View Full Version : Trump has 101% success in upcoming presidential election too

07-11-2024, 03:15 AM
In my previous post, I pointed the way to the US leader to reenter the White House for another term. His political arch-rival should not lose heart. Common sense will tell him that the so-called "101% success" is not the monopoly of a single candidate. In other words, if either candidate rushes to Moscow ahead of his political arch-rival before the November presidential election and succeeds to negotiate for a full Russian withdrawal from Ukraine, it will be game over for the other.


07-11-2024, 10:56 AM
In my previous post, I pointed the way to the US leader to reenter the White House for another term. His political arch-rival should not lose heart. Common sense will tell him that the so-called "101% success" is not the monopoly of a single candidate. In other words, if either candidate rushes to Moscow ahead of his political arch-rival before the November presidential election and succeeds to negotiate for a full Russian withdrawal from Ukraine, it will be game over for the other.


One has to wonder why, if you are referencing a previously posted thread with an add-on comment, one did not just add on to the previously posted thread. Just a thought.

I don't see a rush to Moscow prior to November. I'd say the odds of failure far exceed those of success. I also firmly believe any deal with Putin will be as sincere as the Von Ribbentrop pact with Nazi Germany.

07-15-2024, 04:21 PM
One has to wonder why, if you are referencing a previously posted thread with an add-on comment, one did not just add on to the previously posted thread. Just a thought.

I don't see a rush to Moscow prior to November. I'd say the odds of failure far exceed those of success. I also firmly believe any deal with Putin will be as sincere as the Von Ribbentrop pact with Nazi Germany.

Which country can balance the nuclear power of Russia except the sole superpower America?

Black Diamond
07-15-2024, 05:15 PM
I am tired of athletes who give 110 percent. Similar idea applies here.

07-15-2024, 05:37 PM
I am tired of athletes who give 110 percent. Similar idea applies here.

Mr Einstein, you had better rest in peace now. Please don't return from the Great Beyond to care about all the problems in this troublesome world. :angel:

Black Diamond
07-15-2024, 05:44 PM
Mr Einstein, you had better rest in peace now. Please don't return from the Great Beyond to care about all the problems in this troublesome world. :angel:

I don't think he could handle them

07-15-2024, 05:47 PM
I don't think he could handle them

Only America, the sole superpower, can balance the nuclear might of Russia.

07-15-2024, 06:30 PM
Which country can balance the nuclear power of Russia except the sole superpower America?Let's talk about your previous statement. Whoever can get Russia to fully withdraw, or words to that effect. I'd say anyone that can get Russia to fully withdraw will be a hero to half the Western World and accused of doing it for and by nefarious means by the other half.

You did not mention what "guarantees" Russia gives when making this withdrawal, not what Russia gets.

I'd be fine if Russia would just go home. Putin has put Russia and himself in the position that it cannot. Not and retain power. They are just too all in to walk away. So is everyone else.

09-07-2024, 03:07 AM
Let's talk about your previous statement. Whoever can get Russia to fully withdraw, or words to that effect. I'd say anyone that can get Russia to fully withdraw will be a hero to half the Western World and accused of doing it for and by nefarious means by the other half.

You did not mention what "guarantees" Russia gives when making this withdrawal, not what Russia gets.

I'd be fine if Russia would just go home. Putin has put Russia and himself in the position that it cannot. Not and retain power. They are just too all in to walk away. So is everyone else.

Asking "guarantees" from Russia for making a withdrawal is just like asking a tiger to guarantee your safety when you stand beside the beast.

Why did Putin choose Ukraine as its first target in his goal of restoring Russia's imperial past? In my opinion, it is because the first “Russian” state was established in present-day Kyiv in the 9th century.

If you read Russian history, you will find that it had successfully "nibbled" away a lot of territories from many of its neighbours at various times in history since its establishment. For instance, Russia had taken advantage of Japan's defeat by the US at the end of World War II to invade and occupy the four southernmost Kuril Islands of Japan.

I think he has underestimated Ukraine's resistance to his invasion. He might have thought at first that his invasion of Ukraine would be short and easy like his invasion and annexation of Crimea. However, to his disappointment, he discovered that he had walked into his own trap and found it hard to extricate himself from the war of attrition honourably "without loss of face".





09-07-2024, 03:21 AM
One has to wonder why, if you are referencing a previously posted thread with an add-on comment, one did not just add on to the previously posted thread. Just a thought.

I don't see a rush to Moscow prior to November. I'd say the odds of failure far exceed those of success. I also firmly believe any deal with Putin will be as sincere as the Von Ribbentrop pact with Nazi Germany.

Just to show that I am fair to both presidential candidates, with no intention of interfering in the US election.