View Full Version : Trump Asks For Manhattan Delay On Sentencing Citing SCOTUS Ruling

07-02-2024, 10:28 AM
shockingly, Bragg has said he won't oppose:


That Was Quick: Trump Makes Immunity Claim to Throw Out Manhattan Conviction (Update)ED MORRISSEY 11:20 AM | July 02, 2024

AP Photo/Rick Scuteri
Never let it be said that Donald Trump let the grass grow under his feet when opportunity arises. Just hours after the Supreme Court ruled on presidential immunity, Trump and his team filed a motion in Judge Juan Merchan's court to set aside his conviction on the basis of the decision.

Is this a PR strategy, a kitchen-sink strategy -- or a winning strategy?

Donald J. Trump began an effort on Monday to throw out his recent criminal conviction in Manhattan and postpone his upcoming sentencing, citing a new Supreme Court ruling that granted him broad immunity from prosecution for official actions he took as president, according to a person with knowledge of the matter. ...

The effort to set aside the conviction might be a long shot. The Manhattan case centers on acts Mr. Trump took as a candidate, not a president.

Yet his lawyers are likely to argue that prosecutors built their case partly on evidence from his time in the White House. And under the Supreme Court’s new ruling, prosecutors not only may not charge a president for any official acts, but also cannot cite evidence involving official acts to bolster other accusations.

At first blush, this looks more like a kitchen-sink or desperation strategy, for reasons I'll explain in a moment. It doesn't necessarily mean that it won't have an impact. In fact, the New York Times suggests it already has produced one change in the process, albeit a potentially minor one:

It is unclear how the Manhattan district attorney’s office, which brought the case, will respond, or whether the judge will delay the first sentencing of an American president. But Mr. Trump’s effort appeared to cause at least a brief interruption: The district attorney’s office did not on Monday make a sentencing recommendation to the judge about whether to imprison Mr. Trump, as was expected.

A spokeswoman for the district attorney’s office declined to comment.

I'd tend to think that this is correlative rather than causative. Whatever issues may be at play in Alvin Bragg's office, I doubt that presidential immunity would be among them. (See update below.)

Let's recap in brief what Trump v US establishes about presidential immunity. Roberts set up three classes of actions for scrutiny in immunity claims:

official acts within the 'core' of a president's constitutional duties
official acts outside of that narrower scope
acts that have nothing to do with the office or its duties
Absolute immunity applies only to the first category, such as (in this instance) Trump's discussions with the Attorney General about election-fraud investigations. Presumptive immunity applies to all other official actions as president, over which courts have to hold an evidentiary hearing to determine whether individual acts are immune from prosecution. Motive can't play a role in that determination; the act itself has to be illegal on its face, not used as a building block to allege some other crime. (This may have a big impact on the RICO case in Georgia, if that ever gets to trial at all.)

On any other acts outside a president's execution of duties in office, though, anything goes. That would obviously include acts committed before taking office (or even being elected to it), such as the alleged payoff scheme to Stormy Daniels and the records manipulation to hide it. Even if Trump manipulated those records as president (they extended into his presidency), those are not official acts of the office; they are acts associated with Trump's private businesses.

It seems very clear that everything in the Manhattan case falls into the third bucket. It's not enough that some of the alleged acts took place while Trump was president -- and even if it did, Merchan would only need to vacate those counts specific to that time frame. To qualify for any consideration of immunity, the acts would have to be related to specific presidential duties. While that does apply in Georgia and the two Jack Smith trials-to-be, the Manhattan charges have nothing to do with presidential duties.

Thus, this motion will be easy for Merchan to dismiss, and there's absolutely no reason to think he'd be inclined to seriously consider it anyway. This motion is likely intended to set a marker for an appeal on the basis of immunity after the Supreme Court decision, but it's not likely to get much traction there either. That's all right, because there are plenty of better grounds on which to challenge this Frankenstein of a case by Bragg than on immunity. In that sense, it's a kitchen-sink strategy, as well as good for a short-term PR boost. But that's probably all of the mileage Trump will get out of the SCOTUS ruling in Manhattan.

Addendum. This will have one other salutary effect -- it will demonstrate the silliness of the hysteria over a fairly middle-of-the-road approach on presidential immunity taken by Roberts and the 6-3 majority.

