either signage or stickers expressing support for Donald Trump or law enforcement. One of the targeted cars had a "Thin Blue Line" sticker on it that was smashed, along with the vehicle's bumper.

Authorities will not be able to question the suspect about his motives because he's dead. The unnamed 22-year-old called the police and confessed to "being involved in" a series of incidents involving an ATV, asking them to come to his home to speak to him. When the police arrived, they found the man dead in his own vehicle from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The ATV involved in the incidents was found there, along with clothes matching those that witnesses reported the suspect to have been wearing. Even if he weren't dead, this should have been a fairly open-and-shut case.

What in the Sam Hill is going on in this country during this election cycle? We frequently comment on the way that Donald Trump appears to have driven the left insane, but in the case of the Michigan ATV driver, it appears to have been literally true. Keep in mind that this ATV rampage took place only one week after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life. Last month, in San Jose, California, a group of rioters attacked a rally of Trump supporters, hurling rocks, bottles, and shards of broken glass at them. A young woman with a MAGA hat was seriously injured and taken to the hospital.

This is not the typical ebb and flow of American politics during an election season. It's true that Donald Trump tends to attract nearly unprecedented crowds of frequently rowdy supporters who gather in the thousands to hear him speak. But the left has managed to gin up so much hatred against Trump that it is clearly spilling over and triggering the less stable among them. (I know... it can be hard to tell the difference sometimes.) This is not a case in which people strongly disagree with the man's policies. This is a red-hot, unbridled hatred of the man himself. And that same hatred carries over to anyone seen as supporting Trump as well. Some will simply fume quietly at home. Others will take to the streets and protest noisily. But increasingly often, others will resort to violence, either attempting to kill Trump or physically attack his supporters. Democratic politicians and their servants in the legacy media continue to fuel this rage on a daily basis and it has long since gone too far by a wide margin.

Whether it's some demented person as above or the assassin at the Trump convention the number of nutjobs is unprecedented.

Now we also have the anarchists, Islamic loving crazies in DC and other cities defacing federal and state properties without any accountability. This is not going to end well.

07-25-2024, 10:04 AM
I can get behind this, let's go fund me to send them to Tehran:


The Morning Briefing: The 'Free Palestine' Nazis Get More Unhinged With Each ProtestSTEPHEN KRUISER | 1:29 AM ON JULY 25, 2024

Townhall/Katie Pavlich
Top O' the Briefing
Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Delbanza perfected his backgammon skills in the '70s with all the free time he had when he was a tapas wrangler for Charo.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday to address Congress, and his appearance ended up being an in-kind contribution to the Trump-Vance '24 campaign.

While the Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media have been furiously rewriting the Kamala Harris story, the "Free Palestine" Hitler Youth stormed the nation's capital to remind voters exactly what's at stake in this election. The raging, anti-Semitic mobs who have plagued this country since last October are the youthful manifestation of the opinions of many Democratic elite, including Madame Vice President. In fact, there have been times when it seemed that the campus protest mobs were influencing some of the Democrats on Capitol Hill.

When Israel Defense Forces rescued four hostages from Hamas in June, Kamala Harris's response was a perfect snapshot of the Democrats' sellout thinking about the war in Gaza. This is from something Robert wrote then:

"Before I begin,” Harris said, “I just say a few words about the morning which I know weighs heavily on all of our hearts.” She started off reasonably well: "On Oct. 7, Hamas committed a brutal massacre of 1,200 innocent people and abducted 250 hostages. Thankfully, four of those hostages were reunited with their families tonight. And we mourn all of the innocent lives that have been lost in Gaza, including those tragically killed today."

They pretend to still acknowledge that Israel is our ally, but resort to the "Pity poor Gaza" rhetoric of the protest mobs. Harris and her fellow Democrats continue to insist that there is gray area in this conflict when none exists at all. As I've said since last October, it's easy to figure out who the bad guys are in this one.

Unless you're a Democrat.

Keeping in mind that these people are in sync with the woman who is the presumptive Democratic nominee, let us move on to just how bat**** crazy they are.

In response to Netanyahu's visit, the American Brownshirts burned American flags while waving Palestinian flags, defaced monuments with pro-Hamas graffiti, and, as Athena reported here, dumped a bunch of maggots on a table at the Watergate Hotel where some of the Israeli delegation was supposed to dine.

Yeah, they're super normal.

I tweeted out what I thought was a win/win for this situation:

Let's give these kids the Middle East experience they so obviously crave.

Make no mistake, the mobs are empowered by every Democrat who equivocates over the Israel/Hamas war. Harris and her colleagues may as well be passing out the Palestinian flags at the protests.

Madame Veep didn't have the time to attend Netanyahu's speech — she had urgent business speaking at a sorority somewhere. As Catherine reminds us, Harris was there with bells on when Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed Congress. Harris and Biden are going to meet with Netanyahu in private today, but the snub was noticeable.

Kamala Harris has far more in common with the flag burning lunatics who were protesting yesterday than she does with our staunch ally Israel. Like I said at the top, Netanyahu gave Trump-Vance '24 an in-kind contribution, because this is another anti-Harris ad that writes itself.

I'm not going to look at a calendar again until after November.

07-25-2024, 10:50 AM
I can get behind this, let's go fund me to send them to Tehran:

https://pjmedia.com/stephen-kruiser/2024/07/25/the-morning-briefing-the-free-palestine-nazis-get-more-unhinged-with-each-protest-n4931043Not to worry. The FBI will get to the bottom of this and have the whole mob tracked down and there'll be a House investigation, and trials all around:rolleyes:

Screw sending them to Tehran. Send them to Gaza where they can show their TRUE allegiance:rolleyes:

07-25-2024, 10:51 AM
I can get behind this, let's go fund me to send them to Tehran:


This seemingly random yet widespread crap amounts to nothing more than intimidation and terrorism. Freedom of speech apparently is only for those who haven't a clue what it means.