View Full Version : Fighting Back At University Anti-Semitism

06-30-2024, 09:05 AM
Only way to get these schools to stop is to sue:


Jewish students sue UCLA, claim school allowed anti-Israel protesters to block them from campusOn June 5, three Jewish UCLA students sued the university for not shutting down pro-Palestinian encampments, alleging discrimination against Jews.
'The University of California, Los Angeles, once considered among the most prestigious public institutions in the world, has deteriorated into a hotbed of antisemitism,' the lawsuit alleges.

Patrick McDonald '26 | Michigan Correspondent
June 29, 2024, 11:00 am ET
On June 5, three Jewish UCLA students sued the university for not shutting down pro-Palestinian encampments, alleging discrimination against Jews. They are seeking an injunctive and monetary relief for various constitutional and civil rights violations, like Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The plaintiffs contend that the UCLA administration failed to adequately protect Jewish students on campus in the wake of the Oct. 7 attack against Israel and the subsequent surge in anti-Semitism at American institutions of higher education.

“The University of California, Los Angeles, once considered among the most prestigious public institutions in the world, has deteriorated into a hotbed of antisemitism,” the lawsuit alleges.

[RELATED: Harvard gets an ‘F’ grade from the ADL when it comes to protecting Jewish students]

“In the wake of these horrifying events, UCLA should have taken steps to ensure that its Jewish students were safe and protected from harassment and undeterred in obtaining full access to campus facilities,” the lawsuit asserts. “Instead, UCLA officials routinely turned their backs on Jewish students, aiding and abetting a culture that has allowed calls for the annihilation of the Jewish people, Nazi symbolism, and religious slurs to go unchecked.”

“With the knowledge and acquiescence of UCLA officials, the activists enforced what was effectively a ‘Jew Exclusion Zone,’ segregating Jewish students and preventing them from accessing the heart of campus, including classroom buildings and the main undergraduate library,” the suit states.

“[UCLA] knew,” defense attorney Mark Rienzi told the Beverly Hills Courier. “They knew the people were chanting, ‘death to the Jews,’ and things like that. Yet, they chose to allow them to have access to that part of campus, allow them to exclude other people, and then UCLA instructed its police officers and security staff not to help people through.”

Rienzi said that one of UCLA’s faults was failing to shut down the pro-Palestine encampment that formed on UCLA’s campus in a timely fashion.

[RELATED: Students for Justice in Palestine plan ‘national strike,’ pledge to avoid work, school, and spending]

“One of their choices was just to allow this to continue for a while and to help it to continue, and that’s illegal and unconstitutional and wrong, and they weren’t allowed to do that,” Rienzi continued. “But I think they thought or hoped they could just go along with it, and it would be OK. And it’s just illegal to do that to people.”

Rienzi concluded by saying that discrimination against Jewish students has been allowed to be upheld, claiming a unique antipathy toward the Jewish people from members of UCLA leadership and California government.

“If masked agitators had excluded any other marginalized group at UCLA, Gov. Gavin Newsom rightly would have sent in the National Guard immediately,” Rienzi said. “But UCLA instead caved to the antisemitic activists and allowed its Jewish students to be segregated from the heart of their own campus. That is a profound and illegal failure of leadership.”

Campus Reform has contacted the University of California, Los Angeles for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.

06-30-2024, 10:33 AM
Only way to get these schools to stop is to sue:

Sad state of affairs in general when the answer to everything nowadays is to sue. The government is not the only ones abusing the system.

06-30-2024, 11:20 AM
Sad state of affairs in general when the answer to everything nowadays is to sue. The government is not the only ones abusing the system.

I get it. In this cas though, it seems the only alternative to me.

Black Diamond
06-30-2024, 11:31 AM
This is frightening. Makes me think of kaths thread about how this is like Germany in the 30s.

06-30-2024, 12:42 PM
I get it. In this cas though, it seems the only alternative to me.Agreed. Seems to be the only way to get things done anymore in life in general and government. Don't like the answer? Sue.

IMO it has come to this because people hide from responsibility and won't make decisions at the lowest levels. That society is filled with spoiled brats whose only response is "I'll sue" because I'm not getting my way" is only part of the problem. A lack of leadership is another.

For instance: UT President said nope, not on my watch and Abbott sent in the state police. There just wasn't going to be any of that sh*t, and the hope-for backlash the left tried to foment backfired.

There is no real answer to where one's rights begin and another's end, except in the observable goal. The racist shit-stirrers here were called what they are and handled accordingly. And none of the responsible people caved to the left's catterwalling.

06-30-2024, 12:45 PM
This is frightening. Makes me think of kaths thread about how this is like Germany in the 30s.There are more similarities than dissimilarities. And the silent majority either went along to get along, or did nothing -- same result -- while a band of thugs took over the government. Gaetz and MTG come to mind as the extremes that are just a start. Other side of the coin you got the Squad and everybody's just picking the lesser of two evils. Evil is still evil, be it less or more.

Black Diamond
06-30-2024, 12:47 PM
There are more similarities than dissimilarities. And the silent majority either went along to get along, or did nothing -- same result -- while a band of thugs took over the government. Gaetz and MTG come to mind as the extremes that are just a start. Other side of the coin you got the Squad and everybody's just picking the lesser of two evils. Evil is still evil, be it less or more.

Who is behind the jew hating?

