View Full Version : Many Republicans don’t align with new messages at GOP convention

07-17-2024, 08:41 AM
WP article

USA Political Discussion - Post New Thread (debatepolicy.com) (http://www.debatepolicy.com/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=4)

07-17-2024, 03:34 PM
WP article

USA Political Discussion - Post New Thread (debatepolicy.com) (http://www.debatepolicy.com/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=4)

Can't get to article

07-17-2024, 06:02 PM
Can't get to articleWas wondering about that. WP is a paid site. When I got this computer it has MSN loaded as home page, so I get whatever it chooses to show me. I assume MSN pays for paywall sites but doesn't allow me to share. Tight asses:rolleyes:

07-18-2024, 11:52 AM
"real conservatives"?


07-18-2024, 12:05 PM
^More real than the alternative.

Black Diamond
07-18-2024, 12:15 PM
WP article

USA Political Discussion - Post New Thread (debatepolicy.com) (http://www.debatepolicy.com/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=4)

What you mean the Jimmy Hoffa dude the other night?

Black Diamond
07-18-2024, 12:16 PM
^More real than the alternative.

Since no one can agree on what conservative means....

07-18-2024, 01:13 PM
Since no one can agree on what conservative means....Conservative ideology has a definition. How it is used/misused by politicos and media goofballs is the problem.

The basic issue in the article, IIRC, was about Trump's mission statement (bout all I can call it) for the GOP not aligning when many of the groups that comprise Republican party. Isolationists, anti-abortion being the two most prominent I can recall.

I'm going to say this about the Republicans that don't like it: They've had at least 20 years to take charge of their own party and push an agenda and all they've done is mealy-mouth around and cow tow to the Dems and MSM. Right or wrong, Trump and his disciples came along in a unified manner and have taken control and put out a unified platform to run on. The very thing I've been pound my fist on the table for Republican'ts to do since GWB had the Presidency and the House and Senate and did whatever that nasty asshole Reid told him to just to get along. Instead codifying things in law, EO's Obama promptly disregarded. When the Republicans have had the chance, they've spent their time squabbling with each other.

They've no one to blame but themselves, agree with Trump and his people or not. At this point, barring the next big surprise the MSM will provide shortly, it's Trump or whatever the Dems are going to put up.

Not just Republicans, but the American people as a whole, have brought us to this point and these choices.

Black Diamond
07-18-2024, 01:18 PM
Conservative ideology has a definition. How it is used/misused by politicos and media goofballs is the problem.

The basic issue in the article, IIRC, was about Trump's mission statement (bout all I can call it) for the GOP not aligning when many of the groups that comprise Republican party. Isolationists, anti-abortion being the two most prominent I can recall.

I'm going to say this about the Republicans that don't like it: They've had at least 20 years to take charge of their own party and push an agenda and all they've done is mealy-mouth around and cow tow to the Dems and MSM. Right or wrong, Trump and his disciples came along in a unified manner and have taken control and put out a unified platform to run on. The very thing I've been pound my fist on the table for Republican'ts to do since GWB had the Presidency and the House and Senate and did whatever that nasty asshole Reid told him to just to get along. Instead codifying things in law, EO's Obama promptly disregarded. When the Republicans have had the chance, they've spent their time squabbling with each other.

They've no one to blame but themselves, agree with Trump and his people or not. At this point, barring the next big surprise the MSM will provide shortly, it's Trump or whatever the Dems are going to put up.

Not just Republicans, but the American people as a whole, have brought us to this point and these choices.

Are abortion and gun control or lack thereof touched on in conservatives ideology?

07-18-2024, 01:55 PM
Are abortion and gun control or lack thereof touched on in conservatives ideology?Again, the conservative ideology tied to politics? Or just conservatism?

Gun control is an issue because it is a Second Amendment issue. It infringes on Rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Bearing in mind common sense used to be common, and there has to be some form of regulation because there were crazy people even in the 1700s. For the average citizen, I don't need government to tell me what to do with a firearm.

I don't know whether or not abortion falls into conservative ideology. It has been adopted by conservatives as part of conservative ideology. All I can say about that is I have known plenty of Democrats/liberals who were against abortion and my opinion is more akin to theirs. I'm against it, but do not feel it is my business to tell others how to live or die. You want to kill babies it isn't me you're going to have to try and wordsmith your way out of it to. In the end, we ALL answer to the Man.

07-18-2024, 05:25 PM
Since no one can agree on what conservative means....

I'm not sure that's true. Conservative is fairly clear cut, Republican not so much. RINO used to be a wishy washy Republican, now RINO is not trump; a complete flip because pre-2015 trump the best that could be said about him is RINO if you accept for a minute that he might have been a Republican in the first place. I trace his Republican birth to getting mocked by Obama.

Black Diamond
07-18-2024, 06:05 PM
I'm not sure that's true. Conservative is fairly clear cut, Republican not so much. RINO used to be a wishy washy Republican, now RINO is not trump; a complete flip because pre-2015 trump the best that could be said about him is RINO if you accept for a minute that he might have been a Republican in the first place. I trace his Republican birth to getting mocked by Obama.

I think he started running for president when he raised the birth question. I think he was in line with Ross Perot in 1992 (and would be today)
I remember him saying in maybe 2004 that he'd like to run for potus as a Democrat, as did Giuliani.

I can tell you that in 19th century Germany, the term "liberal" did not mean what it means in the US today. For those "liberals" it was all about tearing down trade barriers and making free markets.