Update: This does seem interesting, although perhaps not dispositive:

Manhattan prosecutors said they would be open to delaying Donald Trump’s sentencing in his criminal hush money case following a Supreme Court’s ruling that granted broad immunity protections to presidents.

In a letter filed Tuesday, prosecutors with the Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office said they would be open to delaying the July 11 sentencing for up to two weeks.

That would put sentencing -- and potential imprisonment -- off until after the convention. But just because Bragg's office doesn't oppose a delay doesn't mean that Merchan will agree to one, especially on the issue of an immunity doctrine that doesn't seem to apply to this case. Stay tuned.

07-02-2024, 11:52 AM
Is it just me or is the ruling not very shocking in reality?


Black Diamond
07-02-2024, 11:59 AM
The leftist judges gave a warning in their dissent about elevating the potus and how it can affect American democracy. Why do they say it that way instead of how it may affect the republic?

07-02-2024, 12:03 PM
Is it just me or is the ruling not very shocking in reality?


Not shocking at all. IMO if not for the lawfare it likely would not have come up, it's the persecutors that made it necessary to spell out.


07-02-2024, 12:07 PM
The leftist judges gave a warning in their dissent about elevating the potus and how it can affect American democracy. Why do they say it that way instead of how it may affect the republic?


07-02-2024, 12:15 PM

I'm going to go out on a limb and say King David would not have been immune from actions in Uriah-gate had he merely been POTUS.

And maybe the upside of all this is Congress might begin to care about itself as an institution again.

Black Diamond
07-02-2024, 12:16 PM
King trump. Ill take it. (sarcasm over). These people are insane.i can't even...

07-02-2024, 12:18 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb and say King David would not have been immune from actions in Uriah-gate had he merely been POTUS.

And maybe the upside of all this is Congress might begin to care about itself as an institution again.
One can hope...

07-02-2024, 01:11 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb and say King David would not have been immune from actions in Uriah-gate had he merely been POTUS.

Yep, and even as king David's powers were limited since he actually lived in a "THEOCRACY".
Where the law of Moses was the highest law of the land.
Plus The unelected Prophets could call him out (and did).
And the law appointed Priest could call him out. (and...well.. they could)

And maybe the upside of all this is Congress might begin to care about itself as an institution again.

After getting permission from Lockhead, Pfizer, Goldman Sachs, ExxonMobil, AIPAC etc..

07-02-2024, 06:36 PM
shockingly, Bragg has said he won't oppose:


[/B]Wasn't Trump convicted for personal business dealings?

07-02-2024, 06:39 PM

The usual from the left. Take it to the extreme:rolleyes: I don't think murder is covered by official acts. Then again, I'm mostly a reasonable person.

07-02-2024, 06:40 PM
Yep, and even as king David's powers were limited since he actually lived in a "THEOCRACY".
Where the law of Moses was the highest law of the land.
Plus The unelected Prophets could call him out (and did).
And the law appointed Priest could call him out. (and...well.. they could)

After getting permission from Lockhead, Pfizer, Goldman Sachs, ExxonMobil, AIPAC etc..:rolleyes:

07-03-2024, 06:25 AM
Wasn't Trump convicted for personal business dealings?

I think I heard that the question was that they used evidence from the time that he might have been immune from official acts.

07-03-2024, 05:53 PM
I think I heard that the question was that they used evidence from the time that he might have been immune from official acts.Are we on the same case? I thought he was found guilty of selling his product? Point being, that doesn't have anything to do with official acts.

Hard to keep track of all the accusations against him.

07-03-2024, 07:38 PM
Are we on the same case? I thought he was found guilty of selling his product? Point being, that doesn't have anything to do with official acts.

Hard to keep track of all the accusations against him.

Pretty sure it had to do with the joke of a case with a bigger joke of judge. Pretty much let Bragg say and put on everything he wanted, no blocking. Now it's biting them both in the rear.

07-04-2024, 07:52 AM
Are we on the same case? I thought he was found guilty of selling his product? Point being, that doesn't have anything to do with official acts.

Hard to keep track of all the accusations against him.

Maybe. I was talking about the hush money case.

07-04-2024, 05:12 PM
Maybe. I was talking about the hush money case.Oh. I was thinking about the other one where that sue happy shrew bucking for higher office found him guilty of being a salesman. That's another case that never sees the light of day unless you're Trump.