Black Diamond
06-30-2024, 12:50 PM
Also i kinda get where you're coming from because there wasa power struggle between communists socialists and nazis circa what 1930 in Germany

06-30-2024, 01:03 PM
Also i kinda get where you're coming from because there wasa power struggle between communists socialists and nazis circa what 1930 in Germany

And how did the nazi's handle it? They painted communism as the be-all end-all of evils, perpetrated upon the german poor mainly by wealthy Jews preying in them. You've got both your evil and perpetrators of it right there. Say it loud and long. Never mind the fact that there is little difference if any between national socialism (that is somehow nowadays "right wing") and communism. Both worship and exist for and at the pleasure of the state.

Responding to your previous question, Jews are clannish and different. At one time primarily the merchant class (who handled unclean things --money), and they managed as a clan to become wealthy. It's real easy to demonize a group by pointing at what they have to the have nots. The Dems have been pulling that crap for years yet there seems to be as many wealthy dems as there are conservatives.

Black Diamond
06-30-2024, 01:08 PM
And how did the nazi's handle it? They painted communism as the be-all end-all of evils, perpetrated upon the german poor mainly by wealthy Jews preying in them. You've got both your evil and perpetrators of it right there. Say it loud and long. Never mind the fact that there is little difference if any between national socialism (that is somehow nowadays "right wing") and communism. Both worship and exist for and at the pleasure of the state.

Responding to your previous question, Jews are clannish and different. At one time primarily the merchant class (who handled unclean things --money), and they managed as a clan to become wealthy. It's real easy to demonize a group by pointing at what they have to the have nots. The Dems have been pulling that crap for years yet there seems to be as many wealthy dems as there are conservatives.

I think under mussolini and Hitler you were allowed to own property and businesses

06-30-2024, 01:12 PM
I think under mussolini and Hitler you were allowed to own property and businessesSure. Another comparison: You mean like here where you can own property or businesses unless the state decides otherwise and hits you with imminent domain or goes after your business?

Black Diamond
06-30-2024, 01:16 PM
But who is behind the jew hating at universities here? My guess is the left, not the right or alt right.

Black Diamond
06-30-2024, 01:28 PM
Sure. Another comparison: You mean like here where you can own property or businesses unless the state decides otherwise and hits you with imminent domain or goes after your business?

Running a highway where your house is?

06-30-2024, 02:07 PM
Running a highway where your house is?Seen that happen. Ran IH37 right through the electric company shop where my grandfather used to work. They had to relocate. Fortunately, it was a union shop and business was good. Wonder how many mom-n-pop shops didn't survive government-mandated lockdowns? We know Pelosi's hair salon survived.

The premise being you can be who your want and own what you want in this country. With the right permits and kisses of approval. The government here, at various levels, can come after you in a variety of ways. And you don't even have to be wrong. What's the main story of this thread? The government can sue you, then outspend you until you go bust. An elbow nudge here or there and no permits. Failing that, they can always send the IRS your way. Or they could have round the clock agents being obvious as Hell (while inconspicuous :rolleyes:) in your business. That doesn't just sway the minds of criminals. It sways the minds of those who wonder just why those agents are there.

The Nazis were just more straight-forward. They raided your establishment and closed it.

Black Diamond
06-30-2024, 02:22 PM
Seen that happen. Ran IH37 right through the electric company shop where my grandfather used to work. They had to relocate. Fortunately, it was a union shop and business was good. Wonder how many mom-n-pop shops didn't survive government-mandated lockdowns? We know Pelosi's hair salon survived.

The premise being you can be who your want and own what you want in this country. With the right permits and kisses of approval. The government here, at various levels, can come after you in a variety of ways. And you don't even have to be wrong. What's the main story of this thread? The government can sue you, then outspend you until you go bust. An elbow nudge here or there and no permits. Failing that, they can always send the IRS your way. Or they could have round the clock agents being obvious as Hell (while inconspicuous :rolleyes:) in your business. That doesn't just sway the minds of criminals. It sways the minds of those who wonder just why those agents are there.

The Nazis were just more straight-forward. They raided your establishment and closed it.

Who was the guy who made headlines maybe 8 years ago? Clive bundy

06-30-2024, 10:39 PM
And how did the nazi's handle it? They painted communism as the be-all end-all of evils, perpetrated upon the german poor mainly by wealthy Jews preying in them. You've got both your evil and perpetrators of it right there. Say it loud and long. Never mind the fact that there is little difference if any between national socialism (that is somehow nowadays "right wing") and communism. Both worship and exist for and at the pleasure of the state.

Responding to your previous question, Jews are clannish and different. At one time primarily the merchant class (who handled unclean things --money), and they managed as a clan to become wealthy. It's real easy to demonize a group by pointing at what they have to the have nots. The Dems have been pulling that crap for years yet there seems to be as many wealthy dems as there are conservatives.

The irony being that they were forced to be clannish and different. Christians were not able to loan money so people wanting loans were forced into the ghetto to borrow from the Jews.

Black Diamond
06-30-2024, 10:43 PM
The irony being that they were forced to be clannish and different. Christians were not able to loan money so people wanting loans were forced into the ghetto to borrow from the Jews.

When are you referring to?

06-30-2024, 10:47 PM
The irony being that they were forced to be clannish and different. Christians were not able to loan money so people wanting loans were forced into the ghetto to borrow from the Jews.

I know there were Jews that managed to smuggle some jewelry, but not many. The Germans pretty much stripped those in concentration camps or ghettos, didn't have much money for loan making, that I know of. Some that escaped out through Austria before it fell and Switzerland or lucky to leave early enough for France they did better in converting their goods to jewels and leaving, but that was before the actually rounding up.

06-30-2024, 10:51 PM
When are you referring to?

Centuries ago.